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Quotes that make you feel sad ;_;


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Danved: In this world... There's no place for joy... or laughter...

Elincia: Father... Forgive me... I was...a weak ruler...

Oliver: Beauty crumbles to dust... It's as fleeting...as...life... How...sad...

Sigrun: Sanaki... ...However long you may live... please...never change...

Soren: Ike... Please live... Even if all the cities burn, and the seas swallow Tellius... You mustn't die... Not you...

Tauroneo: To my wife...and my son... I only wish I...could go back...to the way...things were...

Tormod: No! I can't...feel my legs... I can't stand up... Where...is...Muarim...? I... I'm...

Heather: Mother... Forgive me... I...lied... I stole... And this...is my punishment...

Meg: Ugh...I wanted to have...a wonderful wedding... Father... I wanted you to be...proud of me...

What do you think are the most touching quotes (death or otherwise) in FE?

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Beowolf's lover conversation with Lachesis




Lachesis, if anything were to happen to me, I want you to go to Lenster.

Fin is there with Cuan's children. Give him a hand, okay?


How could you say that? When we go, we'll go together!


Lachesis, I've got a confession to make.




I've known your true feelings all along.




Take good care of yourself. It was mighty nice while it lasted.


Wait! Beowolf!

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First off the top of my head is Lute's death quote, man. :(



I... I don't want to die...

I might do some more later, but it's late.

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Ninian's death. Cuan and Ethlin defeated at the hands of Thracia's dracoknights. Sigurd's downfall.


Hector: I can't smack a woman I've lost my heart to.

Lyn: Hector... I'm certain...that... you did not...cry... So, I will... This...is your share...of tears... Don't say...anything. Just, for a little while, let me lean on you. For a little while...

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My first post...

Sothe: Micaiah... ...I've failed you... I couldn't protect you to the end...

Micaiah: Sothe... Don't talk like that! You're not going to die... I won't let you!

Sothe: My wounds are...too deep... Save your...strength... It's not your fault... D'you hear me?

Micaiah: Please, no, you can't say that! I can't... I can't do this... Not without you...

Sothe: It's over for me... Take care of yourself... I'll be looking out for you...

Micaiah: Sothe! Sothe!!! No, this can't be happening... Don't leave me alone like this! Sothe! Sothe!!

Aran: I'm not a hero... I'm just a soldier. There's no lesson in this... I knew that's...how it would be... But still... I...

Muarim: ... I will not miss this body.. I've only one wish in my heart... Child... Live strong. ...

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Ninian's death.



I'm pretty sure I finished FE7 in one sitting from the time that MOTHERFUCKER Nergal killed Nins. Most I've ever hated a boss ever. :(

Oh, also, Sweets, when's that Hector quip spoken?

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Sephiran's freaking death scene

Out of anything, I think him and Sanaki's relationship was one of the most depressing things ever (to mee)

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First off the top of my head is Lute's death quote, man. :(


Lute: I...I don't want to die...

I might do some more later, but it's late.

That was so out of place. Every other character's death quote was more or less "Ah man! I'm dead!" Same with all the FE death quotes from all the other games. Then FE10 came along and added a whole new level of disturbing to them. Mia's and Neph's always get to me.

Mia: Why can't I stop the bleeding...? And I never...even met my... white-clad archrival...

Nephenee: ...It's darker than a prairie night... Why can't I...see...anything...?

And Leo, crappy archer that he is, also gets one in.

Leonardo: How is it...that people are born... only to die so swiftly? ...If only I had lived a little longer...

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"No... I don't want to be...alone..."

I'm currently playing a PT of FE DS, I want to get to all side chapters so I kill everyone I'm not using.

never heard that many death quotes in one FE, it's kind of depressing...

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“Nngh! Coyote...”

IMO that is pretty much the least sad quote from FE11.


"Mother... I tried...my best..."

after killing him, his mother probably died as well. yeah, consequences of my actions and etc.

(maybe his mother would now infect the rest of the world with her disease, causing the human race to extinct. and all of that because I killed Castor.)

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Cuan and Ethlin's death in FE4 C5 along with the Mahnya death scene are pretty damn sad. Also, Eli after Ninian dies.

As for actual death quotes...

Fiora: Ilia... I will not...see your soil again... Florina... Farina... Be...strong...

Lute: I... I don't want to die...

Elincia: Ike... For all you've done, I thank you. May you live a...long... and happy...life...

Ike: Elincia...? Wait... You can't do this! You can't die!

Nephenee: Everything's...so dark... I...don't want to...

Danved: In this world... There's no place for joy... or laughter...

Ulki: Gasp... Janaff... Tibarn... We've shared such a long journey... When...I rise again... I hope...we can...

Sothe: Micaiah... ...I've failed you... I couldn't protect you to the end...

Micaiah: Sothe... Don't talk like that! You're not going to die... I won't let you!

Sothe: My wounds are...too deep... Save your...strength... It's not your fault... D'you hear me?

Micaiah: Please, no, you can't say that! I can't... I can't do this... Not without you...

Sothe: It's over for me... Take care of yourself... I'll be looking out for you...

Micaiah: Sothe! Sothe!!! No, this can't be happening... Don't leave me alone like this! Sothe! Sothe!!

(That is probably THE most depressing one for me)

Geoffrey: Queen Elincia! My queen, where are you?! I can't see... Blood is in my eyes... Your Majesty... I'll be right...there...

Elincia: Geoffrey... Geoffrey! ...You mustn't die... I'll be all alone... Please... Geoffrey...

(Also damn depressing)

Geoffrey: Queen Elincia... I lived...as your sworn sword. And even in death, I promise you... I will protect... your honor...forever...

Soren: Ike... Please live... Even if all the cities burn, and the seas swallow Tellius... You mustn't die... Not you...

Zihark: It's getting dark... I'm...on my way... See you...

Nephenee: ...It's darker than a prairie night... Why can't I...see...anything...?

Nolan: We've done what's right. We must continue to believe. Soldier on...

Aran: I'm not a hero... I'm just a soldier. There's no lesson in this... I knew that's...how it would be... But still... I...

Pelleas: To die in this lonely place... It's my fate... But... For Micaiah... I must... I...must live...

Rolf: ...So this is what fate...had in store for me... I'm so cold... I still had...a lot...to learn. Oscar... B-Boyd... Shinon...

Leonardo: How is it...that people are born... only to die so swiftly? ...If only I had lived a little longer...

Mia: Why can't I stop the bleeding...? And I never...even met my... white-clad archrival...

FE10 was pretty depressing in their death quotes >_>

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If you fulfill certain conditions, he doesn't die.

I know, but you can't fulfill those conditions on your first playthrough~

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Nephenee: Everything's...so dark... I...don't want to...

Oscar: These enemies... They're too powerful... Help me... Boyd... R-Rolf...

Those are the first I thought of. Dunno why, man, but that Oscar one always gets me. D:

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