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Pronounciations of RD names

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How do you pronounce stuff in this game? Did it bother you that the Narrator pronounced some names oddly? Like "JOFFREY"? Seriously what was up with that? Its pronounced JEFFERY PEOPLE!

Anyway...yeah topic, GO!

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Ha, exactly as NinjaMonkey, Soth and Jeffery.

Also names like Almedha,Caineghis, Dheginsea, Rajaion, etc. where they insert random letters arbitrarily into their names gives me a hard time before RD though (some still do).

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The only two characters' names I pronounce different from the narrator are Geoffrey (as above) and Sothe ("Soth").

Same, plus Caineghis (I go with "Kayn-uh-ghis" instead of the narrator's "Kuh-nay-ghis")

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I don't remember what other names the Narrator pronounces.

Geoffrey- Gee-Off-Ery

Caineghis- Cain-Gis

Dheginsea- Dang-Say-Ah (I don't know why I pronounce it that way.)


Edited by Generic Officer
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I say Tye-tayne-ee-aa not Tit-ohn-yah like the narrator.

I knew it. That dress isn't just tight on me. It's tight on yah too!

I just made a cooler segway than Ryan Stiles. I am so cool.

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I alwasy thought it was beg-nee-on and not ben-gon

Same here. It might just be one of the few pronunciation differences from the narrator that I care about. That, and "Mick-ai-uh." I pronounce it "Mick-ay-uh." Yep...

As for "Joffrey," I pronounce him as "Gee-oh-free," but there's less emphasis on the "oh" part, so it can pass as "Jeffrey."

Edited by Fireman
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The name Geoffery is traditionally pronounced like Jeffery. :| Narrator is on drugs.


Yeah because of the Shakespearian Titania found in Midsummer Nights Dream.

Sothe was always "Soa-thee" to me but i got use to him being SOATH

Gatrie is "GOT-TREE" for me.

Janaff. How do you guys say that one? I call him "YAN-AFF" :/

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The name Geoffery is traditionally pronounced like Jeffery. :| Narrator is on drugs.

Janaff. How do you guys say that one? I call him "YAN-AFF" :/

I pronounce it like how it's spelled Jan-Aff

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Marcia- I always subvocalize as "Marsha," not "mar-SEE-a"

Lucia- I always subvocalize in the Italian pronunciation "lu-CHEE-a" which sounds sexier to me, because you have to purse your lips to say it that way.

As for the g in Beignion, I believe there was a similarly named country in FE8 which also had the french "gn" pronunciation. There was an FE8 promotional website with a flash animation that had a narrator pronounce it in the french way as well.

The Gat- part of Gatrie I always pronounce to rhyme with "bat" but pronouncing it like "got" makes more sense.

Nephenee- I pronounce it with 2 syllables even though the narrator pronounces it to rhyme with Stefanie

Sigrun- I pronounce it "Zeeg-rune" to make it sound extra German, (Sigrun was a valkyrie in mythology) though I don't use her much.

That's all for now...

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Marcia sounds like "Marsha" when pronounced. Thats usually the way the name is said. Ive known people with that name.

Lucia. Its like Lucius only with an A.

Sigrun- I pronounce it "Zeeg-rune" to make it sound extra German, (Sigrun was a valkyrie in mythology) though I don't use her much.

:awesome: Exactly. Although since its Norse, its less Z and more S but yes the general pronounciation you used is correct.

What about Sanaki? Since it was obviously a japanese origin name, i pronounced it "SAHN-AH-KEE" with emphasis on the second syllable.

Nephenee- I pronounce it with 2 syllables even though the narrator pronounces it to rhyme with Stefanie

You mean like "NEPH-NEE?" I was actually alarmed that the narrator pronounced that one the same way i do. Rhyming with Stephanie.

Initially i pronounced Begnion as "BEG-NEE-ON" but the narrator actually made sense pronouncing it BEN-NYON. It does sound better.

How about Lethe? I call her "LETH-EE"

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