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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Can't. It happened before Gamefaqs archived topics. LONG since gone.

lol how convenient for you. Don't worry though, I'm sure you're not making it up, considering you seem to have straight-up lied about your own attempt at said orgy RP.

Evidence to the contrary, actually.

looks like orgy RP to me. I knew I wasn't remembering that one wrong. When someone tries to make an orgy RP it's the kind of thing you remember about them

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There were other reasons why I suggested it beyond what was mentioned there. Namely, at the time, I was hoping to spend more time with SeresHowl and NightElfSentina. Being a stupid teen at the time, I didn't quite realize that it wouldn't work.

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There were other reasons why I suggested it beyond what was mentioned there. Namely, at the time, I was hoping to spend more time with SeresHowl and NightElfSentina. Being a stupid teen at the time, I didn't quite realize that it wouldn't work.

So, your justification for starting an RP devoted to orgies was to try and get closer personally to two female members of the community.

... Yep.

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*claps* Except I managed to get past those years a long time ago, which is why I don't care anymore.

I find it hard to believe that you don't care when you apparently still feel the need to place an unnecessary and mocking word ("*claps*") at the beginning of your posts. Maybe that's just me, though.

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No. It's because he's devolved from a respectable roleplayer down to a elitist and troll whom I don't particularly care to have hanging around my chat topic anymore.

Edit: Cynthia, since I didn't give permission to kill her, the lethality of your post is over-ruled.

Edited by Snowy_One
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I'm being elitist? I'm not the one who called someone else's roleplaying not "respectable." Who even decides something like that? Is there a committee?

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Now did either of us say she died, just then?

Oh and I was about to post this before Cynthia did her bit, here it is anyway

Current list of Katie's damages (apart from recent broken neck):

-Has not eaten since capture (~5-7 days?)

-Dehydrated; has has water, but not enough, especially with blood loss

-Many (many many) cuts, shallow to moderate severity

-Similar number of bruises, from little sharp pokes to big kicks/punches

-Possible bone bruises/fractures from kicking (nothing outright broken)

-Rope burn round wrists, ankles from being tied up

-Psychological damage from being dragged about, beat up, taunted, and kept in dark.

Less health-related damage:

-Hair has been pulled and matted. Probably too snarled to deal with without cutting.

-Clothes are full of small rips (from cuts) and very dirty. Nothing fanservicey.

-Obviously she really, really doesn't look good now, or feel good, and mental health is probably declining.

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No. It's because he's devolved from a respectable roleplayer down to a elitist and troll whom I don't particularly care to have hanging around my chat topic anymore.

So you counter this behavior by mocking him and borderline flaming him. I don't really agree with that course of action, but w/e, it's your RP.

Out of curiosity, what are the qualities of a "respectable roleplayer?"

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