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Worst game you've ever played in your life?


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Title's self explanatory.

For me, I'm going to go with Spectral Force 3 for the Xbox 360. There's so many things I could go after it for (uninteresting story, way too fucking complicated menu system, shitty graphics that remind me of the polygon days...) but what really made me realize that this game was utter shit was when the game decided to freeze 45 minutes in.

Yeah. Apparently if you mash the A Button to try and speed up the HORRENDOUSLY slow dialogue, the game skips a beat and just stops. And last I checked, movies with special effects like Avatar came out in this decade. Is it really that hard to make a working game?

What about you guys?

Edited by Admiral Lifey Crunch
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Summoner, for PS2. To win any fight, hit something. Then press X. Then press something else. Then press X. etc.

I didn't get far enough into the game to even see any goddamn summons.

Still, was only fifteen bucks.

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Summoner, for PS2. To win any fight, hit something. Then press X. Then press something else. Then press X. etc.

I didn't get far enough into the game to even see any goddamn summons.

Still, was only fifteen bucks.

which is a shame as Summoner 2 is quite good if only for Morbazan

worst game I've played?? hmm... tough question, since most games I only played after buying them and I only buy games that generally catch my interest and am rarely disappointed, so I guess... RPG Maker 3 was probably the biggest waste of money out of my games (its also a big waste of space on a standard PS2 memory card); it's just sad that other than some slightly better graphics and some more shortcuts, the previous RPG Maker was and is superior in a number of ways; although I only pop these in on rare instances out of boredom anyway~

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Fire Emblem.

Oh my god, it was totally the same thing here. God, those games were such shit. It was all about just gaming the system with all that: I mean, if used the silver bullet you didn't even have to think. Hell, it wasn't even good to think. What bull.

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Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat - The bongo controls were awful, there isn't much in the way of continuity between this and the DKC games, they replaced all the classic animal buddies with crappy ones (seriously Hoofer? WTF!? happened to Rambi?) and the gameplay was very repedative and tiring.

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Summoner, for PS2. To win any fight, hit something. Then press X. Then press something else. Then press X. etc.

I didn't get far enough into the game to even see any goddamn summons.

Still, was only fifteen bucks.

You just... Agh! Where am I?! Another favorite of mine, bashed, and before it ever even remotely got good!

Anyway, just to point stuff out, not trying to start an argument or anything (People are allowed to have opinions), but isn't that how most RPGs work? X>something else>X>something else?

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I remember how awesome the Monsters, Inc PS1 demo was, so naturally I bought the PS2 version.


I'm pretty sure that wasn't the worst, but it was certainly the biggest disappointment.

I never stuck with Summoner long enough for it to get good, but I still own it. Maybe someday...

FFX was great awesome. :(

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Eh, I don't blame people for not playing Summoner, I just let out a dejected sigh when I hear it get bashed. It really is a good game if you can get passed the very ugly graphics and the clunkiness.

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Summoner, for PS2. To win any fight, hit something. Then press X. Then press something else. Then press X. etc.

I didn't get far enough into the game to even see any goddamn summons.

Still, was only fifteen bucks.

Hmm, that's actually a pretty good answer. I didn't like that game much either. (I went a little further than you did) The summons are not that great. IIRC the first one you get is a humanoid black figure, then the next one you get is a humanoid white figure.

I'm actually also going to go with Summoner. Its only redeeming quality was the sketch comedy mocking DND performed by characters from the game. Not great by any standard, but a fairly funny little performance that certainly exceeded the actual game.

EA's Bond games.

Hmm. I found Nightfire for the PS2 to be a reasonably enjoyable game. Certainly only a 6 or a 7 but it wasn't exactly rock bottom.

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If you don't say "Dennis the Menace for the Game Boy" then you're wrong!

Read the question again. Read your post. Notice any issues with your post? How are we "wrong" if we've never actually played that game? We'd actually be wrong to say that game.

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Narga, that wasn't meant to be taken that seriously.

Sadly rules are rules and posts like that can't be made outside of FFtF or introductions. Has to be more than an emoticon.

Or did you mean the dennis the menace thing? oops.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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