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It took more than one hit to KO him. He was hit by a fighter beforehand, which was where the other injury came from.

Contrast Helios, who I don't think has ever gotten any form of lasting injury. Atleast when one of my characters get's hurt, i don't act like it didn't happen. Damian was plagued for a little while by summoning Gae-Borg, and will likely feel effects from this for a while, were it not for the fact that I'm nearly positive the demons will attack soon, what with the LoAF back, and if he can't fight, he'll likely be severed.

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It took more than one hit to KO him. He was hit by a fighter beforehand, which was where the other injury came from.

Contrast Helios, who I don't think has ever gotten any form of lasting injury. Atleast when one of my characters get's hurt, i don't act like it didn't happen. Damian was plagued for a little while by summoning Gae-Borg, and will likely feel effects from this for a while, were it not for the fact that I'm nearly positive the demons will attack soon, what with the LoAF back, and if he can't fight, he'll likely be severed.

He has been impaled, beat up, kicked and all that jazz but i cant get a moment of clarity because he was healed with a staff. Why isnt Damian awake then?

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Morgan-Eh not really. People tend to not remark on the dying too much until I knock her over. The kidnapping I'll give you.

*takes kidnapping*

Morgan dying is bothering people, but no one's going to hover over her constantly because of it. It's too obscure and mysterious.

Have Morgan stub her toe when no one else is hurt, then you'll see what I'm talking about :lol:

@ Kai

You would have had a point had you not f*cked it up with bad jokes.

@ Ether

Damian getting injured like this makes him less sueish, but don't expect people to like it when he gets so much attention because of it ... ... in plain english, you just can't win.

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So in conclusion, Ether's doing a good job listening to our advice and Kai is being kind of resentful about it.

I do agree there's still a bit of sueish qualities to him, but otherwise, he's gotten better about it.

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Well, I'm glad that most don't seem to think this was as out there as Kai seems to.

Although, I think a part of the reason for the "exaggerated reaction" is the fact that Esphyr was the one who found him. It's not Snowy's fault, and I'm not trying to imply that it is, but Aiya's reaction was pretty well set when I concocted this scenario, but had Tessa, Charlotte, or Pary seen Damian before Esphyr had, it would have likely been less pronounced, since Esphyr wouldn't have seen the worst of it. Of course, I can't say that with any certainty since I'm not the one RPing Esphyr, but you get what I mean.

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The real issue I have here is Esphyr using staves, which strikes me as a no-no. Whether stats are involved or not, you should really stick to the weapons of your class (exception: knives are very commonly used as cutting implements and such). If you want your character to heal others, you should have been a cleric or troubadour.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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You dont need a staff to heal a wound. How do you think we made it to the 21st century?

Yes, let's all crowd Damian with our medical expertise so Kai can bitch at Ether some more.

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Kai and Fan Dumb just got married folks.

Anyway, I don't see you ragging on Alf, who's actually panicking and mumbling on what to do, though then again, he isn't a romantic interest for Damian (duh). On the other hand, he's panicking because he's worried about Esphyr.

And if Esphyr's going to keep healing, just give her Magefighter when she promotes.

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Yes, let's all crowd Damian with our medical expertise so Kai can bitch at Ether some more.

Why must you always assume that i am out to hound you?

@ Sage: Lolno.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Dude, I'm the biggest opponent here on sues, and believe me, Ether's doing a great job trying to keep the sue levels down ok? I don't mind you having an opinion, but nobody starts trash talking my homies for no good reason.

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No alternate weapons upon promotion (Nomads/Rangers and Paladins get this as a class skill, so an exception).

The current staff using classes have been balanced offensively to compensate for staff use (light magic is weak, troub sword skills are poor). Having Esphyr promote to Magefighter breaks this balance.

If Snowy wanted a character that could heal, he should have picked a class with staves. End of story as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Dude, I'm the biggest opponent here on sues, and believe me, Ether's doing a great job trying to keep the sue levels down ok? I don't mind you having an opinion, but nobody starts trash talking my homies for no good reason.

I had a good reason. It was hand waved like every other one i had. Then again i am Kai. <.<

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