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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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He happily strolled over to the inn, easily getting Kiev's attention. the wyvern gave the man an odd stare. Why would a man carry around pluckings from the ground. They were hardly edible in his experience. The also smelled a little bit like Irina's pheromones. Perhaps that was it. They must use those pluckings to seduce other humans. Irina must have eaten a wagon full of them to give off that scent.

Wyverns really shouldn't be smelling human pheromones in the first place (cross species), but the point is "the flowers smell like Irina's pheromones", not like Irina herself.

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Yeah that was an error on my part(It's a typo. Notice the end where I do use the word "scent"). I should have put scent instead of pheromones but I'm so used to using that word. It's like when you start using the word "rather" instead of something else and it starts sticking even when it's not necessary.

As for the wyverns being able to smell them ... that's just me giving them superpowers.

In all honesty I'm not perfect, I'm going to screw up natural scents and pheromones every couple of instances. It's just going to happen especially since the sole purpose of wyvern logic is to be funny. You can probably find more of those messed up quotes.


Sometimes I wish one of the mods would join the rp ... just to see what happens.

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Sometimes I wish one of the mods would join the rp ... just to see what happens.

As a mod elsewhere in places, let's just say I've had my fair share of normal members getting the only revenge they can.

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I think we have a sniper >.>

Lev already called her, HM, and Alf ignorant as sin for not understanding wyvern mating habits. That's about as mean as he'll ever get to her.

@ Script

*snickers* XD

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Lev's a carbon copy of David DeAngelo(<---look this guy up). He only does certain things to certain women. He treats them each a particular way based on what he knows about them. He's basically the man he needs to be for every situation. A chameleon in essence.

Luna has probably noticed this by now >_>'

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I think we have a sniper >.>

You think? *dies, then is revived by Reraise* Good thing I have elixirs. :/

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In this discussion: Snowy thinks his character has way more sex appeal than she does.

This is why I always bring up short shorts. They're a total game changer.

Anyway, Esphyr could get offended at being called ignorant and that could start something ...

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Want to take us to Directus Script? Your city, so you're in the driver's seat for the first post methinks.

Hm, alright I supposed. You'll have to wait a tad bit though. TV right now, so I can't post for about a half hour.

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Wow Purg... Way to show your stupidity.

Anyways, what I'm saying is that you do need to be a bit more proactive to get a response. Sometimes I miss things. I need to check and see where things are now, and the focus of attention may have shifted and Lev would need to do something if you want to get some action.

Edit: Case in point, his insult was quite a few posts ago and the focus is currently on Rita's leaving.

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Cool? Again, I don't do browser chats.

Also, there's such a thing called tact, Snowy. Use your next level to invest some points in it.

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Lev's not actually trying to bed her. She'd have to dump Damian for that. Lev's trying to catch that wyvern right now, so he's mostly just reactive to comments rather than seeking people out.

Since I brought it up for no reason ...

Lev Singles Prospects: (in order of priority)





Irina(this isn't quite the same as saving the best for last if you read their support convo)

@ Purg

Were you ever in an rp with any emphasis on clothing?

@ RP

The focus should be the minor split off that's taking place.

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Not for a long time. I prefer just knowing that the characters are clothed, and distinct enough to know between light clothes and heavy armor.

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@ Purg

Never mind about the short shorts then.

@ Snowy

It's never too late, you're just scared of tampering with chronological responses. Coward :P

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