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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@ Batman

Eh, I guess, but I still prefer villains that didn't get become villains just because they fell into a tub of chemicals conveniently at the lowest point in there lives ensuring that they turn >_>'

@ RP

I already placed my characters and am not much for throwing them around just to curve boredom(unless it's uber boredom). Just OOC you way to people if you want to do something, Kai(you do it for everything else anyway XD )

@ Snowy

Heheh. Then Irina's backstory is eventually going to come back to totally f*ck up her standing with the party at some point XD

Edited by Phoenix
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Well I agree that ANGRY guy is angry! isn't very interesting, but I try to make characters with strong personality traits. If your character doesn't have dfeinable personality traits, they probably aren't very interesting.

Well Slave just has very bad manners, makes him disagreeable.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Defining characteristics?

Hmm ...

Iso: Nothing as of late, though before he was pretty distrusting and reclusive

Irina: She doesn't need this because she has Kiev, though I could probably play up her tendencies a bit, I guess.

Viveka: 100% Stereotypes.

Levski: 50% Russian Badass, 50% Chivalrous Pervert.

Could use some work I guess.

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I won't be around for a bit tomorrow FYI. College called and I need to head down there to work through the beuro again.

Edit: Esphyr: 60% merc, 30% healer, 10% idiot

Katie: 100% 'was I on drugs when I made her'.

HM: 30% weirdness 30% chaoticness 30% craziness, 10% mother

Helenos: 100% bitch

Altion: 50% knight 50% clueless.

Edited by Snowy_One
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I see Helios, Conrad, Charlotte, Hienz, and maybe Pary working. >_>

The problem with that is that only one of those listed was a girl, clearly.

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The problem with that is that only one of those listed was a girl, clearly.

I would agree with this statement, if not for the fact that the particular user who suggested those is a bit... out there, so to speak.

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Snowy has a history of making sure that his characters never have to sleep alone, in my experience, and thus far it appears that hasn't changed much.

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@ Slave


You're only proving my point further, son. I came here with a simple suggestion/criticism, ba-ba-ba-BAM, smacked with slight hostility/annoyance that lead to hostility.

As for YOU, Cynthia, I believe you haven't seen much of me, have you? I've been around here for a while, and I do believe I've talked with you a bit outside of this hellhole.

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@ Slave

I'm only calling BS because you said "you didn't have the opportunity". That's not true :P

@ Snike

Goodnight, Snike.

@ New Guy

Seems like he's got potential with anyone who doesn't come to loathe him. Kind of like Helios did just before he started talking too much.

@ Katie

Would she be romantically involved with anyone if not for Iso? Just wondering.

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@ Slave

I'm only calling BS because you said "you didn't have the opportunity". That's not true :P

So true. I did take the first opportunity (me posting here). And subsequent times, but after a while, I lost hope.

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