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That's because Damian has had more interactions with Esphyr and Aiya then Chase does with anyone, let alone Morgan. See, Viveka and Chase share a history, get along well, have meaningful interactions, and interact often. With Morgan, it's completely one-sided. Morgan rarely pays attention to him, and when she does, it's business like. Chase is busy pining for her for...some reason. I don't know. They rarely talk to each other, so yeah, it's mostly Chase worrying and wanting to get into Morgan's pants.

Although Ether, that was unfair to give Damian an instant B on his join time.

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It clearly isn't worth mentioning now. If the auto B counted towards what they had, they would have been S level back at Damian's mansion.Instead, right now, 3 chapters later, they are just approaching A. The auto B support has no effect on the supports they have now.

At this point, Damian and Esphyr have more development than I can say I expect Chase and Morgan to have by the end of this RP. i don't even need to go into Damian and Aiya.

Chase x Viveka is getting somewhere, but you have to accept that focusing most of Chase' attention on Morgan is going to hurt his support game, for a reference that you'll understand, it's like Morgan has a love growth of -4 with everyone in the FE4 lovers system.

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A quick list of options(based solely on interactions and history) for my characters off the top of my head.(Levski is only included because I felt like it :P )

Isotov: Irina, Katie, Kelas

Irina: Isotov, Levski, Aiya

Viveka: Conrad, Chase, Derek, Levski

Levski: Irina, Viveka, Morgan, Esphyr, Dani

Everything looks kind of centered.

@ Ether

Nah, Morgan's growth is positive, just really small ... like 1 or 2 versus a 25-75% growth rate.

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FE4's love growth works differently.

Every turn you gain your love growth worth of points with someone, +5 if you are adjacent to them. 500 makes you lovers. Morgan is very antisocial, so if you aren't constantly doing stuff for her, you aren't going to get much of anywhere.

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It clearly isn't worth mentioning now. If the auto B counted towards what they had, they would have been S level back at Damian's mansion.Instead, right now, 3 chapters later, they are just approaching A. The auto B support has no effect on the supports they have now.

I know, but it still bugs me. I appreciate not having you speed things up to max out the support, that made up for a lot. It's really more of a warning to new players not to do something like that.

The rest of your points are flawless. Say what you want about AiyaxDamian being too perfect and unrealistic Rein, but they've done a lot more and their relationship would mean more and work better than ChasexMorgan.

Actually, Morgan would gain +0 love points when not standing next to someone and only 1 point when she is.

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Antisocial is a poor descriptor for Morgan. Heinz is antisocial, Morgan talks to just about everyone.

Number of interactions is the problem here, they just don't talk all that often, and Morgan rarely has a reason to initiate a conversation, so Chase needs to be more chatty. Basically.

DmaianxAiya...approaching A is pushing it, since he ignores her most of the time for another woman.

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@ FE4

Starting not to like the sound of this game ...

Anyway ...

@ ChasexMorgan

There's never been much hope for these kinds of relationships which is why I like to avoid and ignore them if I can. LevskixMorgan is different, but also a little meh from my perspective.

@ Tessa

Any of you guys ever hear of the "Sasami Effect"? Yeah, that's Tessa in a nutshell. Someone add that to her list of tropes XD

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The real problem is that there's nothing for ChasexMorgan to work with. There's nothing that would truly attract them to one another. They have absolutely no chemistry and this is an example in which characters hook up not because they have anything in common or something to truly attract them to one another, but just because the writer wants them too.

Although really, I'm curious on how Cynthia views this potential pairing and whether or not it would work.

@Phoenix: The love system is the main draw of FE4.

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The real problem is that there's nothing for ChasexMorgan to work with. There's nothing that would truly attract them to one another. They have absolutely no chemistry and this is an example in which characters hook up not because they have anything in common or something to truly attract them to one another, but just because the writer wants them too.

Although really, I'm curious on how Cynthia views this potential pairing and whether or not it would work.

@Phoenix: The love system is the main draw of FE4.

It's less that, than it is the lack of outside interaction. I could see it happening, were Chase more developed. And Really, the pairing that needs to be strangled is AiyaXDamian, due to the perfection issue.

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Kai, Heinz attacked in the first battle against the drunk mercenaries. So if that's who Helios was referring to, he's wrong.

He did? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-

Anyways my guy wasnt direct about it. Chase is edging towards Hienz so watch it.

@ My guys support: Your opinions?

@ Fe4: Im going to post more wincest.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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*shrugs* Morgan could have potential with anyone if they play their cards right. It's just that Morgan seeking people out for friends/lovers is OOC, so they have to do a lot of the initiation.

No idea who Helios would support with.

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*shrugs* Morgan could have potential with anyone if they play their cards right. It's just that Morgan seeking people out for friends/lovers is OOC, so they have to do a lot of the initiation.

No idea who Helios would support with.

He already has an S with his right hand...

Honestly, I wanna see if anyone can defrost her.

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@ ChasexMorgan

Defrosting Morgan requires more than just interaction. Chase has interaction down, but it kind of stops there because he's not up front with his feelings. He's mostly just agreeing with her on everything and making himself a bit of a pawn.

I personally started LevskixMorgan just because I was curious to see what it would take to defrost her and maybe cut a path for others(thought Tessa has done much better at this), but now I just keep it up since it's in character and most of the other interactions are getting really uninteresting.

@ DamianxAiya

Their relationship doesn't need to have arguments inserted into it, it just needs more real world issues in general. There isn't even a rule against fraternization in Halton's ranks. I'd normally expect there to be something getting in the way of their relationship in that area, but there's nothing.

There's absolutely nothing in the world that threatens or treads on their relationship and that's the real problem. I don't give a rat's ass if they never argue. That's fine given their soldier status, but nothing on the outside comes their way either? That is pushing plausibility beyond measure.

@ FE4

Romance options always suck in some areas in FE, like the whole Priscilla thing(2/3 paired endings for her suck)

Not sure FE4's would be any different.

@ RP

Blerrrrrg ...

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Enough about FE4. These romance supports issues are making me edgy as it is.

I'm also changing Miri's hair a bit so it won't look like an FE4 hairstyle the next time you see her.

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Damian and Aiya make Pent and Louise look like a dramatic romantic tragedy.

@ Lev He gets her talking and she kind of trusts him, so it's a start. Eventually he'll ahve to get off business. Now's not the time though, she's kind of in a bad mood.

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Damian and Aiya make Pent and Louise look like a dramatic romantic tragedy.

Quoted for the win XD

@ Lev He gets her talking and she kind of trusts him, so it's a start. Eventually he'll ahve to get off business. Now's not the time though, she's kind of in a bad mood.

and dying >_>'


Okay Cynthia's post cheered me up. I'm fine now.

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