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Travis x Synt

Alex x Damian

HM x Ixion (Someone did this I think)

Helenos x Esphyr

Morgan x Helenos

IRC for response.

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That reminds me, I need to establish something about wyverns really quick.

While it is true that MtWyvernxPDWyvern can't have kids(nor would want to even mate ... too different and their genetics won't mix at all), others such as SeaWyvernxPDWyvern could potential create a hybrid/mule(though the likelihood of two almost completely separate species wanting to mate stands at around 5% , it is possible). The reason is because they're a closer species match(like Horses and Zebras), and if you're an evolutionist, you might agree that the sea wyverns and plain dwellers are simply relocated cousins. Meh ... just pointing that out.

With that ...

VictorxEvery female Sea Wyvern at the Shoon islands

*waits for Psych to make a random sea wyvern for Kiev to mate with for no apparent reason* XD

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Rita's brother's wyvern (should we ever meet him) will crush on Kiev hard.


PD x Sea = wyvern babies

Mountain x Sea = wyvern babies

But Mountain x PD = didly squat.

How is that so?

@Cynthia's Pary x Alf


Edited by psychout50
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Rita's brother's wyvern (should we ever meet him) will crush on Kiev hard.


PD x Sea = wyvern babies

Mountain x Sea = wyvern babies

But Mountain x PD = didly squat.

How is that so?


PDxSea=10% chance of a surviving hybrid

MtxAnything else=Nata

@ Random wyvern

The hell? See what did I just finish saying?

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He and his wyvern already existed. >_>

Before you said that.

Where is he? I don't see'em XD






HMxIso and Katie's first born son

@ Megae

I lol'd! That was awesomely funny!

Edited by Phoenix
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That reminds me, I need to establish something about wyverns really quick.

While it is true that MtWyvernxPDWyvern can't have kids(nor would want to even mate ... too different and their genetics won't mix at all), others such as SeaWyvernxPDWyvern could potential create a hybrid/mule(though the likelihood of two almost completely separate species wanting to mate stands at around 5% , it is possible). The reason is because they're a closer species match(like Horses and Zebras), and if you're an evolutionist, you might agree that the sea wyverns and plain dwellers are simply relocated cousins. Meh ... just pointing that out.

With that ...

VictorxEvery female Sea Wyvern at the Shoon islands

*waits for Psych to make a random sea wyvern for Kiev to mate with for no apparent reason* XD

I see PDWyvern... and I think Prairie Dog.

I know it's wrong, but my brain just can't help it.

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@ Bal

Yeeeeah, I need to come up with a better term for them XD

@ Helios < Tanair

... no seriously let's do that :o

@ Incest


@ Islands

I've got no original objection to the islands. I just didn't want to go because you were forcing it. I don't want to go now because you'll have far more plot control than you need >_>'


@ Petros

I was laughing so damn hard at that XD

Edited by Phoenix
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@ Islands

I've got no original objection to the islands. I just didn't want to go because you were forcing it. I don't want to go now because you'll have far more plot control than you need.

What control would I have now? I just have scenarios that are kinda fucking awesome. I want to fight giant electric crabs. ;_;

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