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I just learned how to do that ^_^

Overall it seems like you're throwing crap together. Crap is crap no matter how much crappity crap you accumulate.

What Nady would have posted if she were here......



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I wasn't talking about the Roman Catholic church, I was talking about the Roman Empire, which I think Snowy meant. Not modern-day Rome, or otherwise Halton would be filled with speeding motorcycles and overpiced but very tasty gelato.

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But it was fundamentally wrong Kai...


To be fair, gelato on motorcycles sounds a lot more fun than polygamy.

Purg, that was win.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Maybe I looked at it the wrong way, but the RL equivalents strike me as more of a base than a guideline.

Halton resembles the Roman Empire due to a lust for expansion, and possibly a Senate aside the emperor.

As Snowy never laid out the intricacies of customs(one of the things we've been molding throughout the RP), I don't think it is reasonable to assume that is where the similarities lie, since we are only given an outline.

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I am back. Anyways... The Roman Empire... was a historically ****ed up place with laws that changed with ease over the course of a emperor changing as well as regions changing. For example, around Jesus's time, it was still legal in Israel despite the roman conquest due to it being part of Jewish custom. Due to the nature of exactly how Rome expanded (typically via alliance and leaving local customs intact) it' a weird issue indeed that depended on how integrated a region was with the main body of Rome and what it's local customs were like beforehand. As far as I can remember, Rome is also the first historically monogamous empire in the world.

Ether is right in that I left most of the customs only outlined and it wasn't necessary to make them 100% perfect. For example, Elyisima has no casino's (or at least any obvious ones) despite being modeled on Vegas. One thing I didn't want to do was hard-force a character into a certain way, which is why I kept the traditions vague as well as allowed for many smaller nations to exist with undefined laws and customs. Either way, I DON'T see why anyone should have a fuss over this. It's taken sixteen chapters for the relationship to even develop to the point where it was possible, and will likely take even MORE to get Esphyr into bed or accepting a marriage proposal from Damian; and barring a RP-wide orgy, I doubt we'll see the pair together as a threesome. To say you're making a mountain out of a molehill is a understatement. It's a mountain out of a inverse anthill. You've flanderized Esphyr to the point of making her a hopeless romantic who will jump Damian regardless of circumstances while overlooking key details, like her reactions and attitude as well as the fact that she's been VERY snitty about the matter; both blatantly and subtly.

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Here's an outsider's perspective that no one wants to hear, but I've never been good at listening to my gut, so, let's do this.

The issue doesn't seem to be that there's a polygamous relationship. The issue, from what I've seen, is that the main reason that there is a polygamous relationship (as opposed to straight-up love triangle that features more conflict) is because two of the three characters involved are from a nation where those relationships are totally okay, at least for the nobility/military. It seems like a cop out, like when a group of adventurers has their crime ignored because one of them has a major favor from the local magistrate (which I know probably hasn't happened in this RP, it's an example). If it was just, "Oh they have a really open relationship," it probably wouldn't blow over much better, but at least it'd be way easier to justify then, "Hey this entire nation (or enough of it to make it common) believes polygamy is a pretty neat practice to follow."

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I actually wasn't complaining about Esphyr's role here, so much as Halton's polygamy. I haven't seen anything in the structure of the nation that would suggest that there would be any reason for Halton to have polygamy and the other nations...not.

If the polygamy actually made any sense in context I would be fine with it, but it's pretty clearly just something Ether decided to tack on because he wants Damian to have threesomes. Notice the lack of anything else Ether has done to establish Halton, it's just been the polygamy.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Well the reasons for Halton being polygamy friendly was obvious to begin with. Even Ether hasn't yet denied it being an excuse for Damian's double romance (threesome is a bit strong of a term since Esphyr's being an Esphyr). At this point I really don't care anymore so long as Damian isn't able to somehow weasal in 2 S supports. I suspected this whole thing was metagaming from the beginning. At least that way if it is, there's no double S payoff, though an S and an A that are both romances is also frownable.

Edited by Phoenix
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Well I won't be too pressing on the issue since forcing them to stop the polygamy thing now is petty and messy(retcon-wise). Then there's the fact that there's nothing really wrong with what they're doing ... it was just established with complete disregard for all other factors so it comes across as ridiculous. Um, Luna's post covers it pretty well ...

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