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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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"How much dry grass would you estimate to be on the border of the mesh?" Kelas asked the group at large. "Burning it will clear it out of the way, and allow things to eventually grow there again, but we don't want to cause a fire that consumes half the plain." She looked ahead to the road. "Furthermore, we're on plain dirt here, but there's more grass up ahead. If the wind picks up, we could be caught up in it." She took a scrap of fabric and a small vial from the pouch on her belt, affixing the fabric to the head of an arrow. "I've got the right equipment for a fire arrow, so we can get a decent distance away from the mesh before actually starting the fire. But are we willing to take the risk of the flames catching up?"

OOC: I'm gathering that there is a rather large field of mesh; given the dead plant matter it's caused, it should burn well, but it will also cause quite a lot of fire.

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At the mention of the whole plains catching fire, the image of the burned shell of the former monastery flashed before Tessa's eyes, and Morgan behind her could feel suddenly shudder involuntarily.

"No. No fires," she stated woodenly. "I know I'm not really in a position to be making decisions, but... just no."

Easing back into her normal tone again, she continued, "You said we can ford this stream about an hour's ride south from here? Let's get going then. If we're going to mount the offensive, it would be easier on that side. Alternately, if we're able to evade them entirely, your destination was still in that direction, correct? So either way, that's where we need to go."

She turned Trevor southward, and they started trotting off.

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Kelas put away her equipment; it was all for the best, really. With all the grass dead, the next thunderstorm to hit the area would set it alight and cleanse the rest of the mesh; for now, they just had to get away from it.

She continued to walk along with the group. The horses waited up ahead.

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Esphyr gave a quick look at the mounted warriors, entrapped by their inability to strike beyond the bounds of the mesh. As she looked upon them, a faint tug upon her heart suddenly touched her breast, as if pulling her gently towards the monsters. Indeed, every wielder of the crimson weapons could feel their gentle pull. Cautiously, Esphyr took a step towards the monsters, a confused and befuddled look upon her face. She raised her sword, extending it until the tip of her blade could just barely touch the end of their bone lances. One of the monsters rode forwards to the edge, its lance extended to meet her blade. The two weapons touched for the briefest of moments...

A sudden flash of brilliant white light shot through the field, radiating forth from Esphyr's blade and causing it to glow with a brilliant blaze of light. A mighty gout of azure flame bellowed forth from the weapon, scourging both ground and mesh about her before a wall of radiant light surrounded and contained the blaze once again, stopping the hellfire just before the field was set ablaze. The mounted beings remained, what mesh that had been charred suddenly replaced.

Esphyr's eyes went wide with realization as to what she had just done. She screamed loudly before she fell backwards, quickly crawling away from the monsters. "What the hell did I just do?" she said, her chest rising and falling rapidly in a panicked fear.

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OC: I changed my display name. Thought I should let everyone know to prevent confusion. Also, I expect at least one person to recognize a wanted outlaw...

IC: Chase continued to run and eventually escaped the soldiers hunting him, only to see a group of horse-riding... things... ahead of him. Not quite sure what they were, he ran past them since they weren't running very fast... and saw another group.

"Damn," he said, "what's with all the armed people lately?! Are you guys out to kill me too?"

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"Hold," Kelas told the mage. "We need to work out what Esphyr did before anything else-- if she made the thing mad, running might not help us." She turned to the newcomer: another archer, apparently. "Was that a threat?" she asked. "We've no quarrel with you, but those things might."

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"No, I have this bow for fun," Chase said sarcastically. "Yes, I can fight, but I'd like a reason to. If those... things are monsters that like to kill people, that's a good enough reason."

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"Mages and their egos," Kelas muttered. Aloud, she said, "They're not going anywhere right now. We have to figure out what just happened, because it may be the key to killing them. Now, if you two will stop snapping at each other, the one with the apparent magical knowledge should probably be paying attention to what's going on over there. Is the girl with the crazy sword killing those things, or replacing them?"

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With a quick movement, Esphyr sprung up to her feet, her eyes fixated upon her blade. A confused look donned her face, unsure of what she had just done. She looked up at the meshes again before backing away slowly.

"South. We head south. NOW!" she commanded, fear lacing her voice. She had no idea what had just happened, but a sickening knot was starting to form within her belly, twisting and churning about. Whatever she had done, she had a feeling it was the wrong thing to do.

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OOC: I am assuming Irina's dragon came and not Irina

Helios mounted onto Irina's dragon. He shoved Ian off and told him to walk. The things werent too fast

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OOC: Wherever we're going is an hour away, man. We're not running the whole way, even if we're all mounted-- horses do not work that way, especially with multiple riders.

Kelas began to walk. They weren't being pursued at speed-- no need to panic. She couldn't shake the nagging feeling that whatever had just happened would not end well for them, but running like sheep would not help regardless...

As the group began to move again, Kelas glanced at the newcomer. What would he do? she wondered.

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"No thanks. I know these woods better than anyone else. I could get there before you even without a horse," Chase replied. He smugly realized nobody had recognized him at all. "I suppose I could show you guys the fastest way and we'd all get there very quickly, though. Anybody object?"

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"My name is Chase. Let's get a move on." Chase decided he might as well be honest. For the time being they had the same goal, and if he didn't trust them, they wouldn't trust him.

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Helios followed the archer. After a while he got bored. "So what are you" he asked the archer. "Are you some sort of mercenary"? "People never come around here and judging by your appearance your not one of them". "If i am correct people are known to dissapear in these parts". "Why are you here"?

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"To be honest? I'm an outlaw, at least according to a corrupt government. I was framed for a lot of crimes I didn't commit and now I'm one of the most wanted in all of Eliyisma. I was rather surprised nobody recognized me here, but I suppose that's a good thing because you might've tried to kill me. How about you?"

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