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It's not dodging the point. It's telling the truth in a more politer way. Compare this:

You suck ass and I hate you vs I don't like you because you tend to interrupt people.

Inaccurate representation of the argument.

It's more like... "Guys, this is pretty fucking dumb" vs "LOL, this is funny"

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man Phoenix why do I have the ignored character

*sigh* ... I'll be right there. (Honestly I thought that was a break in the interactions or something.

>_> She is not going to be bait.

Oh, well thank you. XD


@ Snowy


Out of nowhere! "I made jello!" XD XD XD

Edited by Phoenix
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Ah hell no. Iso and Kelas are the closest pair to a legitimate B in the whole damn rp. I say milk the interactions. I just wasn't sure what to post other than more Iso angst.


Edited by -Cynthia-
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@Slave :facepalm: You have absolutely no understanding of the word tact and before you continue this argument, look it up.

Your sense of hyperbole is as radiant as a fuckton of suns. You have still yet to answer why you think B is better than A when you KNOW the two are of like mind. It shouldn't matter if his speech is less offensive on teh outside, you know exactly what he means anyway. Or is the outside all that matters to you?

You shallow fuckup...

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Shallow fuckup my ass. What the hell's wrong with you? Tact is telling somebody negative information, but making it more diplomatic and easier to hear. Why my example above works while yours doesn't.

Look, why would you listen to somebody who insults you when you can listen to somebody who conveys similar information on why he doesn't like you and offers it in a more palatable tone.

And never call me that again ok?

Edited by Dark Sage
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I knew that was coming. Somehow I could feel it running up my spine the minute I posted it. Luckily, I'm willing to hear your opinion on this ... since Morgan's not around at the moment. I'm sure there are closer relationships, but this is the only one I really care about that's passed C at the moment.

Also, Miranda feedback. I want to gauge something but I need feedback to do it.

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Shallow fuckup my ass. What the hell's wrong with you? Tact is telling somebody negative information, but making it more diplomatic and easier to hear. Why my example above works while yours doesn't.

And never call me that again ok?

I would never shallowly fuck up your ass, don't be so goddamn vulgar, dude. And you've still yet to answer my question! I'm not even TRYING to trick you, yet you keep dodging it like it's a goddamn laser to an Ar-wing (for the unknowing, he is BARREL-ROLLING that goddamn laser)!

D'aaaaw, that response is actually quite cute, ya know...

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Damian/Esphyr (Yes I know, polygamy eww, but eh)

Arrin/Tessa and Eric/Charlotte debatable. Kelas/Isotov hit C just like a week ago, so remember it's mostly just the progress since then. Other pairs hit C longer ago.

I like the Miranda segments I guess? I dunno what to say.

Slave/Sage...just stop, you two aren't doing anything resembling productive.

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I just edited my post to explain exactly why it's better. Read it and come right back ok? And you called me a shallow fuck ok? Don't act so innocent.

Are you so thin skinned that you would ignore anyone who speaks their mind in favor of 'oh, he didn't sound like a big meanie-weanie'? And dude, trust me, I'm not acting innocent. If I was, you could tell. Without any doubt, but going back to the main point...

And star Fox's ships go down quite easily, actually. Ar-wing? Meet the floor/wall/ceiling/enemy ship/orbital laser cannon....

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If I'm thinskinned, then the whole world is thinskinned. This is basic social behavior. I'm sorry you cannot see this. In everyday life, you can speak one's mind, but still try to refrain from being too harsh. It is, after all, what everybody wants.

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Damian/Esphyr (Yes I know, polygamy eww, but eh)

Arrin/Tessa and Eric/Charlotte debatable. Kelas/Isotov hit C just like a week ago, so remember it's mostly just the progress since then. Other pairs hit C longer ago.

I like the Miranda segments I guess? I dunno what to say.

I never count DamianxEsphyr in my comparisons because like you said "eww".

ArrinxTessa, EricxCharlotte were kind of the feeling I was getting when I posted that. I guess my point is that Iso's dependency is really giving them some decent interactions and they're both really ... tight now? I'll admit, IsoxKelas is one decent convo from surpassing IsoxKatie in overall value. Being in love(closer to a crush I know, don't say it) with someone is one thing, but having a true friend can be more powerful.

@ Miranda


I guess that's a start. I'll tell you what I was gauging later. Just remember everything she's saying.

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If I'm thinskinned, then the whole world is thinskinned. This is basic social behavior. I'm sorry you cannot see this. In everyday life, you can speak one's mind, but still try to refrain from being too harsh. It is, after all, what everybody wants.

Shit. The internet is real life now? Oh my gosh... GUYS, I'M SO SORRY, I DIDN'T KNOW! I thought the internet was jus- Fuck it, you get the joke, and you're silly for trying to bring reality into this clearly nonreal situation, sir. I mean, you think I would seriously cuss someone out IRL over this? No, I'd be much more subtle about it. However, anonymity has its benefits. One of which we're both familiar with. And for the record, I like blunt people more than poets and politicians...

But you're right, Cynthia. I'll stop. This is clearly too complicated for either of us to understand fully, as this is quite a serious discussion to be had online.

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Psych, people will pay attention to you when you show a little respect for other people's thoughts and characters.

Until then, I think everyone's more than happy being confused as Slave goes from screaming lunatic to humbly dropping it because he was asked by Cynthia.

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