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Near's not really that epic, he's just a know-it-all chess master that succeeded where others couldn't, doesn't really make him an interesting character. Mello and L are both cooler.

In my opinion, at least.

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Near's not really that epic, he's just a know-it-all chess master that succeeded where others couldn't, doesn't really make him an interesting character. Mello and L are both cooler.

In my opinion, at least.

He didnt only succeed where others couldnt, he proved that Light was Kira and rubbed the evidence in his face. Mello is just the typical Anime douche and L is just a lesser version of Near.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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@ Kiryn

That's just it! Didn't you see the post about protecting Amari? Kiev'll attack anything that so much as snarls at her now.

Sad thing is Irina doesn't know this and will probably get accidentally bucked off when and if it ever happens >_>'

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L was better, you liar.

The series stopped being good after he died.

Pretty much this. Near was just too perfect to be nearly as interesting as L, and the only one who was flawed enough to seem like a real person was Mello, especially since you never really knew what side he was on, even when he was on his own.

But I digress, I think it's already been proven elsewhere that Kai's opinion matters for next to nothing on some subjects. I'll just assume that Death Note is one of them.

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@Phoenix: Lol. Better make sure Kiev's not there for Amari vs Nyx then, cos that'll ruin the awesome of the one-on-one.

The hard bit with this is, I've been around horses a lot, I can picture in my mind exactly what Amari's doing and sort of hear the vocalizations, but it's hard to show in text >_<

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When you said that Near was the most epic character of Death Note. Can't get more subjective than that, yo.

Cause he is!

Mello's death was awesome. He thought ahead of Near. I had second thoughts after that.

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There's still making Charlotte talk to Derek, and Cess being interviewed. Rita can really fighthim right now. >_>

Pary's around. He asked if someone was hungry. Have him talk to Arrin. Or Iso.


Where's Viveka?

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@ Near

Meh. Go check out the new sprites.

@ Viveka

She's using Sunny as a recliner. She's closer to the mid-rim of the camp(damn star wars terminology)

@ KievxAmari


@ Horse to text

You think you're having a hard time? I've got to do the same thing with myth creatures :(

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Saw them. You used Ursula you bastard!

@ Feenix: Miranda reminded me of a mug i made a while ago


Nyehahahaaah XD

@ Mug

Still looks like Helios' mum XD


*high fives Psych*

You think so too?! XD XD XD


Go check out my gallery and comment! Nao!

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