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For some reason its not working right. Everytime i use it for like say 5-10 min it loses the signal and stops working, as if i had turned off or restarted the game. I have to press the buttons again in order to make it work. This makes it really hard to play things like MKwii and games where your controller must be active at all time.

Any of you guys know how to fix it or is haveing the same problem?

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Change the battery and/or try re-syncing.

I have tried re-sync and it didn't worked. And its not the batteries because i tried them with another wii mote.

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Ok so i changed the batteries and the problem stopped from happening. Apparently it could have been the controller doesn't... like those batteries i guess? Because Controller #2 works just fine with them. Right now i recharged those batteries that do not work with wii mote #1 and put them on hold until the other set of batteries run out of juice. We'll see. Thanks everyone for your help.

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So is it that it keeps turning itself off or something? Or does it just not do anything but is still turned on? I had a situation similar to this once but I have to know if you had the same situation I did.

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It used to turn itself on. However it gets fixed once i change the batteries. (Note i have rechargeables)But instead of it happening everytime i put the set of atteries it happens with it acts normal. The first time it happened was during the summer of last year and it got fixed. The batteries didn't seem to cause any troble again until now, but its fixed. I am interested in your experience though.

Edited by Mordecai
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Update, it seems that the wiimote starts to act this way everytime the batteies start running low.

Pardon the Double post.

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No i mean when the batteries start to go half way or just recently became 1 bar. Not like its a minute away from dying.... then i wouldn't have asked, I'm not that stupid.

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It only happens with one, and it stopped happening. Its weird. :unsure: Maybe its from repeadetly using reset? I was playing FE when it started to turn off again after about year of the first occurrence.

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