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Dude, we already have three enemy SMs. Can't you try another class for a Barry type?

EDIT: I don't know what SW stands for >_>'




And who?

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So we have reached several conclusions:

1. DamianxAiya need conflict. They need something about the relationship that bothers each other. Disagreements, anything. Arguments about plans, Aiya being insecure about her relationship. Ether, if you're reading this, please include this, and we'll be less bothered by AiyaxDamian.

2. Morgan could defrost and get together with someone, but not Chase since even if he told her how he felt, she most likely wouldn't give a rat's ass about him. Their personalities are just completely incompatible with one another no matter how many interactions they have with each other.

3. LOL at Lechesis. So true. More like Lechersis. :awesome:

4. There is no number 4.

5. The Pythagorean theorem states that the area of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is square root of the other two sides that are squared and multiplied together.

6. Helios and Verry will never happen.

7. Alferis is doing ok in developing supports with the two women.

Yeah. Also I read an early Avengers comic that is so bad, it's giving me a headache due to it's sheer stupidity.

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And who?




Ruby (Harold's not necessarily an enemy yet)


@ Sage


@ Kai

Make the guy someone who can use a cleaver type weapon. That wouldn't be a SM anyway.

Edited by Phoenix
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So we have reached several conclusions:

1. DamianxAiya need conflict. They need something about the relationship that bothers each other. Disagreements, anything. Arguments about plans, Aiya being insecure about her relationship. Ether, if you're reading this, please include this, and we'll be less bothered by AiyaxDamian.

2. Morgan could defrost and get together with someone, but not Chase since even if he told her how he felt, she most likely wouldn't give a rat's ass about him. Their personalities are just completely incompatible with one another no matter how many interactions they have with each other.

3. LOL at Lechesis. So true. More like Lechersis. :awesome:

4. There is no number 4.

5. The Pythagorean theorem states that the area of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is square root of the other two sides that are squared and multiplied together.

6. Helios and Verry will never happen.

7. Alferis is doing ok in developing supports with the two women.

Yeah. Also I read an early Avengers comic that is so bad, it's giving me a headache due to it's sheer stupidity.

Bold: Isn't Pythagorean theorem A^2 + B^2 = C^2?

Italics: Again, needs moar development on Chase's part.

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@ Sage: Still playing Fe5?

@ Snike: I dont think they can end up a couple. Perhaps Master/Slave?


Alferis: Its what matters on the in- *Shot*

Kai and Feenix: NO IT DOESNT!

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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@ Snike: I dont think they can end up a couple. Perhaps Master/Slave?

To an extent, I already have that covered. >_>

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Lachesis wasn't a slut. Don't slander her.

Beo died in the war. It's only natural she went to Finn for comfort...

I think your ready -_-

Aless was originaly planned to be Lachesis' and Eltoshan's son

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You know, from Chase's(and by extension Lightning's) perspective, Morgan really is the only romance option. Just a quick run through.

Morgan: Cute, well endowed, and probably some other things I haven't noticed.

Reika: lol no.

Irina: I doubt they even know each other.

Danielle: Dani's not playing with him anymore, and he never liked her to begin with. This one's over.

Charlotte: What?

Tessa: Same age, but Tessa's barely getting over his outlaw thing, and he probably doesn't even think about her in that regard.

Viveka: Viveka is about eight years old than him and considers him a little brother type person(or she wouldn't smoosh him with her breasts during hugs, notice she doesn't give out hugs unless the person is a girl or too young to notice). A romance out of this would take all sorts of crazy things happening, though it would obviously be a hundred times more interesting(and entertaining) than ChasexMorgan XD

Jasmine: Well she treats him the same way Viveka does. She'd come around a helluva lot quicker than Viv, but it wouldn't be as awkward. Plus she's not a party npc so she doesn't really matter here.

Rita: Even I thought this was a stupid pairing >_>'

Verry: See Rita for details

Cielle: Just to see if anyone remembers.

So umm, yeah. Chase has few options here.

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Not every character needs to have a romantic pairing y'know.

That being said, Chase and Viveka seem to have some kind of chemistry going.

Cielle was Damian's maid who knew Draconic. And never left the party actually...

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Not every character needs to have a romantic pairing y'know.

No. This is FE4 and everyone has to pair up and bone. If your character cant pair then they RP'ers start bitching about how your character is never gonna get laid when you have plans to kill him/her in the future/Sarcasm

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Not every character needs to have a romantic pairing y'know.

This comment always falls on deaf ears, Cynthia. I also notice that you're the only one that ever brings this up. You also have the most difficult ice queen character(s) in the rp. You know ... just two little letters separate "bias" from "BS" :P

Kinda sucks that my point has to come right after Kai's >_>'

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People should stop concentrating on getting their characters laid and get themselves laid of they are that desperate.

nvm. One of you pansy's might report me.

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I'm not trying to get my characters laid.

Iso: Isn't trying to screw Katie. He just wants to be with her. He'll wait as long as he has to.

Irina: is Irina.

Viveka: is another type of Charlotte as far as celibacy is concerened.

Levski: ... ... ... okay ... you can have this one >_>'

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lolno. I need something to rage at while my coffee is brewing.

Then maybe you pricks can STFU. I can always make another character and pair my guy like most of you are doing.

Edited again -_-

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Hi, my name's Kiryn and I no longer exist.

Not sure what you mean by the (s). Xenia's an enemy NPC and bound to be worm food at some point so she doesn't count, and if Charlotte's coming off as icy I'm doing something wrong.

Judging by the sheer number of characters we have, someone is bound to be left unpaired. Find a romantic partner for:







Probably more I'm not thinking of right now, but these are some examples. I assume NPCs are free from your everyone must be partnered nonsense?

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Who else does that?

Ether: DamianxAiya

Phoenix: IrinaxLevski (<---Highly unlikely if something unmentioned yet happens)

@ Cynthia

No, I just meant Morgan and Xenia, and any other women you conger up in the future with common sense. Anyway ...

I don't have an everyone must be paired stance. I have an I will pair as many as possible just to see what kind of combos we can get. Big difference. I already mentioned this before.

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