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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I wasn't really aware of the larger group ever going to bed in the first place, so yeah that seems like a ninja-skip. Not like we were doing anything that couldn't be done in the morning though.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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So if Iso got taught as a teenager and they started their relationship pretty soon, is his teacher a pedophile?

Iso's 23

Miranda was probably the same age as Katie but no more than five years older.(never decided her age)

FYI: Miranda's only been dead for four months.

XD I'm supposing that actually made sense in the RP, since it sounds like it came out of nowhere to me XD And I can't actually imagine the Iso I knew saying that XD

Cynthia's point about new players is valid, people who browse the thread aren't going to go back and start reading from chapter 1. And such references might make it seem like this is some weird cybersex RP and that the actual detailed stuff happened before. Again, I don't know the entire story behind it since I can't be bothered reading the RP, but I don't really think that sex needs be brought into the picture at all. Since I find it really hard to believe that it's necessary for anything other then Aiya/Damian support development. A restriction sounds rather silly, but some probably need it :/ The desperate cyber boys on here who make love to their own characters and that idiot that faps to grandma bluehead


Zombie Pedophile Miranda?

Nope, haven't found a new RP, not sure I want to, Rp'ing is losing light in my eyes. Pretty much only logged on Serenes for the chat since the other forums are rather quiet today.


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I don't really want all my characters to have rivals, but why does the new shaman seem strangely similar to Cess?

Because you both came up with the same generic excuse for joining the group.

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I honestly don't care what Snowy's having whether it be a mental breakdown, or physical meltdown. Though I suppose if he had a mental breakdown, he could revise his ideas and thought process over again, and then, maybe his plots won't be so stupid :/

Kai's not making sense? :/ That's new, he was always borderline reasonable when I saw his posts, but that was mainly due to his posts seldom involving anyone other then Helios.

Psych.... well I've heard of his antics, I know he screwed up with the mage girls, but that's only one case (a big one, but still only one). Hence the reason I say 80% and not 100%

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Yes, but I came up with it first. So that means I win. :awesome:

He could go Pary and be all mercenary with a vengence or something, maybe know the group in some way (heard of Morgan before), or Alf style and be some sort of guide. Heck, he could try being some doctor and fix Morgan's cough. (I know that wouldn't work, but you get the point)

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@ Cuddles

Oh yeah, Morgan lost her CW. She's dying. And an NPC I made got killed. Not important but still something to point and laugh at.

@ Sage

Cripes, Sage! I was the one with the crush, but you're making me look like her arch enemy or something :/

Also, no, she wasn't a pedo.

Iso's age while being schooled by Miranda: 22-23

Miranda's age while schooling Iso: 25-31(still haven't settled on an age)

Okay I'm leaving. See you guys in a few hours ... except for Cuddles since she will vanish again.

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I'm back. I'm sorry for snapping earlier.

And Naddy, the reason why I'm involved in 90% of the idiocy is because it's my RP. By default I'm required to have my fingers in most everything in some way, shape, or form. I won't deny that a large portion of it is because I suck, but the main reason is that.

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Again, why are they are messing around with people who left the party (and may never return as far as they know) when their goal is to get the CWs? You think they would, you know, try to hinder or get a weapon from their actual targets.

Omniscient enemies are also annoying. If Helenos has a crystal ball, don't see why PCs can't have them.

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Eg: Cynthia's apparently this RP's second, and she's easily 10% of the RP, but her idiocy contribution is less then 0.1. Just cause it's your RP, doesn't mean you have to be contributing to the nonsenseical idiocy that takes place in it.

(Snowy=sucks)= ..... No objections from me :/ Just remember you said that, not me :/ I just think you're incompetent :P


I've got a few other things to do online, but thanks for the offer.

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If anything, they should be after Eric, because of the Goddess meeting in Chapter 9.

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Only place I visit on Serenes is here, and occasionally serious discussion if this place is dead. I only signed up for Serenes because of this RP. And since the Rp's been degraded to crap (in my eyes) I actually don't have any incentive to log on other then talk to some of you, and flaming the rest of you.

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