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Kai's mediocre spriting skills are mediocre


Karma before he went insane (Supposed to be a rough version of Haar but Uphir had other plans)


See how alike they look?

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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I seem to recall Snowy mentioning that this Esphyr healing business wasn't going to be repeated. From the looks of things it's going to happen whenever one of her supports gets injured.

@ RP

Insane guy is insane.

@ Sprites

Kai, do you have to use the same bases for everything?

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Why don't you focus on Aiya Ether? I'm giving you props for not pulling the same stunt twice. Believe me, it's fine that he's unconscious.

And yeah, the healing thing is kind of...eh.

Maybe to justify this, Esphyr can promote to Magefighter instead? I dunno.

Edited by Dark Sage
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IIRC, she can't heal in combat. It'd be ineffective, so it's not a combat skill. She has the ability to heal, but she isn't practiced, so it doesn't do a whole lot. I think ATM she is just speeding things up, since Charlotte would be doing most of the actual healing.

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I didn't intend for it to be repeated. I also didn't expect a roof to fall on Damian.

I lol'd.

@ RP: Will revealing Katies identity be bad?

She's Harold's daughter, and a TISME teacher. Telling that to an insane guy isn't going to change much.

@ Ether

I know all that, I just wanted to point that out.

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I just intended for the staff healing to be stabilizing Damian atm, not making him all betterz. I don't approve of Esphyr healing (things in plot should represent character skills in stats).

And yes, he was already healed, I said so specifically.

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Why does he care again? Why does the world revolve around Damian? The fuck is he doing on the floor? Why is he always getting injured? Is Damian more unlucky then Eric? Will Kai stop asking questions? WHY THE FUCK IS DAMIAN DERAILING THE PLOT!?!?!?!?!

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Why does he care again? Why does the world revolve around Damian? The fuck is he doing on the floor? Why is he always getting injured? Is Damian more unlucky then Eric? Will Kai stop asking questions? WHY THE FUCK IS DAMIAN DERAILING THE PLOT!?!?!?!?!

Not quite. The world revolves around people who are popular in the group, and incredibly hurt at the time. When you think about it, Morgan is the one the world revolves around. If she stubs her toe, Chase and Esphyr will be all over her in about two seconds. Levski will play it smart and just giver her anti stubbing advice later.

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Ether was actually trying to De-Sue Damian I think, but showing he's not invincible. People just...reacted really strongly.

Morgan-Eh not really. People tend to not remark on the dying too much until I knock her over. The kidnapping I'll give you.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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So often? The only times this has happened were now, and the fight at the dragon graveyard. He's recovered from other injuries without much of a hitch.

Alex punched him and all of the sudden he had a stomach injury.


@ Cynthia: He's doing a bad job. Now Damian looks like the injured Sue.

Damian: No i cant go on like this

Esphyr: Damian

Aiya: Dont leave me

Damian: I ...... love ...........you......Aiya *Dies*


Helios: *Enters* Hai guyz

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Alex punched him and all of the sudden he had a stomach injury.


Oops. I guess she punched a little too hard. Even though she didn't punch. She uppercutted him with her spear.

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