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The party split didn't help either. It's not that it split, but that I didn't expect it and it wasn't as clean as it could have been.

I don't see what was wrong with it. You should have foreseen that any plot involving talking to Jace would cause some group members issues.

You tried to railroad us into it, and then you set Godmod Psych on us. Why couldn't you just let me handle it? Obviously that group was going to rejoin at some point.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Cynthia. Please let me control generic soldiers and strangle them. PLEASE.

Edit: OH SNAP. Eric's mom is Septimian.

Heinz is Septimian. He's just not particularly loyal to the country or anyone in general. Haven't picked out a skill for him either but I don't care enough about it to worry right now. :lol: (And watch Heinz die next stat battle because of that.)

The RP Chat has been rather dramatic and whiney today. I could add my opinion, but I'm not really inclined to join in with the arguing and all.

Some random copy paste of Reika if Kanami still happens to be on.

"Your misery to others clearly," said Reika, growing bored with the argument.

"Sure sure, you're being kept around so the men around here have something to fondle, and in her case, the women.

Maybe if you acted smart for once, you wouldn't hear all this. Instead of just ignoring the sane approach and being able to complete your mission with little difficulty, you choose to do the opposite and then you whine and complain when I tell you that you were all behaving stupidly."

Reika glared them at them all in hatred.

"Ok fine. Spend all your time fondling each other. Attack authority figures for little reason. Cause trouble in inns. See if I care. But don't whine and complain if you get in big trouble with the authorities ok? Because it's your own damn fault! I may be a coward, but at least I'm smart. Got it?" she said, gritting her teeth. She would get her dagger back and if she had to, she'd kill Lev as well.

Reika slammed the door to her room and stabbed the wall. She kept doing it over and over until her anger was spent. She slumped on the bed.

Why should I care about them? I was prepared to kill them if necessary already, why am I trying to keep them alive? This is crazy. Maybe it's starting to rub off on me.

Maybe some rest will do me some good. thought Reika. She grabbed her dagger and placed it under the pillow, ready to kill anybody who moved towards her.

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Actually here, I'm being fair. It's even numbers, and they're following rules. I mean Eric has two skills. But they needed to make a reappearance, and so did Helenos. The retrieval of the group can happen after Jace, and I won't even make it the Shoon islands. It'll be that desert in Halton even.


They knocked out your character, and have rule-alligned stats. I don't think so.

Edited by psychout50
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So, How much is miniboss hit EXP? Just so I can have Eric's EXP notched up.

Verry's most likely down, BTW.

@Whistler: I was just commenting on how psych called them Septimians.

Edit: Psych, I get a counter before second engagement. Nice try. I won't ignore the attack, though.

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I don't see what was wrong with it. You should have foreseen that any plot involving talking to Jace would cause some group members issues.

You tried to railroad us into it, and then you set Godmod Psych on us. Why couldn't you just let me handle it? Obviously that group was going to rejoin at some point.

Actually, I didn't foresee the group member split or problems. More of I simply didn't think of it at the time than anything else. I also didn't try to railroad you. If I had done so, I would have summoned up a horde of etherial zombies that could only be despelled by someone/thing located in Septimus and had you forced there. Instead, I went off of what I figured the characters would likely have done. Namely, Naelia figures that the group is either gonna get there eventually, but in the mean time she's gonna steal all she can. Meanwhile, Helenos just wants the sisters out of her hair and not risking losing a CW. If they die, so be it. If they drag a few down with them, good. If not, at least she has some time without them.

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Except for the fact that their actions make no fucking sense!

If Helenos does have some sort of scrying device (not established previously), then why the hell is she looking at the people she barely knows instead of the Crimson Weapons that are her entire purpose in the plot?

Even if she does look at the smaller group for some reason, how does she know the reason they broke off wasn't some falling out?(thus making them bad bait) They're not even good bait, since the majority of the party doesn't care about them that much.

You guys need to actually think through your plans before implementing them.

Also, fair my ass. You got to attack first again (enemies rarely do that), and knocked Alf out without having to roll to attack.

Helenos doesn't want her servants trying to get any Crimson Weapons, and Naelia doesn't want to steal from the group that can actually fulfill her request (not to mention issues with both of them knowing about the group split)? In character my ass.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I mean Berry. My bad. She's at one ATM, with Miracle already activated. Rolling for Dani now.

Edit: Helenos is after Eric, if anyone.

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Okay, Alf isn't killing them, they aren't killing Alf. They just aren't fighting him. Or he can, but his interaction will be plot, will the other's are stats.

Because she's the princess. She's good bait whether they're angry or not.

I did think this out. For like 3 days even.

They hit the group first, not the other way around. They would all attack before the others, since they are provoking them.

And see Snowy's post on the CW's.

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Okay, Alf isn't killing them, they aren't killing Alf. They just aren't fighting him. Or he can, but his interaction will be plot, will the other's are stats.

Fucking stupid. You do not get to make this decision without Sage's approval.

Because she's the princess. She's good bait whether they're angry or not.

And how the hell do Helenos and her minions know this? Are they omniscient?

I did think this out. For like 3 days even.

Well then you just fail at logic and not godmodding.

And see Snowy's post on the CW's.

Yeah, Helenos wouldn't want to have her servants doing things like achieving her one goal in life. That would be stupid.

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Thanks Whistler, Though to be honest I don't really mind what Sage does with Reika, but for the sake of conversation I'll provide comments.... I suppose. (Keep in mind, Reika is now Sage's character, not mine, so what he does is completely up to him, Though I'd still prefer she doesn't go about shouting "Oral SEX!")


First post (A Misery) doesn't make any sense to me, but it looks okay

Second post (Smart for once) Sounds more like pre-wipe Kamilla, but it's within her character I guess.

Third post (Attack authority) I can understand you trying to portray Reika as the voice of reason, but Reika's not exactly the reasonable type :/ She certainly wouldn't have anything against attacking authority figures, on the contrary she'd probably applaud the act. (Dislikes authority)I'm not sure what the status is with her daggers, but I'm assuming she still has her CW? :/

Fourth post (Stabby wall) Does this make sense? in the Third post Reika didn't have her daggers(?) and preaching not to get in trouble, then she goes back to her room and starts damaging private property...... Definitely not the way I would have done it, but I suppose you needed to work her into the group somehow.

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People generally don't like it when you railroad. Whether or not you consider your own plot fair, you pretty much forced a stat battle on the smaller group (plus other reasons people mentioned). To me, that's a good enough reason to ignore the stat battle and the mages entirely. Ignoring what people are saying and doing what you want, (Like claiming the pegasus knight NPC was alive even though it was completely useless and its creator acknowledged it was dead), is annoying.

I'd say axe the mage trio, or ignore them if psych continues living in his own tiny world. Usually I'm not an ass, but I hate it when people godmod or railroad stuff.

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Since the LoAF turned on her, she's not trusting of any minions at all (after all, it's far from impossible that he got to them first). It's why she sent the demons after them in the town (to clear her ranks out). She doesn't care if they capture, kill, or anything of the sort. She. Doesn't. Care. She wants them out of her hair. That was the reasoning I had when I made the decision. You can complain, but that is why I made the choice. Now, I'm not in the mood to be ****ed at when tomorrow I will be waking up to tackle another day of legal ****. Understand?

Edit: If you really think it's that aweful, I'll step down as the GM and let you take over.

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Would you rather have me say something like. "The girls push Alf into some barrels, and he hurts his head and can't fight. I tried not to have a stat battle, but Snike say he'd only go along with it if there was one, and no one wanted obvious traps, such as the tour guides.

Hell, Pary could have been healing Jasmine the whole time. I let that go. I fought for it for like 5 minutes, then dropped it.

And otherwise, I'm questioning how they would have eventually joined back up. Not that they wouldn't, just how.

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Thanks Whistler, Though to be honest I don't really mind what Sage does with Reika, but for the sake of conversation I'll provide comments.... I suppose. (Keep in mind, Reika is now Sage's character, not mine, so what he does is completely up to him, Though I'd still prefer she doesn't go about shouting "Oral SEX!")

She does?!


First post (A Misery) doesn't make any sense to me, but it looks okay

Second post (Smart for once) Sounds more like pre-wipe Kamilla, but it's within her character I guess.

Third post (Attack authority) I can understand you trying to portray Reika as the voice of reason, but Reika's not exactly the reasonable type :/ She certainly wouldn't have anything against attacking authority figures, on the contrary she'd probably applaud the act. (Dislikes authority)I'm not sure what the status is with her daggers, but I'm assuming she still has her CW? :/

Fourth post (Stabby wall) Does this make sense? in the Third post Reika didn't have her daggers(?) and preaching not to get in trouble, then she goes back to her room and starts damaging private property...... Definitely not the way I would have done it, but I suppose you needed to work her into the group somehow.

Your comments make sense and I appreciate the feedback.

Helios gave back her dagger. I know she dislikes authority, but I figured she'd at least not want to attract too much attention. Sorry about the room thing though.

I was pressured to make her try to kill people more though.

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I never said KO Alf. I said I would be alright with a stat battle, and I assumed the stats would be correct.

And if Hit=Avoid is a miss, I will be very annoyed.

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Would you rather have me say something like. "The girls push Alf into some barrels, and he hurts his head and can't fight. I tried not to have a stat battle, but Snike say he'd only go along with it if there was one, and no one wanted obvious traps, such as the tour guides.

You should have had them not show up at all. Everyone actually involved vetoed the idea.

You can't knock people out of stat combat just because it's inconvenient for your plot. RPs are a group thing, stop running the show when no one wants you to.

Otherwise, I'm questioning how they would have eventually joined back up. Not that they wouldn't, just how.

There are a number of people who legimately have a reason to kidnap Charlotte, they would take her to Septimus. Bam.

Alternatively, I was just going to have the emperor be neutral and Charlotte decides to seek out Damian for his help.

@Snowy I'll give you a small reprieve here because this is actually psych's plot.

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What? You have to hit over their avoid to classify as a hit.

I needed to leave someone alive, and:

Dani would be a bit oblivious

Eric would keep fighting to get Charlotte back and ignore the others

Charlotte would go the the emperor first

Rita has no idea where they are

Alf was the obvious choice to leave alive.

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OK, so, Dani missed, then.

Cynthia, Stat the guards, so I can engage in NPC combat.

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I'm not sure what the term "railroad"'ing means :/ I mean if it's a railroad, doesn't that imply there's only one track and following it? :/ Completely opposite of the way it's being used. So the terms origin is a bit "Nyeh" to me.

Either way, I don't see a problem with derailing plot as long as it's being derailed in a more interesting fashion. All the more so if the original track was heading in an idiotic boring direction. However I'm assuming neither of these factors are true with Psych's plots?


Considering how everyone was complaining about your last plot, I'm surprised someone (incompetent) gave you power to take over the plot again. I haven't read your plot, so I don't know how much sense it makes, but I assume it doesn't make much considering the amount of complaining in here XD


She doesn't as far as I know, and I prefer it stays that way XD I was just commenting on how I don't really have a say in Reika anymore then you're willing to accept.

As for attention, that makes sense I suppose, depends on the situation, again of which I'm unaware of, it it made sense to everyone else, I assume it did :/ I think I read something about Reika attacking Aiya, if so, I applaud you XD

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