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Change "sometimes" to "most of the time" and that's how most of us see Katie and sometimes the HM

@Snowy's remark

Okay, so she has a scar fetish, knew that girl was wrong in so many more ways. Esphyr'll probably carve her name on Damian derriere or the other side of the derriere

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@Kanami Not quite what I pictured, but there's nothing else you can really do. It looks great though. I'll give you props, though I wish he looked a little younger.

Now I'll save it and add to my sheet now. Thanks! I am learning how to sprite, but it's not really going well. I don't have MS Paint.

EDIT: It doesn't seem to want to load though on my sheet. It's not a gif file.

Edited by Dark Sage
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@ Food

And the peggies can eat grapes even though other horses can't because they're magic :3

@ Cuddles

Okay, all of Snowy's girls are confusing from time to time(which is why I had no faith in IsoxKatie from the get-go), but Esphyr has the widest variety of WTFWT. Not necessarily a bad thing. I mean Irina's been biting people's heads off lately too. I claim stress.

@ Alf

Ehhhh >_>

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Esphyr. Does. Not. Have. A. Scar. Fetish.

She likes Tessa and Aiya as well, and neither of them are heavily scarred. She expressed a minor interest in Cess as well, but that didn't blossom. Plus, she seems to... well... I don't think she disliked Morgan at all either.

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@Sage: *Shrugs* Don't know what he looks like inside your head, I didn't even know Alf was blonde until I started that XD

.....Should have added a big ugly scar right along his neck XD

Either way, I didn't do it for you, it's easier and faster offering, then making a request thread on some dead forum, and seeing if anyone is bored enough to make a request XD

PS: Do NOT sprite with gif and Jpegs XD Though if you have to, can't you just change the name of the file?

Mac user? Linux?


-I thought you were doing half-bodies of a whole bunch of characters?

No, all characters are confusing from time to time. Snowy's girls are confused most of the time, so they're classified as "not confusing from time to time." Why do I think the "oral sex" rant this morning is linked to you not having confidence in Katie/Iso..... you males might not know this, but sex doesn't solve problem, if anything it makes more.

Widest variety? So constantly dreaming of assassin, vampire and werewolves that attack you in your dreams is normal now I suppose.....

Edited by Kanami
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@Tropes: Ehh? I'm not seeing anything in the page history... or are you talking about that last change on the character page?

That's the one. History of recent edits suggested they were all HalfHumanHybrids->HalfHumanHybrid variety.

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@Sage: *Shrugs* Don't know what he looks like inside your head, I didn't even know Alf was blonde until I started that XD

.....Should have added a big ugly scar right along his neck XD

Either way, I didn't do it for you, it's easier and faster offering, then making a request thread on some dead forum, and seeing if anyone is bored enough to make a request XD

PS: Do NOT sprite with gif and Jpegs XD Though if you have to, can't you just change the name of the file?

Mac user? Linux?

I'm a Linux user, and I did change the name of the file. Still won't show up.

It's ok though, I like the sprite, even though you didn't do it for me.

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PS: Do NOT sprite with gif and Jpegs XD Though if you have to, can't you just change the name of the file?

Mac user? Linux?


-I thought you were doing half-bodies of a whole bunch of characters?

No, all characters are confusing from time to time. Snowy's girls are confused most of the time, so they're classified as "not confusing from time to time." Why do I think the "oral sex" rant this morning is linked to you not having confidence in Katie/Iso..... you males might not know this, but sex doesn't solve problem, if anything it makes more.

Widest variety? So constantly dreaming of assassin, vampire and werewolves that attack you in your dreams is normal now I suppose.....

@ Italics

This is 100% true, and should be followed like an actual law. GIFs are only good for animations anyways.

@ Underlined

This can't possibly apply to my characters.

Iso: Dreams of random stuff before being lectured by Ixion.

Irina: She had a dream about everyone eating up all the food once. She also had a dream that she and Kiev led an army of wyverns against Halton(she herself turned into one).

Viveka: Has the same damn dream about Victor killing everyone she cares about.

@ Bold

Actually the point of that scene initially was for Iso to finally know that the bolting tome was Miranda's. Katie's questioning gave me an "Embarrass Isotov" opening, so I took it. It's hard to portray the personality of a dead woman, but the main things I'm trying to illustrate are the following:

Magical Professor

Magic exploration and theorizing (Magic theories that Arrin's been reading through)

Crafty (Has f*cked up Shanice numerous times with clever traps)

Sexual Deviant (Slipping Oral sex into Iso's curriculum)

Chaotic Neutral

Benign Sadism

Team Player

I'm starting to think I should just do flashbacks >_>'

Edited by Phoenix
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@Flashbacks: Oh gosh no.

Not flash backs of that! Flashbacks of Shanice getting caught in a beartrap :P

Also maybe other things too I guess.

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Did I even specify what I was assuming the flashbacks were of?

(Meh, I can't say that I'm opposed to all flashbacks in general, mainly because I've got the PTSD character...)

I just think it might be a bad idea is all.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Anyway FEPlanet sheet says it requires a transperent GIF for the mugshot.



With just a little extra work, you can put any pic you want in these things :)

Did I even specify what I was assuming the flashbacks were of?

(Meh, I can't say that I'm opposed to all flashbacks in general, mainly because I've got the PTSD character...)

You don't have to specify, Kiryn. I will assume the worst ... the most worst ^_^


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