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Ohai. I am 75% non-sick now. Also work. It was long. And weird.

[spoiler=Boring work rant]So I stopped wearing my name badge a few weeks in. It could theoretically get me fired, but nobody really cares in practice (my boss hasn't called me on it anyway, and it's always in my pocket in case she does). The reason I stopped wearing it: when I was wearing the badge some people felt the need to call me by name. It was occasionally an old lady or three, or someone trying to get my attention, but mostly it was old guys. I was vaguely creeped out by this (I am very easily creeped out interacting with people IRL) so I stopped wearing the badge.

Problem solved! But not. Most people won't try to call you anything when you're not wearing the badge. A few were really determined though and switched to "sweetheart" or "hon" or whatever. Eep.

Got used to ignoring that though.

So today I'm slicing ham or whatever and I ask the customer how thick he wants it sliced (we have to ask because people are often particular but forget to specify) and he says, "Very thin." All right then, I set the slicer to the relevant setting. So the guy adds, for no reason, "As thin as you."

what the hell sir

(Also: My uniform. Polo shirt, apron. Generally got a baggy t-shirt on under it. I'm not really that skinny to begin with, so I just look like a box with the uniform on.)


In other news... ololololol Psych thought Shanice was the dude asking Viveka out? lolololol

Aaaaaand mage girls? Again? Seriously? Dammit Psych.

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@ Kiryn

Thanks for the story, hon, it really made my hour.

@ Psych

Fine, whatever, just don't expect Dani and Xenia to welcome them with open arms, don't god mod, and don't do anything else with those girls from now on that isn't established prior.

@ Snowy

See this? This is what I like to call being bitten in the ass perpetually.

In other news: Alex is coming along at a slow pace :/ (better ask Snike a few things)

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So you see, it's not just my Phoenix's business, it's Clockwork's too, since we have to put up with this bullcrap.

Anyway, like Phoenix said the mage sisters have never met Deneka and Xenia and there was no indication they would spy on them.

Second, the mage girls have basically ruined everything they touched, or were just annoying. Do you really think we're going to keep putting up with it?

Third, why would the mage girls be accepted anyway?

@Clockwork Really sorry about what happened at work.

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Do you name them? Like I do?

In my exhibit is Smiley. Next is Mr. Murder. Then Mike Tyson. Finally, Psych's brain. (That's not true about Psych's brain being the equivalent of a knife's. It's actually half that.)

Edited by Dark Sage
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But yes. Knives. Because I saw what you did there.

I meant what is your knife stabbing range.

Liar. You said you learned to ignore such comments.

@ RP

I'll post once Cynthia does. There's a lot of stuff tied up in that area that I want resolved first. Also, don't reach the inn before Kiev does. That's way too fast considering the bastard's flying at 90 mph :/

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What is it this time?

Wanting to be violent to lovable fiery me. For shame. Even Cynthia, the most worst doesn't actually try to cause me any bodily harm ... probably because Psych and Kai are sucking up all the hostility :/ XD

@ RP

Myeeeeeh. Speaking of the most worst, where is she?

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You really don't want her to respond first, trust me. It'll turn into a PvP ... wait ... no a NPvNP >_>'

Besides, didn't you say you might retcon that? I'd rather wait til everyone involved is online, before deciding how to respond.

@ Kiryn

And my thing is love and peace. Love being kindness and comedy toward people I care about, and peace being swift and horrifying violence brought on my enemies :)

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When did I say I'd retcon?

And why would they fight? Not to mention Xenia and Daneka are outnumbered, with mages that have Super Effective! magic against them. >_>

You were deciding whether to switch Daneka and Xenia for Alex. Not important.

@ Outnumbered and outgunned.

Hohoho! Silly Psych! Daneka is a lvl 4 dodgetank, Xenia is a wyvern lord with stopping power, and Alphonse is a high hit SM. The Cathedral also has an extra squad of mooks just in case. You wouldn't win in a straight fight ^_^

Needless to say, Dani's 8 res kicks your ass all by its self XD

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