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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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As the bridge fell behind them, Kelas reined the mare in, slowing to a walk, then halting. "Right, let's take a breather," she said, sliding down from the mare's back. "Given our luck, by the time we reach that town it will be full of monsters and on fire, so we'd best work out what we're going to do if it is."

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OOC: Oh i thought it was a town

I edited it.

I guess we can pass through a town seeing that Elysima is a country

This time we wont have to worry about Nady's fire

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Esphyr allowed Ayia to grab her off the ground and pull her along. As the two girls rode away, Esphyr turned back just in time to witness the attacks that had been launched... and the less than desirable results. Though several of them had been knocked from their steeds, it took only a moment for a surge of tendrils to well up and reform the bodies of the riders mounted on top of them. However, when the knights reached the portion that had been cleared, they suddenly scattered and dispursed like water on rock, reforming a few feet back ontop of the mesh. Quickly, the mesh started to spread again; and as it did they slowly moved forwards, but never left it.

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OOC: I think they are pretty much dead. They were on the bridge when i cast the spell. Some were killed by the spell and the others that didnt die either drowned or were killed by the falling rocks

Helios caught his breath. There was a town up ahead and getting to Elysima will take a while. "There is a town up ahead" Helios yelled. "We can rest there then go on to Elysima". They were getting closer to the town gates.

Edited by Kai-Sama
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"I'm not sure how much experience you have with horses," Tessa said to Morgan after she'd climbed up behind her, "but here, let me give you a few pointers." She wrapped the shaman's arms around her waist, and said "Hold on to me tightly. Also, since there's only one pair of stirrups, you're going to have to be squeezing with your knees. Don't worry about being too forceful, anything is preferable to having you fall off mid-gallop."

Having finished giving her brief instructions, there was no more time to waste. They immediately sped off across the plains in the company of the rest of the escaping party. If it weren't for the roar of the wind, or the thunder of the hooves, Tessa would've considered striking up a conversation, but as it was the timing was all wrong. Every once in a while Tessa spared a brief glimpse backwards to check on the pursuit.

What she saw was far from comforting.

The beasts seemed to be unstoppable. Fallen tree? Shortly before the monster steed reached it, it was covered in meshwork, allowing the beast to sort of melt, reform, and pass through the obstacle unhindered. Nasty ditch Trevor had had to jump across? Filled up with mesh just prior, allowing the knights to ride freely across it.

After those discouraging sights, she gave up worrying about what was behind, and focused solely on what lay ahead. There was a wooden footbridge over a stream ahead, probably the same stream she'd followed in the previous days, though clearly wider and deeper here. Too wide and risky to jump, and the bridge was narrow enough to only be crossed single-file. The nomad's was the first to clear it, then the two swordswoman, then finally their turn.

Immediately after Tess and Morgan had made it across, there was a loud crashing noise behind, and a deep shadow as the wyvern passed overhead. The mage had clearly dealt with the bridge. Letting Trevor slow his pace and come to a stop, Tessa turned and looked behind them. There was a small pile of mesh in the center of the stream, but on the far bank, swirling and churning masses of the stuff was forming again into its previous shapes. The rot knights were not disposed of! With dread curiousity Tessa turned her gaze to the stream. Fish were starting to float belly up to the surface, and a thick mat of algae and filth was slowly spreading across the surface. It looked like this might only be a temporary respite after all.

Catching her breath she turned to Morgan behind her, "You still alright back there," she asked, then followed up with, "Also, what's with these things. Have you guys been fighting lots of them, or was today just not our lucky day?"

[[OOC: Correct my geography if I'm wrong here, but wasn't Elyisimia on the far side of the mesh field, the side we just galloped away from?]]

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OOC: I believe Snowy is the one who decides what these things can and can't do. If Snowy says they're still after us, they are most definitely still after us.

Kelas looked back towards the stream. "They're still coming. Running isn't going to work. Have we got a plan?"

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"I am fine. I'm not sure why these creatures appeared or why they are after us, but I do not belive in luck. There must be some sort of reason they are following us, though I know not what".

She turned to Kelas "If we cannot outrun them, I suppose we must fight them, since talking does not seem to be an option."

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OOC: I'm not sure how we can fight.....

Helios turned around. The knights still followed. "How did they survive that" Helios muttered. "Persistent bastards" he said as he took out Elwind. "We have to attack".

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Kelas looked to the approaching monsters and back. "Wait until they're in range," she suggested to the mage, who looked about ready to start firing spells left and right.

The horses wouldn't do well here, she realized... she unbridled the mare, hooking the bridle into her saddlebags. "Amari, dahai kanse," she told the mare. The horse's ears twitched attentively at the sound of the commands. Kelas shook her head in the direction of the packhorse, adding, "Get him out of here, but don't go too far. Yah!" She slapped the mare on the rump and the mare broke into a canter, herding the packhorse away from the group.

Kelas turned around, readying her bow. The monsters would be within range soon.

OOC: I think we should consider these things as just out of range until stats are posted (even if it means a complete pause in the action for a bit).

And yeah, not really important, but Amari's commands are in the (rarely used) nomad language. I've got a command set and some very basic grammar worked out; if we need a different language as some sort of plot point, just pester me about it, I guess.

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Slightly farther ahead, a single figure crouched in a grove of bushes, hiding from the knights. "Dammit, these guys are persistent... sooner or later I'm going to have to leave. My options are to turn myself in, which i won't do, try to fight, which is stupid, or run. I like the last one."

Chase leaped from the bushes and dashed away from the knights, looking over his shoulder, glad to know that he had a good chance of escaping, but completely unaware he was about to run into a different group...

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OOC: Yes, it is on the opposite side of the field... but... It IS possible to go around the field. And Kai... I never mentioned a bridge in the field description (let alone one high up enough to stop them or one over a fast enough river. There was a reason why. >.>). I have no problem with you mentioning one, but yea... Sorry?

IC: "Don't be a hero! Get back on your horse!" shouted back Esphyr to Kelas. "There are other ways to Elyisima that we can take. If we head south for a hour we can pass across a small river. It's better than trying to hack our way through. No matter how much we chop down, we're only going to drive it to consume more of the field to replenish itself to get us. We'd likely need some form of cleansing... YOU! STAFF CHICK! USE YOUR HEAL ON THE MESH! NOW!"

OOC: Treat it like damage X2. This fight only though.

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"If they don't speed up, yes."

As Esphyr spoke, the mounted monsters made yet another surge forwards. They charged up to the edge of the mesh, their lances stopping a good foot away from any member of the party, before they broke once again and reformed.

"I don't think they're speeding up..."

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Tessa nodded slightly at Morgan's explanation that the rot knights were unexpected to the rest of the group as well. She was trying to come up with a way to ask her more about her comment on luck, but was interrupted by a cry of "STAFF CHICK!"

A bit miffed at the informality and lack of respect, but mollified by the urgency of the situation and the fact that the advice seemed sound, she prepared to give it a try.

"I'm going to edge closer to give that a try," she said to her passenger, "If any of the knights tries anything funny, I'd appreciate it if you could distract it with a spell."

Taking Trevor right up to the boundary of the mesh, she wrapped one arm firmly around his neck, and leaned down, extending the staff in her other, and chanting a few words of prayer before making contact. There was a brief flash accompanied by a short popping sound. Where the head of the staff had touched the mesh a shower of sparks had burst outwards, nearby mesh was smoldering with an ugly green flame, and the area of contact had been completely cleared.

"Quick thinking that, and it looks like it was effective. Well done," she shot back to Esphyr, bringing herself back fully upright in the saddle. Tessa refrained from giving in to a sudden juvenile impulse to add 'Sword Chick' to the end of her sentence.

[[OOC: Edits for grammar failures. And yeah, sorry, Kai might have got the stream thing from me, though I'd mentioned it back when she was in the forest before reaching the plains. I tried making things flow together as best as possible after it happened. Hope it didn't muck things up too badly.]]

Edited by Balcerzak
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OOC: Wyvern Mage :awesome:

He watched the meshs fall one by one. Then he realized something. "Why didnt i think of it before" he groaned.

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"This should really be in Morgans field of view but we learned this too" Helios said. "The Mesh's can be disabled with a simple heal staff". "Something this girl has". "I dont think that it will stay dead". "We should burn it".

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