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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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For starters, a respectable roleplayer understands that the point of a roleplay isn't to make long posts, but to have fun. If long posts result, than that's great. If they don't that's great as well. He doesn't go out of his way to treat others disrespectfully or talk down to others, tries his best to aid the community as a whole, and, in general, is not an asshole. I'm not perfect, I know it, and I fail a lot of the time at these things. However, I still try my best. I have yet to see any evidence of Purg doing anything like that.

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Reading some pages from the "Joke RP", I can see where the GameFAQs crowd was going with the "short posts are bad thing". Though I'll still maintain that most of the posts in LoAF are not one liners.

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I never started anything resembling an Orgy RP. I can list and link every RP I've ever started. I'm not going to unless someone asks, cause it's some effort, but fact remains, no ORgy RPs in my past. I've never even had one of my chars get laid, except off screen with NPCs. If you'll check Snowy's RP Orgy thing, I even said in there that I thought it was stupid and awful and all that jazz. I don't appreciate this slander on my char.

I wasn't even going to bring up either of your Orgy RP attempts here, Snowy, but if you really want to be a dick and conveniently misremember the past, then fine. You were always creepy, self-important, and hunting e-girls. You've never run a decent RP, and you've ruined RPs that were good. The Original CAFE was amazing, and your bastardization thereof was an abomination. I left GFAQs long before you, and when I checked back your first group of followers were already sick of you. Now your second group has abandoned you and you're here. And here's the fun part. I don't care. You guys have fun stat RPing, getting in threesomes, whatever the fuck you want. Just don't be throwing my name falsely around, cause really, that's a huge dick move, and we don't need more pointless fights on the internet.

In other news, Seras left you for a reason.

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For starters, a respectable roleplayer understands that the point of a roleplay isn't to make long posts, but to have fun. If long posts result, than that's great. If they don't that's great as well. He doesn't go out of his way to treat others disrespectfully or talk down to others, tries his best to aid the community as a whole, and, in general, is not an asshole. I'm not perfect, I know it, and I fail a lot of the time at these things. However, I still try my best. I have yet to see any evidence of Purg doing anything like that.

Purg fits every quality you described in the RPs I've seen him actually participate in. Now obviously he doesn't meet the criteria here, but he's purposefully not in this RP either. I don't think it's fair to say he's "no longer a respectable RPer" based only on his behavior in this one topic. He no longer wishes to participate in your RPs, but yours aren't the only ones out there. It might be more accurate to say that he's a respectable RPer who has somewhat of a bone to pick with Snowy_One.

Reading some pages from the "Joke RP", I can see where the GameFAQs crowd was going with the "short posts are bad thing". Though I'll still maintain that most of the posts in LoAF are not one liners.

The stigma associated with short posts is that there's somewhat of a correlation between post length and post quality. Of course I'm not saying all short posts are bad and all long posts are good; far from it, there's numerous exceptions in both ways. I'm not trying to attack your RP either, contrary to what some people have probably assumed. However, it's common sense that less skilled/experienced writers won't be able to churn out the same wordcounts as more skilled/experienced ones, so it also follows that poor quality posts are more often on the short side. I agree that it shouldn't be boiled down to a black-and-white "short posts are bad" mentality, but there is some basis in the idea.

You guys are going to make me bias against Gamefaqs(former too) members. I'm not sure how much more of this I can read.

It seems like you already are. Does this comment stem from anything other than a vague desire to oppose anyone who doesn't see completely eye-to-eye with you and the guy who leads the RP you're in, or do you have some actual counterpoints to make?

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I never started anything resembling an Orgy RP. I can list and link every RP I've ever started.

Blatant lie is blatant. Gamefaqs didn't archive topics until only a few years ago, well after you left.

If you'll check Snowy's RP Orgy thing, I even said in there that I thought it was stupid and awful and all that jazz.

And I have said other fantasy Rp's are similar despite being in many.

I don't appreciate this slander on my char.

Because what one person says online matters so much to your real-life character. Pro-tip, unless your entire life is based on the internet roleplays, it doesn't even matter.

I wasn't even going to bring up either of your Orgy RP attempts here, Snowy, but if you really want to be a dick and conveniently misremember the past, then fine.

Moved past them a LONG time ago.

You were always creepy, self-important, and hunting e-girls.

*laughs* and you were always a self-focused snob peddling to your blooper topics while pushing people to become your followers.

You've never run a decent RP,

Correction. I never ran one while you were around. I've run several and staffed others, even saved BaB when it was about to go belly up. Though it devolved into a orgy RP, that was months later and a result of atrophy and lack of progression as well as leader-neglect.

The Original CAFE was amazing, and your bastardization thereof was an abomination.

It failed because the thing that made the first amazing was the players who devoted their time and effort into making it good. The second lacked that and suffered a lot from people pushing their own agenda's around as well as a lack of communication; hence it's failure.

And here's the fun part. I don't care. You guys have fun stat RPing, getting in threesomes, whatever the fuck you want. Just don't be throwing my name falsely around, cause really, that's a huge dick move, and we don't need more pointless fights on the internet.

Despite all I said, my problem isn't with you. My problem is Purg constantly coming in here and being a snide ass. I'm sick of it and I want him gone. I know you can't make him go, and I'm not complaining to you to get you to stop him. I just want him to either go away, or clean up his act.

In other news, Seras left you for a reason.

The reason she gave me when she talked to me a week ago was school, and that's all the reason I need.

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Look, guys, this isn't the place to bring out past grievances. If you're going to yell at each other, please take it out of this thread, so the rest of the RPers don't get drawn into it, and can discuss the actual RP. I'm not going to get into a metaphorical shouting match because I choose to participate in this.

NOTE: This request applies to all parties, meaning you too, Snowy.

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The First RP I ever made was on LotE, it was called Pirate's Treasure, and it's from 06'. I was still on GFAQs then. I also started another RP on LotE, Carthica, which I also did on GFAQs a bit later on. I think the GFAQs RP might be shortly before archiving came in. I know Sen was in it. This was on Necromancer. Besides that, Shu's Quest. Those are the only RPs I've ever run, and as far as I can recall, absolutley no one ever got laid in any of them. If they did, it was off screen, so to speak. Non of my chars have ever caressed someone gently or took them roughly or anything in RP. I really can't stress enough how much I hate the concept of an orgy RP. The Orgy RP ideas were when I lost my last bits of respect for you, Snowy. Please don't say I ever started one, it's kind of a sore spot with me.

As to your other attack on my character, about peddling bloopers and pushing people to become my followers, I'm really unsure how to respond to that. I mean, I definitely wrote boopers, I still do. I still hang out with some of the other people what wrote them back in the day, too. Like Kenny and raak. I'd never call them followers, mind. Just, friends. There's a core difference in that if I told them to do something they didn't want to, they'd tell me to go fuck myself and suggest several orifices in which my orders could be stuffed. I've never really made an effort to lead anything. Even my RPs have been very focused on the idea of everyone inputting together to make a world and a story. As to being self-focused. For sure. Tat's pretty accurate. Snob though. How so? Because I don't think so, and I'm pretty self-aware, I think.

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*hopes this is the end of it in this topic*

Anyways, back to the RP. Katie really should be dead now, IMO. She got her neck snapped, as an act by the second. So, considering it's basically mod VS mod, yeah.

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Kidnapping Katie in the first place was a stupid idea. All it did was give the girls a chance to torture the crap out of a character they don't like, slow down all of my plots, and fuel some needless infighting. Best part is the other gamefaqers showed up just in time to start arguing about old sh*t so I got to read through two different sets of bullsh*t while I fail to recover from this weird ass cough I have. Brilliant timing.

Also, Cynthia? What was with the neck snapping bit? I don't care if you think I'm Katie bias or not, that was a godmod above and beyond anything Ether or myself have ever done. Psych, not so much. Being a gm shouldn't excuse forcing a life threatening injury on someone either. When I read that I was positive you were trying to force plausibility on Snowy and kill Katie that way, but you said a coma's just fine also. What I'm wondering is why do it at all? Petros had plenty of chances to do that before, but he's doing it now? I can understand your Katie bias to a degree, but that was just plain unnecessary.

In other news: No news. Pretty much covered everything I guess.

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Given the situation, the demons really have no reason not to put life threatening injuries on Katie. They don't really have a reason to keep her around (who needs bait when you can successfully attack the group anyway?)

I didn't say it killed Katie for a reason. This way, the demons aren't just toting her around...just because, and she doesn't have to die either. Maintains plausibility and keeps Katie alive.

Snowy already gave permission to torture Katie and discussed her leaving the party and have her not be dead. I created a scenario that allowed this to happen. What, you would prefer them to just hand back Katie for no reason?

So yeah, calling bullshit on your godmodding claim. Unless you think Harold showing up is a better idea?

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Actually no. At this point I'm way to caught up in coughing fits to care about Katie's Party NPC status. What I don't get is why (immediately) after the fake Katie is exposed, suddenly the real one is given an injury that if truly sensible (plausible/whatever) should've happened quite awhile back. She's been unconscious most of the time. That neck injury could have been written into the conversation as a past event. It doesn't make sense for it to just happen all of a sudden. FMPOV, it just looks like one of your cheap shots. Kind of like Aiya's dream about Helios that Ether ass pulled.

As for getting Katie back, I'll leave that to you guys. I can't focus or plan right now which is why I've been in stand-by mode.

@ Godmod

Call bullsh*t all you want. A godmod is a godmod. I honestly wasn't bringing this up to get Katie back because I'm too sick to care. I'm bringing it up because I don't like godmodding. Whether or not it works out is another issue.

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What happened, I thought, was that Petros sucks at handling humans, and accidentally breaks them. He could have done this at any time.

The thing is, the only sensible reason they'd keep her around anymore would be to use her for bait. They would most likely kill her after doing so. An accidental injury and subsequent abandonment is much easier to plausibly survive than a direct attempt on one's life.

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It's not godmodding when the situation was perfectly logical. Note that Katie was beaten up before to the state of unconsciousness, this just makes it more plausible that they think she's dead. Complaining about this makes no sense, since basically the same thing has already occured.

Shanice (and maybe Ruby) are smart enough to know when people are dead or not. Makes more sense for the less smart demons to leave a supposedly dead bosy behind.

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@ Kiryn

And that's fine, but why does no one ever think to check with a character's owner before maiming them? It wouldn't be a godmod otherwise. Snowy's reaction proved it.

@ Luna

What I'm complaining about is the execution(the move itself), not your reasoning behind it.

@ Psych

You heard it from Cynthia. If you deem it logical, you can use that bullsh*t red staff to drain people and stuff.

@ Luna again

Do you see where I'm going with this?^ It's not that you did it, it's that you did it without going to Snowy first and made it look like a powerplay. I know going to Snowy doesn't always seem like a good time investment, but it is his character, and you can't count on him always playing along with one of his characters getting maimed even if your reasons are almost selfless for a change.

@ Psych again

Disregard that.

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Snowy already gave us permission to beat Katie up until the state of unconsciousness. The point is that it should be bad enough to look like she's dead, whatever permanency Snowy wants to apply is his call (well she shouldn't wake up for a few hours at least)

Worst case of godmodding in this RP was clearly me killing the mage girls.

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Fine, let's just not go through this crap again.

@ Godmodding

Nah. Worst case of godmodding was Aiya breaking Alferis' jaw. That seriously made Aiya drop on the popularity charts even in my book. Alf's emoing afterward just made it ten times more weird.

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