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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Dani will promote first if the battles keep going the way they do. Iso's at 42 and gains an average of 20 exp per battle. She'll beat'em. Just watch :lol:

Her average right now is 20/3 battles. She's at 2.15. :/

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HM is win.

@ Dani

Huh. I thought she was higher actually. Well my original point was aimed at the crimson animas but I guess not being the last anima mage to promote overall isn't that bad. Besides, with Iso's supports he's incredibly dangerous. High roles against DEF based targets are usually slaughters.


@ RP

HM or rather Snowy just brought up an interesting point. Aside from the other ignorances at the time (like not having attack helicopters ... COME ON, PEOPLE!!!) this is the time period slightly before the earth is round and the sun is bigger than it actually looks knowledge set in. It's kind of funny to see the other side of things.


I decided to update my so called compatibility chart(more like a who gives a rat's ass about who chart). Some people aren't on there yet (Zilpah, Luc, Zombie!Miranda, etc)

Anyway, thought I'd show it off to anyone who's curious. Remember, these are not my feelings(cause I'm not quite this neutral in my opinions of characters), these are their feelings.


(Love)- Strong family bond, or very strong courtship interest.

(Gravity)-Doesn't like the idea of being separated from a character for too long a time. Basically wants to interact a lot, maybe even co-dependent.

(Interest)-Very interested in supporting with a character, and more than willing to "chase after" them.

(Slight interest)-Would like to interact with/support with a character but won't make the first move, or any move for that matter.

(Needs more understanding)-Not particularly for or against getting to know someone. No real interest or disinterest in someone. Pretty much a neutral zone.

(Disinterest)-Annoyed by a character. Prefers distance.

(Loathing)-Completely against the idea of even being near a character.

Irina Compatibility:

Damian (Interest)

Aiya (Gravity)

Esphyr (Slight interest)

Katie (Needs more understanding)

Morgan (Needs more understanding)

Kelas (Slight interest)

Arrin (Needs more understanding)

Chase (Needs more understanding)

Conrad (Needs more understanding)

Isotov (Love)

Tessa (Slight Interest)

Helios (Needs more understanding)

Eric (Needs more understanding)

Derek (Needs more understanding)

Danielle (Needs more understanding)

Charlotte (Needs more understanding)

Cess (Needs more understanding)

Rita (Needs more understanding)

Pary (Needs more understanding)

Heinz (Needs more understanding)

Alferis (Slight Interest)

Kamilla (Needs more understanding)

Reika (Disinterest)

Viveka (Needs more understanding)

Jasmine (Needs more understanding)

Ivan (Interest)

Lev (Gravity)

Ivanko (Love)

Ixion (Interest)

Stephanie (Slight Interest)

Iso Compatibility:

Damian (Needs more understanding)

Aiya (Slight interest)

Esphyr (Needs more understanding)

Katie (Gravity)

Morgan (Slight Interest)

Kelas (Gravity)

Arrin (Slight Interest)

Chase (Needs more understanding)

Conrad (Needs more understanding)

Irina (Love)

Tessa (Slight Interest)

Helios (Needs more understanding)

Eric (Needs more understanding)

Derek (Needs more understanding)

Danielle (Needs more understanding)

Charlotte (Needs more understanding)

Cess (Needs more understanding)

Rita (Slight Interest)

Pary (Slight Interest)

Heinz (Needs more understanding)

Alferis (Needs more understanding)

Kamilla (Needs more understanding)

Reika (Needs more understanding)

Viveka (Slight Interest)

Jasmine (Slight Interest)

Ivan (Slight Interest)

Lev (Slight Interest)

Ivanko (Loathing)

Ixion (Loathing)

Stephanie (Slight Interest)

Viveka Compatibility:

Damian (Needs more understanding)

Aiya (Needs more understanding)

Esphyr (Needs more understanding)

Katie (Needs more understanding)

Morgan (Needs more understanding)

Kelas (Needs more understanding)

Arrin (Needs more understanding)

Chase (Interest)

Conrad (Gravity)

Jasmine (Interest)

Iso (Slight Interest)

Irina (Needs more understanding)

Tessa (Slight Interest)

Helios (Needs more understanding)

Eric (Needs more understanding)

Derek (Gravity)

Danielle (Needs more understanding)

Charlotte (Needs more understanding)

Cess (Needs more understanding)

Rita (Needs more understanding)

Pary (Interest)

Heinz (Needs more understanding)

Alferis (Needs more understanding)

Kamilla (Needs more understanding)

Reika (Needs more understanding)

Ivan (Needs more understanding)

Lev (Interest)

Ivanko (Interest)

Ixion (Needs more understanding)

Stephanie (Needs more understanding)

Edited by Phoenix
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Oh and I forgot about that part! He knows that Pary got that tome from Miranda and therefore he's likely feeling some serious "key curioso" right about now.

@ Zombie!Miranda

Not sure about that part. She's not the kind of person to get surprised and interested ... unless she's working an angle.

... you'll see what I'm talking about very soon.

Edited by Phoenix
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@ Luna

It is highly unstable. Though her Morgan aspects are centered more around the end justifying the means(the means are usually pretty immoral). Her Dani side is more centered around her flirtyness(with Iso mostly), and homicidal tendencies.

@ Iso pleasantly watching

I don't see how. The SOB is blind :/

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Other existing ones:

Damian x Aiya B

Morgan x Tessa C

Tessa x Arrin C

Kelas x Isotov C

Eric x Charlotte C

Alferis X Reika C

Isotov X Irina C

Think that's it. As for levelups *shrugs*

Edited by -Cynthia-
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