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It violates the tenth amendment in various areas. Namely, there's a tax in it that taxes people just for living.

If you live, you will pay taxes. This isn't anything new. Why are we suggesting it is? There's nothing indicating it's a tax different from the taxes you have to pay now.

Since the Federal Government can only tax commerce, and some guy who does nothing but sit in his house all day...

You pay for the house. I think it's called a property tax.

Unless it's a tree house. Are you living in the wild?

Yes, because the other industialized nations in Europe are doing so well. Oh, wait, they're even worse off.

ROFL. Are you one of those guys who thinks the U.S. is still #1 at everything? They're hurting, too, but they're better than us in some areas and they're by no means a poor place to live.

What's "worse off" in your book, eh?

Are you kidding me? EVERYONE who's actually looked at this thing knows it's an economic disaster.

Did you read what I said? No one's contending that it won't. It's a necessary cost for some, though. Certainly better than what we HAVE been spending money on for the past eight years.

Don't call bullshit on something you obviously don't know enough about.

lol by the sounds of it I know a lot more about this than you. What's your only counter to what I'm presenting? "Obviously my sources are more correct than yours... because I said so."

Like Greece, with a very similar healthcare system to what we have now, is in perfect economic shape. Oh, wait, the whole damn country is bankrupt.

Does Greece have a national debt of 11.4 trillion?

Because repeating bullshit always wins arguments. Right.

FactCheck.org isn't bullshit, but if that's all you can counter with, no wonder it's getting increasingly harder for me to take you seriously.

The job of a conservative is protect the good a country already has. Not add to it.

Good thing we have progressives, then, otherwise we wouldn't get anywhere better. I'd hate to still be living in the 1800's, personally, but that's just me.

I like the old health care plan of "don't get sick."

Going to the doctor and having good healthcare (or healthcare period) is a good way to avoid it, if you ask me. Unless you've unlocked the secret to eternal youth; then by all means share.

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If you live, you will pay taxes. This isn't anything new. Why are we suggesting it is? There's nothing indicating it's a tax different from the taxes you have to pay now.

Just because you will be taxed doesn't mean that just flat-out taxing is legal or constitutional. There are rules to taxes, ya know.

You pay for the house. I think it's called a property tax.

Unless it's a tree house. Are you living in the wild?

Property taxes are STATE taxes, not Federal. Different rules.

ROFL. Are you one of those guys who thinks the U.S. is still #1 at everything? They're hurting, too, but they're better than us in some areas and they're by no means a poor place to live.

What's "worse off" in your book, eh?

America doesn't have riots everyday or is under a total economic collapse. Granted, Japan is stable, but it's still got horrible inflation. The US actually IS still number 1 in most areas, and in the places it's not (Pre-College Education, for example) is under the control of none other than the Government itself.

Did you read what I said? No one's contending that it won't. It's a necessary cost for some, though. Certainly better than what we HAVE been spending money on for the past eight years.

So defending the country from militaristic radicals who want to destroy us is so unimportant compared to healthcare...

lol by the sounds of it I know a lot more about this than you. What's your only counter to what I'm presenting? "Obviously my sources are more correct than yours... because I said so."

DrudgeReport and Glenn Beck. Drudge just links to other sources directly, usually AP stories, and Glenn gives his sources on-air.

Does Greece have a national debt of 11.4 trillion?

Greece's entire economy collapsed. That's worse than just debt.

FactCheck.org isn't bullshit, but if that's all you can counter with, no wonder it's getting increasingly harder for me to take you seriously.

FactCheck.org does have a slight bias, though. Granted, it is pretty accurate, but so is DrudgeReport.

Good thing we have progressives, then, otherwise we wouldn't get anywhere better. I'd hate to still be living in the 1800's, personally, but that's just me.

You must really love socialism and Marxism, huh?

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Does Greece have a national debt of 11.4 trillion?

That's not bankruptcy. We're more likely to have an economic collapse, than to actually go bankrupt.

Good thing we have progressives, then, otherwise we wouldn't get anywhere better. I'd hate to still be living in the 1800's, personally, but that's just me.

I'm not even going to flame you on this. Just go and read about how little the progressives contribute to actual expansion.

Conservatives protect military power especially. If they didn't, then Russia would have just swept us under the rug during the Cold War. Who would have kept the military projects for new weapons on track? The liberals/progressives? They're too busy figuring out better ways to lie, to actually research a new way to kill our enemies. Simply put... Liberals tell our enemies we come in peace, while the conservative line up shots. If the liberals can't get peace and trade going, the conservatives take the shot. Stupid metaphor but it's true.

Going to the doctor and having good healthcare (or healthcare period) is a good way to avoid it, if you ask me. Unless you've unlocked the secret to eternal youth; then by all means share.

Just because doctors say there's no cure for aids or cancer... doesn't mean it's true. As for eternal youth, I'm not assuming either way just because of how "out there" it sounds. Genetics and modern medicine is a b*tch I'm not going to mess with in serious debates until I've got at least fifty pages of research more than my haughty opponents.

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The Title "United States of America" is also very misleading.

It is not.

The nation is composed of states that are united to form the nation, which is named America.

You're assuming that if we weren't a Capitalist society, that'd we'd have made it through the last one hundred forty years without a civil war or successful revolutionist uprising.

Is that absolutely true? Cause if not... shut up.

I was pointing out that it was not capitalism that swooped down after the American Civil War and made everything better single-handedly, as you implied. Whatever tangent you're going off on is none of my concern.

It should be noted that a successful revolutionist uprising or a civil war would be much, much more likely based upon the countries' government, not its economic system. You can list off dozens of times where a monarch was overthrown in favor of a democratic system and things along those lines, but I can't seem to recall any uprisings that were based on the economy.

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That's not bankruptcy. We're more likely to have an economic collapse, than to actually go bankrupt.

Assuming this is a heckuvalot better than not officially being in an abyss of debt and having no real solution to get out of it, what about the other countries besides Greece, whose problems mostly revolve around their politicians being dickheads and getting nothing done? Which I don't think is a fair cry from what we've been doing for awhile, to be honest.

Conservatives protect military power especially. If they didn't, then Russia would have just swept us under the rug during the Cold War.

Russia killed itself. Our pissing contest with them was just that... a pissing contest. And we can't say putting everything into the military is more financially sound than putting it to healthcare, especially when you consider how splendidly we've been managing our wars as of late.

They're too busy figuring out better ways to lie, to actually research a new way to kill our enemies.

Or... they're not as susceptible to scare-tactics lol. Saying they're incompetent at war is just silly; the two World Wars were managed by Democratic administrations.

Liberals tell our enemies we come in peace, while the conservative line up shots. If the liberals can't get peace and trade going, the conservatives take the shot. Stupid metaphor but it's true.

You know who nuked Japan? Truman.

Not just once.

Guess what? He was a Democrat.

I'm not sure how the fuck we managed to let the conservatives get away with saying they're the only ones good at war lol. History doesn't really show that.

Just because doctors say there's no cure for aids or cancer... doesn't mean it's true.


There's a cure for AIDS and cancer that we've found yet?

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You know who nuked Japan? Truman.

Not just once.

Guess what? He was a Democrat.

I'm not sure how the fuck we managed to let the conservatives get away with saying they're the only ones good at war lol. History doesn't really show that.

Now I don't know about Truman, but when you look at John F. Kennedy's views on politics, he was much more of a Conservative than a Liberal by today's standards. Hell, if he was here today, he'd probably be a Republican, not a Democrat.

Also, do note that Lyndon B. Johnson, the man infamous for being in office for most of Vietnam, was a democrat too- and was loathed by liberals. It wasn't until recently that "liberal" and "Democrat" became synonymous in the US, like "Conservative" and "Republican". Oh, yeah, and we entered Vietnam under Kennedy, too.

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When it comes to this country, what I care about things is whether or not it's constitutional (which it's not) and that it gives everyone their own free will (which doesn't do and isn't that why it's unconstitutional anywayz?) Well there's usually more to it but those are what are the two largest factors for me.

The constitution was worked on by so many important people and the president I respect the most is George Washington. heehee I was born in Washington state. I don't want anyone putting on their work for nothing.

As for choice... I feel real strongly for that. Like as example, I do not support abortion at all... But I'd have to go pro-choice. It goes against my beliefs but that doesn't mean abortion goes against everyone else's beliefs and I will not try control what they can or cannot choose. And christians (ima christian) use the excuse that it's a sin. I think it's like murder too, but I won't try force people into anything. And as the christian I am, I just tell myself "Let God handle it." I also think that whatever parents choose to do is their business and not mine or anyone else's.

So... yeah... I do like how this healthcare will help my grandparents a lot, but I do not like how it forces us to get healthcare without our choice and I am not too fond of the extra taxes either.

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It is not.

The nation is composed of states that are united to form the nation, which is named America.

When I said "United" I wasn't talking about legality. I was talking about politics and reality.

I was pointing out that it was not capitalism that swooped down after the American Civil War and made everything better single-handedly, as you implied. Whatever tangent you're going off on is none of my concern.

And I was pointing out that Capitalism is a piece of this whole one hundred forty year stability pie you keep mentioning.

I implied nothing else.

It should be noted that a successful revolutionist uprising or a civil war would be much, much more likely based upon the countries' government, not its economic system. You can list off dozens of times where a monarch was overthrown in favor of a democratic system and things along those lines, but I can't seem to recall any uprisings that were based on the economy.

Can you at least recall any successful uprisings that happened in the last one hundred and forty years in this country? I can't.

Assuming this is a heckuvalot better than not officially being in an abyss of debt and having no real solution to get out of it, what about the other countries besides Greece, whose problems mostly revolve around their politicians being dickheads and getting nothing done? Which I don't think is a fair cry from what we've been doing for awhile, to be honest.

I didn't say it was better. I was pointing out a minor difference.

Russia killed itself. Our pissing contest with them was just that... a pissing contest. And we can't say putting everything into the military is more financially sound than putting it to healthcare, especially when you consider how splendidly we've been managing our wars as of late.

Putting all our finances into the military wasn't what I was pointing out either. I was suggesting, that democrats, liberals, progressives, left wing, whatever, aren't as concerned about black projects, and military dominance as the right wing is.

Or... they're not as susceptible to scare-tactics lol. Saying they're incompetent at war is just silly; the two World Wars were managed by Democratic administrations.

You know who nuked Japan? Truman.

Not just once.

Guess what? He was a Democrat.

I'm not sure how the fuck we managed to let the conservatives get away with saying they're the only ones good at war lol. History doesn't really show that.

The two world wars were managed by democrats? No wonder we lost thousands of servicemen! :facepalm:

People wanna complain about Bush Junior losing three thousand soldiers in Iraq when the dems lost an untold number more. That's typical.

Just because someone can order a strike against thousands of innocent civilians and slaughter them all at once doesn't mean they know how to fight a war. It just means you know how to bring someone back to the negotiating table.


There's a cure for AIDS and cancer that we've found yet?

That's a legal matter. Anyone who finds a cure for disease that can't be marketed is usually silenced and has their license taken away. It's a smart tactic.

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The nation is composed of states that are united to form the nation, which is named America.

Lolno, "America" is actually the whole continent, which is divided into two and sometimes three sections. It's the United States of America, not America itself.

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And lol at Political Discussion in FFtF.

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Taxing is not you paying for something, it's the government taking money to pay for it.


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Taxing is not you paying for something, it's the government taking money to pay for it.


Now that you guys have pointed out that this new bill will be making Nishi pay for everything, I think I'll be heading down South a lot more from now on!

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Now I don't know about Truman, but when you look at John F. Kennedy's views on politics, he was much more of a Conservative than a Liberal by today's standards. Hell, if he was here today, he'd probably be a Republican, not a Democrat.

I don't recall JFK being in a war, unless you include Vietnam, which he did inherit.

I'm curious, though. Which "politics" moves him from moderate Democrat to Republican?

Kennedy called his domestic program the "New Frontier". It ambitiously promised federal funding for education, medical care for the elderly, economic aid to rural regions, and government intervention to halt the recession.


Kennedy ended a period of tight fiscal policies, loosening monetary policy to keep interest rates down and encourage growth of the economy. Kennedy presided over the first government budget to top the $100 billion mark, in 1962, and his first budget in 1961 led to the country's first non-war, non-recession deficit.

Are you sure you want to say this guy is on your team?

Though yes, liberal and conservative have only recently been exclusive to Democrat or Republican. Though you still have conservative Democrats or liberal Republicans, they're like unicorns now.

Also, do note that Lyndon B. Johnson, the man infamous for being in office for most of Vietnam, was a democrat too- and was loathed by liberals. It wasn't until recently that "liberal" and "Democrat" became synonymous in the US, like "Conservative" and "Republican". Oh, yeah, and we entered Vietnam under Kennedy, too.
The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, the Vietnam Conflict or the American War [12], was a Cold War military conflict that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from September 26, 1959[1] to April 30, 1975.


Eisenhower was president from 1953 until 1961.

History. It's awesome.

Kennedy and LBJ escalated the war, which actually goes against this notion that Democrats/Liberals are pussies, even if they completely bungled it. Kennedy and LBJ were very much like the hawks today, and "cutting and running" a lot sooner doesn't look like it would have been such a bad idea in hindsight.

I guess a better claim would be "we won more" instead of "we win all the time".

When it comes to this country, what I care about things is whether or not it's constitutional (which it's not) and that it gives everyone their own free will (which doesn't do and isn't that why it's unconstitutional anywayz?) Well there's usually more to it but those are what are the two largest factors for me.

You are not free to do whatever you want. You never have been. You're given rights, but there's also laws you must act within.

So... yeah... I do like how this healthcare will help my grandparents a lot, but I do not like how it forces us to get healthcare without our choice and I am not too fond of the extra taxes either.

This is really the only argument I've heard in this thread that's legitimate, tbh. Even if it strikes me as unwise to go without healthcare just because you're not sick YET. I don't see how the Constitution guarantees you a "choice", though; there are plenty of things you will not have a choice about. Whether or not this should be one of them, however, is very debatable.

I didn't say it was better. I was pointing out a minor difference.

It was implied (I'm not sure if it was by you, though) we were in a better position than they were, otherwise I'm not sure why Greece was even brought up.

Putting all our finances into the military wasn't what I was pointing out either. I was suggesting, that democrats, liberals, progressives, left wing, whatever, aren't as concerned about black projects, and military dominance as the right wing is.

What's "black projects"?

Yes, the liberals are generally less concerned about scaring our perceived enemies. I don't think FDR ever used the term "axis of evil", believe it or not, because everyone pretty much knew who they were.

But this:

Liberals tell our enemies we come in peace, while the conservative line up shots. If the liberals can't get peace and trade going, the conservatives take the shot. Stupid metaphor but it's true.

Is wrong. Sure, they may not get a testosterone high and barrel through with guns blazing like you guys, but I'm not sure why you consider that a good thing. At all. But that mentality may explain why we severely underestimated Vietnam and Iraq; neither of which were conventional wars in any sense.

But hey, we may be behind everyone in health care... BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE BIG GUNS!

(Guns don't stop suicide bombers.)

The two world wars were managed by democrats? No wonder we lost thousands of servicemen!

Are you implying it would have been different with a conservative? Lol. It's called a WORLD War for a reason.

People wanna complain about Bush Junior losing three thousand soldiers in Iraq when the dems lost an untold number more. That's typical.

Are you suggesting Iraq is comparable to two wars that involved several equally-equipped countries?

And do you seriously think Bush's casualties would be any lower, especially given how terribly he's handled Iraq, and how he half-assed it? There's plenty of reasons why you should criticize him.

Just because someone can order a strike against thousands of innocent civilians and slaughter them all at once doesn't mean they know how to fight a war. It just means you know how to bring someone back to the negotiating table.

And just because the conservatives pump so much money in the military doesn't mean they know how to fight them, either. It means they have shinier guns. Bush is a good example of how this doesn't always translate into results. Mission hasn't been accomplished yet.

But hey, at least there was a negotiation table, otherwise we may not have so many of our beloved anime shows.

That's a legal matter. Anyone who finds a cure for disease that can't be marketed is usually silenced and has their license taken away. It's a smart tactic.


Does anyone else wanna take this one?


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Are you suggesting Iraq is comparable to two wars that involved several equally-equipped countries?

Despite me not wanting to get srs, I really have to throw my weight behind this point.

I mean, really, really, really? How is Iraq at all equitable with World War 1 or II?

Even if the technology was the exactly the same for both sides in the Iraq war, Western Military Tradition and training and organization would give the United States such a massive advantage it isn't even funny.

The casualties in Iraq aren't even lost to enemy soldiers, they're lost to bullshit like roadside bombs and whatnot.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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That's a legal matter. Anyone who finds a cure for disease that can't be marketed is usually silenced and has their license taken away. It's a smart tactic.

I'm going to give you a chance to better explain this before I respond. Word yourself carefully, because as stupid as I think you are I'm really giving you the benefit of the doubt here because I know that you're religious and no Christian worth their moral salt is going to say what I think you just said.

I'm finally going to be able to get vaccinated.

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When it comes to this country, what I care about things is whether or not it's constitutional (which it's not) and that it gives everyone their own free will (which doesn't do and isn't that why it's unconstitutional anywayz?) Well there's usually more to it but those are what are the two largest factors for me.

Why doesn't this bill allow for free will?

As for choice... I feel real strongly for that. Like as example, I do not support abortion at all... But I'd have to go pro-choice. It goes against my beliefs but that doesn't mean abortion goes against everyone else's beliefs and I will not try control what they can or cannot choose. And christians (ima christian) use the excuse that it's a sin. I think it's like murder too, but I won't try force people into anything. And as the christian I am, I just tell myself "Let God handle it." I also think that whatever parents choose to do is their business and not mine or anyone else's.

So... yeah... I do like how this healthcare will help my grandparents a lot, but I do not like how it forces us to get healthcare without our choice and I am not too fond of the extra taxes either.

You do understand that taxes themselves are something you can't particularly avoid, same as this bill? Does that mean that you find taxes to be wrong?

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It was implied (I'm not sure if it was by you, though) we were in a better position than they were, otherwise I'm not sure why Greece was even brought up.

Yeah, that was Jan, I don't really care who's worse off. Living in Nevada or Greece, I still can't afford my new laptop yet <_<

What's "black projects"?

You could've done a google search in like five seconds. Why are you asking me?

Notable black projects:

SR-71 BlackBird 1950s project

F-22A Raptor 1980s project I think

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber (can't remember when they started that one

F-117 NightHawk Stealth Fighter/Bomber (Forgot that one too)

Those are mostly just special jet projects. The ones I care about anyway. My point was, that they get done a lot faster when both the congress and the president are not radical progressive constitution dodging assholes :)

Yes, the liberals are generally less concerned about scaring our perceived enemies. I don't think FDR ever used the term "axis of evil", believe it or not, because everyone pretty much knew who they were.

But this:

(Some crap I said about dems only being good at negotiating with terrorists and other enemies while reps shoot them in the face with weapons they develop during their terms in office....)

Is wrong. Sure, they may not get a testosterone high and barrel through with guns blazing like you guys, but I'm not sure why you consider that a good thing. At all. But that mentality may explain why we severely underestimated Vietnam and Iraq; neither of which were conventional wars in any sense.

But hey, we may be behind everyone in health care... BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE BIG GUNS!

(Guns don't stop suicide bombers.)

Just to clarify. I'm not pro war, not really pro negotiating either. If people have principles, I believe they should stick to them, but I'm just one of those people who cares more about integrity, and being genuine than changing faces to suite my immediate needs. It just seems like politicians will say ANYTHING to further their own goals. That makes me so friggin mad! That's why I love a good sex scandal. Sometimes they get pushed to retire. The only thing political ramifications are good for period :lol:

Are you implying it would have been different with a conservative? Lol. It's called a WORLD War for a reason.

That was actually just a rant to fluff up my post. I'll be sure to never do that again as you people will only take my fluffying comments seriously, and dismiss the rest as opinionated speculation. Well, the more you guys get my posts wrong, the better I can craft them in the future.

Are you suggesting Iraq is comparable to two wars that involved several equally-equipped countries?

Once again, no. Pointing to a stereotype about republicans being blamed for everything that goes wrong, while until now, liberals fall more into the savior party that'll liberate the people from narrow-minded tradition and bring the troops home. Stuff like that.

And do you seriously think Bush's casualties would be any lower, especially given how terribly he's handled Iraq, and how he half-assed it? There's plenty of reasons why you should criticize him.

Damn... shoulda put this all in the same quote! Just because someone is the President, doesn't mean he has absolute control, not even over the military.

When Bush went into Iraq, congress couldn't come after him for 90 days. After that, it was open season.

If you want a war effort to go better, you need to make sure that both the President, and congress are all of the same beliefs. Same party, same narrow-minded views on the approach to a war. Without that, all you get are vetos on spending bills, fighting period extensions, bad media, and enough infighting to make the frontlines of the real war look like a paintball tournament.

And just because the conservatives pump so much money in the military doesn't mean they know how to fight them, either. It means they have shinier guns. Bush is a good example of how this doesn't always translate into results. Mission hasn't been accomplished yet.

Most small arms are black. Where are you getting "shiny" from?

Of course the mission hasn't been accomplished. As long as there is a congress, there will be bickering, infighting, and votes against the war efforts in general.

Impossibility aside, it's not like they actually want to pull the troops out. It'd be better for us to take over the whole region somehow. Get control of the middle east, get control of the inconveniently placed resources, and then we can use those resources(oil) for whatever we choose.

Hoard them to strengthen our nation...

Sell them to reduce the deficit and keep ourselves on top...

The possibilities are almost endless.

But hey, at least there was a negotiation table, otherwise we may not have so many of our beloved anime shows.



Does anyone else wanna take this one?

Someone else asked the same thing, so I'll answer this there... go down please....


Not that far down... :/

Despite me not wanting to get srs, I really have to throw my weight behind this point.

I mean, really, really, really? How is Iraq at all equitable with World War 1 or II?

Even if the technology was the exactly the same for both sides in the Iraq war, Western Military Tradition and training and organization would give the United States such a massive advantage it isn't even funny.

The casualties in Iraq aren't even lost to enemy soldiers, they're lost to bullshit like roadside bombs and whatnot.

And friendly fire... don't forget that.

Like I said before, I wasn't equating iraq to the world wars. I was making a slight reference to the political norm of blaming every little thing that goes wrong during a war on republicans. Wasn't trying to make a real point with that actually. It was just a cheap shot at the dems.

I'm going to give you a chance to better explain this before I respond. Word yourself carefully, because as stupid as I think you are I'm really giving you the benefit of the doubt here because I know that you're religious and no Christian worth their moral salt is going to say what I think you just said.

I'm finally going to be able to get vaccinated.

For the last time... I'm NOT a Christian.

This explanation's going to be a little over explained but I'm not taking any chances... and NO this is not a wacked out conspiracy theory. It's just another way of keeping things under control.

Now keep in mind, everything below "The Politicians:" bit is purely hypothetical :D

The Situation: Most countries are dependent on doctors, medical practitioners, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc... for treating, and curing diseases, ailments, injuries, psychological disorders, etc.

It is a multi-billion dollar industry in this country alone. That's the situation.

The Practitioners: These people are paid for their services. Generally the worse the problem, the more they are paid. The longer conditions last, the more they are paid. These people are educated very thoroughly, but they don't know everything there is to know. They only know what they're taught, and what they're smart enough to research on their own.

The Politicians: These people have just a little too much power as it is. Lobbyists are not helping the situation much. If you think bribes don't happen in the senate open your eyes, it's politics.

(Hypothetical scenario below)

The Cure: The cure/cures if there are any, have to be hidden, suppressed. What if there was some kind of substance out there that could cure virtually any disease? What if it was a naturally occurring substance that couldn't be marketed(at least not enough to save their businesses? Yet, this stuff is what the body needs to cure/fix/kill all diseases.

The Reason: If this hypothetical cure gets out, is exposed, is proven to be true, etc, what would happen to the drug companies that are selling chemical garbage to us? How many more decades would they be around? What about all the lost jobs? What about the money they were making? Their whole scam would go down the tubes.

The Solution: Use power, or the persuasion of power. Either way helps. Bribe politicians into outlawing whatever they can that poses a threat. Pay off anyone and everyone within earshot. Cease the medical licenses of anyone involved in these "curing" activities. Sue them until they can't afford to continue their research. Public knowledge is the ONLY threat to the drug industries. Ignorance is their most powerful weapon, and they'll use it. Cures are suppressed, and the ones that do become public are torn down by the people in charge, or the people working for them.

And the people getting paid lived happily ever after B)

Good for them <_<

I'm not saying that they're morally correct.

I'm not saying that this is a humane tactic to use.

I'm AM saying that it's a damn effective one to use.

Who would be able to stop them? You? Me? Not a chance in hell.

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Ah okay, so you're just saying that a hypothetical cure would best serve our corporate overlords suppressed. I think. I kind of skimmed. Since when are you not a Christian though? I've seen you spout God this, Jesus that for pages stating views that are exactly the same as every other hateful little Christchild that uses this website.

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Ah okay, so you're just saying that a hypothetical cure would best serve our corporate overlords suppressed. I think. I kind of skimmed. Since when are you not a Christian though? I've seen you spout God this, Jesus that for pages stating views that are exactly the same as every other hateful little Christchild that uses this website.

Yeah you got it :)

As for religion...

Point out any Catholic doctrine, and I'll spit on it... twice if I'm salivating. Nearly all modern Christ related religions branched off from the Catholics. Feeling that all of their doctrines are wrong, I'd feel like an idiot adhering to any of them. Simply put, to believe what I believe about God disqualifies me as a Christian entirely... by their standards anyway :lol:

Now let's just drop it before we get too deep into this crap....

And this is why political debating in FFtF is hilarious.

We could always start this up in general sec :mellow: ... you know... cause a sh*tstorm....

Yeah, what Joey said.

I love it how seriously you're taking all of this.

I don't know why I get so anal about explaining what I'm really saying. Well... misunderstanding does suck up a storm.

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