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Because they dont want any criminals entering.

How about you have Derek question them?

@ Cynthia: Its a generic town with generic guards. Why didnt you ask me more about this before i posted it?

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I like Repeade better than Raven. I good with Rita and Repeade, but I keep those two and Yuri and Estelle in the party. I'm at the forest you get Raven in. :awesome:

Appearently I'm good with fast people and mages, since I'm good with Sheena, Genis, and Collette from Symphonia. I've only played Symphonia 1 & 2, and Vesperia. I watched the Phantasia OVA though...

Going with Rita, finishing sheet, than signing up.

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Damian was promiscuous in military school.The girls loved him,the guys hated him...well,some of the guys liked him,but they were more of a fan club of sorts...

He was...notorious,I guess is a good word.When the princess enrolled,he was in his graduating year,so most of his flings had happened already,and were known throughout the school.Like I said,most of the girls liked him,so the first years would hear a lot about him from any work they did with older students.(This happens a lot in this particular school,in that high-scoring students in higher years would help teach the younger students,if the teacher felt they were good enough.And the girls talk to their students,you can make the connection)

As for why the princess would care:

-Son of a hero.Bethold visited the emperor of Halton quite a bit(that is why the estate,it was a gift from the emperor to Bethold).Because of this,she knows Damian already,atleast somewhat,since he would often go with his father on visits to the capitol.

-He is a decently high-ranking officer.This means he is eligible to receive missions directly from the emperor,which he has in the past.To do this,he obviously goes to the palace.

-Legacy in academy,explained this already.

-She is a member of the military herself.Because of this,she respects his position as a Colonel,and,she has worked with him previously(they were assigned to the same regiment when she graduated.At the time,he was a Lieutenant.)

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@ Ether: Why the fuck will a princess enroll in a military academy? You have no say over that unless Snowy appointed you. If he does that then i claim Elysima.

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@ Cynthia

Kai's on a standard power trip.

@ Snike

I actually like the name Rita. Nice job, Psych, you picked an okay name.

@ Ether

You're hurting yourself here >_>'

@ Kai

You can't claim two countries!

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An emperor tends to have a good deal of children,so he can have a son to succeed him.This is one person,and I brought it up before without any complaints,that a princess of Halton had enrolled in the military.

Also,militaristic nation.Royal children would be expected to attempt to learn to fight,she used it to join military.

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All the girls loved him and very popular?

..................You just destroyed Damian's credibility as a well rounded good character. This is something a bad fanfic writer would come up with.

And princesses would be taught basic self defense, not be knights. Although I guess Minerva was a general so it's not too bad.

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Yeah, but, I don't want to hear this in my head every time I read her name.

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This has all been discussed before,Sage.Damian slept around in school,he was popular with the girls in school.This was a good deal of time ago.None of the girls he slept with in school care about him now,and he doesn`t care about any of the.It is a thing of the past.

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We should probably at least get to a town before more Chandler happens.

I can't decide what unit to pick for my FE7 Drafting tourney. I only have Hector/Marcus until Erk shows up, but the best remaining earlygame choice is like...Bartre, as opposed to taking an awesome later unit like Harken.

Bartre is much better than people give him credit for. I saw you took Harken this time, but if Bartre is still around, the more early units you have, the easier Kinships Bond and Noble Lady of Caelin will be, and they're probably two of the hardest maps in the entire run. Having Pent, Harken, and presumably a late Louise draft leaves you very late-join heavy, and you need to start supplementing with early game, IMO.

She would be more of a cameo than anything.There are benefits to either group meeting her

Jerdon:Good chance she knows Charlotte,leads to capitol

Main Group:Damian was famous in military school,she would likely have stories of some sort.Makes canonical sense that a Halton regiment meets up with them,since they would know Damian survived by now.

As for no royalty,Snowy can control her if it's a problem,of course.

Did Damian ever get reprimanded for letting that noble vacationing in Vaorin get killed and losing his entire regiment, or did I miss that? A royal reprimand could be entertaining.

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You totally need to have the girl that deflowered him show up and meet Esphyr and Aiya.


Yeah, she's already cheap at like level 25 with me Over Limiting her and spamming Splash and Champagne.

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Not yet.The group hasn't given him time to report in as alive yet.That was one of my plans for the princess,but people don't want her to exist,because I'm a horrible person who does nothing but try to get a character laid in an obscure fan-forum for a niche game series.We all know it's my whole life.

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Bartre is much better than people give him credit for.

You mean the same Barte with 3 speed?

Did Damian ever get reprimanded for letting that noble vacationing in Vaorin get killed and losing his entire regiment, or did I miss that? A royal reprimand could be entertaining.

You just gave me an idea. Though a little harsh i can put it into use.

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Yeah, she's already cheap at like level 25 with me Over Limiting her and spamming Splash and Champagne.

... I prefer Yuri, simply because of all the crazy Sh*t I can do with him. But yeah.

@ Ether: Kai and Sage, are really most of the opposition. IDC, because it's a Cameo.

@Psych again: Post the sign-up sheet please?

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Not yet.The group hasn't given him time to report in as alive yet.That was one of my plans for the princess,but people don't want her to exist,because I'm a horrible person who does nothing but try to get a character laid in an obscure fan-forum for a niche game series.We all know it's my whole life.

I tried not to lol ... but I lol'd >_>'

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That was one of my plans for the princess,but people don't want her to exist,because I'm a horrible person who does nothing but try to get a character laid in an obscure fan-forum for a niche game series.We all know it's my whole life.

This is the impression people get. How about you stop it with the innuendos and actually RP without having your character sex up another?

@ Snike: No its not about Damian getting layed. Its about him being perfect. Why would the princess care about Damian? Before you say Bethold visited the king let me remind you Bethold is not Ether's character.

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Bartre is much better than people give him credit for. I saw you took Harken this time, but if Bartre is still around, the more early units you have, the easier Kinships Bond and Noble Lady of Caelin will be, and they're probably two of the hardest maps in the entire run. Having Pent, Harken, and presumably a late Louise draft leaves you very late-join heavy, and you need to start supplementing with early game, IMO.

I'm hoping that people don't pick Dorcas/Bartre before my next turn comes up. If not, earlygame gets ugly, though as long as I have Marcus it shouldn't be *too* terrible. If people take the axemen, I guess Isadora is next, she'll help me get through Kinship's Bond and is overall decent. Though I really just have to defend there since I doubt I'll be needing the Knight's Crest.

FE8 might be an interesting drafting tourney. Seth should probably be banned though.

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This is kinda funny because Damian isn't actually all that popular with the girls(not by overall comparison. He's got a grand total of forty-eight encounters, but there are only two women in the party that like him that way. Meanwhile, we have Levski who's broken down Viv's bullsh*t barriers, and has Irina in the palm of his hands. Iso has Katie now apparently, and Viveka wouldn't be a stretch either given her love of pyrotechnics.

@ Cynthia and Bal

What's a drafting tournament?

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