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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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Great. We got kicked out of one town and we are surely going to get kicked out of this one. Helios noticed his question. "Oh uh im just a wandering Mage" he lied. "You dont know this yet but we are heading toward Elysima".

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"If I knew what that lot were after I could tell you, but they'd probably kill me," Kelas commented. "Me, I'm just along for the ride. I've someone to look for in Elyisima." She glanced at the archer. He certainly didn't look like a criminal, not that that counted for anything. "How do you manage to become a kingdom's most wanted at-- how old are you, anyway?"

OOC: Elyisima's an entire country, not a town. (Though I suppose Chase's presence could get us thrown out of the next town if they recognize him.)

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Just shortly after Tessa'd taken the lead in heading southward, a flash of brilliant blue called for attention from her peripheral vision, followed shortly thereafter by a scream. It seemed the swordswoman with the crimson blade had done... something, and the damage left from her healing spell seemed to have been entirely erased.

"Well, I suppose continually acting on one's hunches won't always lead to good results; if you keep going out on a limb, sooner or later you'll find a branch that won't support your weight," she murmured softly.

Still, the rot knights didn't seem to be particularly aggressive at the moment, so it seemed a walking pace was fine. Tessa dismounted and walked alongside Trevor, letting Morgan ride on him solo for now. Despite the healing spell, she had been seriously hurt in the previous fight, and letting her rest seemed an entirely reasonable course of action. There was some minor commotion near the rear of the group, apparently somebody new had shown up, but Tessa was busy enough trying to figure out the shaman to pay altogether much attention to this.

The shaman struck her as intelligent, but quite reserved. She hadn't spoken much at all since Tessa's arrival, and something about that intrigued her. With nothing better to do, she tried to strike up a conversation with the girl to pass the time.

"Soooo, you said you didn't believe in luck, right? I mean I guess the first question is 'why', but we can come back to that later, I suppose," she began slowly, easing into things, taking the conversation down an avenue of philosophy she'd read about in one of the tomes she transcribed at the monastery.

"Assuming you were entirely serious, the absence of luck leaves a couple of other worldviews, and you've got me a little curious which subscribe to. Luck is essentially randomness, so the opposite of that would be some sort of ordered determinism. But that can come in two main types: external determinism imposed on people from without, or internal determinism that is self-endowed. Basically either we're controlled by 'fate' or 'destiny' or we craft our own paths entirely from our own 'free will' acting in opposition to the wills of those around us."

"Personally, I like a nice blend of the three myself: a solid dosage of free will, with a small helping of destiny, and several dashes of luck thrown in for good measure. But what about you?"

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"I'm 17 now, but I was 15 when the first reward for catching me was offered. At 14 I was picked for the army because, to be honest, there wasn't much of an army at the time, but a few months later I got discharged for stealing something, even it was something stolen in the first place... Well, after that I had to resort to more stealing in order to stay alive, all because they kicked me out. Not that the army was any fun. It's their own fault, and I only stole from one group of nobles who were nearly taxing the poor to death. It's been nearly 3 years since then, and last time I checked- mind you, this was a few months ago- the bounty was 10,000 gold for catching me alive. Ridiculous, really..." The group approached a clearing. "Unless anyone has a good disguise, I can't really take you much farther... although, if you can check the town hall for how old the picture is, I might be able to stick around longer. I don't really have much better to do anyways".

"And what do you mean, you're headed towards Eliyisma? Of course you are. As far as I know that's the only way to get into these woods... or at least this part of it. I know they're big, but... not much beyond that. We're technically already in Eliyisma... well, only the very border of it. There's not too many people. If you didn't come here from Eliyisma, though... where did you come from?"

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OOC: Ever heard of a border town. The dude is wanted why would he want to go back

"Yeah but aren't you wanted in Elysima". "You dont seem to want to go back so its forget it". "There seems to be a town up ahead". "We can stop their and buy a disguise".

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"Maybe I'm wanted, but that doesn't mean I don't wanna go back. Things need to be done, and I can't delay them any more. The time for me is now. I'm going back to Eliyisma anyways, but it helps to have others around as to not get killed easily".

OOC: Could you use my name every once in a while? It's kinda irritating to be "the stranger" or "that guy"...

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"I am a firm believer in destiny myself. Higher powers really control most of the things in this world, free will and luck are mostly illusions created by the mind to give us a sense of control. Humans have a natural tendency to look for cause-and-effect relationships, even when there are none, so they often fool themsleves into thinking their actions are the only factors."

She looked at Tessa curiously "I am surprised you do not believe more in predestination. Do you not believe that your God or Goddess or whatnot determines our actions?"

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They were passing the spot where the horses waited. Kelas gestured, calling her mare over; the mare herded the packhorse over to the group. Kelas bridled the mare, but did not climb on, continuing to walk. "Quite a set of achievements for a seventeen-year-old," she commented to Chase. "I'd imagine you're fairly used to disguising yourself, but regardless it shouldn't be too hard." She looked over the group: it was fairly obvious that they were all warriors who'd seen their share of trouble lately. "Most of the others could probably do to look a bit more unassuming, actually," she commented.

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"Blending in was never something I've been good at. For the most part I just have very good, complex hiding places. These woods themselves are nearly a natural maze in one particular spot, something I've used to my advantage when I can. Personally, though, I'd like to know you're names before we go anywhere else, since that's usually a good thing to know. I'm Chase, and you guys are...?"

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Helios took out a book and started reading. There was really nothing he could. His feet were starting to hurt but he didnt complain. He heard Chase ask something but could care less. He kept reading. After a while he remembered the town he saw before. The town should be up ahead. Hopefully this kid isnt wanted there. That is the last thing we need. Helios gave the dragon a sign to follow from the sky. He hoped the town was ahead. It could have been Elysima too seeming the kid came from there. He decided to let time play out and see what it was. That is when a drop of water hit his head. It started to drizzle lightly. "There is a town up ahead". "Its best we spend the night there and avoid this rain".

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"Oh, The Lady certainly has her influences, and she do have her plans for each of us, and wishes us to follow them. But unlike The Lord, She is kind, loving, and good, and does not impress her wishes upon us with brute force."

Tessa recalled the familiar explanation, and attempted to phrase it properly, to make it sound as convincing as it felt to her when the monks had explained it.

"You cannot force someone to love whom they do not love. The most you can do is cultivate, the best you can, a situation supportive of it, and wait for it to bloom of its own accord. There will always be those reject Our Lady's warm embrace, either deliberately, through their will, or through ignorance, by fickle chance that did not allow them the opportunity to learn of her."

"I'm not going to say your way is wrong. Not at all. And in fact, you're quite right to point out that in many situations the line between luck and destiny could be seen as blurry at best. And perhaps many times humanity does get a bit full of itself, and claim credit for things undeservingly..."

Tessa trailed of briefly before concluding with a question, looking sincerely up at Morgan, not knowing quite how she'd reply.

"But doesn't removing the human element entirely, leaving us nothing more than pawns on a gameboard... isn't that just... too sad? In that case, why the point in living at all?"

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"My name's Kelas. The mage'd be Helios. As for the others..." Kelas thought. She didn't actually know everyone's name. "The healer is Tessa, Aiya's the redhead, Damian's the soldier... I don't actually know the other swordswoman's name, nor the shaman," she continued, muttering the last word with distaste. "This rain's not so bad yet," she mused. She looked skyward, noting the cloud banks on the horizon through the trees. "We will want to get under a roof before that storm hits, though."

OOC: I don't recall Kelas being properly introduced to Esphyr or Morgan, at least...? (I don't think names were mentioned in Kelas and Morgan's argument.)

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Morgan shrugged "Life is sad. We may be pawns, but we still must do our parts. To do otherwise is to reject the truth. If we were to attempt to rebel against our destiny, that woild already have been predestined regardless."

"I suppose what I'm saying si that we should just do what comes naturally, and not complain about fate gives us."

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Tessa laughed a bit. She wasn't sure exactly why, but she followed it up with an impulse.

"You know, you're a bit odd, but I really rather like you. I think you're gonna be sort of like the big sister I never had, handing down pragmatic advice whenever I'm floating away with romantic idealism."

Changing briefly to a faux stern type of voice she continued.

"And you don't get to complain. Like you said, Sis, this must just be our destiny."

She laughed again and felt better than she had in days.

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Helios scoffed after listening to the shaman. There seem to a group of guards ahead. They were guarding the town gates. "Halt" one guards said. "Peace we are just a bunch of travelers" Helios said. "The toll is 5 gold" the guard said. Helios handed the guard some gold and the guard opened the gates. "About time" he muttered. The rain was getting heavier and they had to find some shelter. He saw an inn at the corner of his eye. "We can stay there" he told the group while pointing at the inn.

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Morgan gave Tessa a confused look. Big sister? She was quite the strange one, very cheerful...

Morgan stayed behind most of the group as they went to the inn. Better to stay back, or she might accidentally incite another riot.

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Helios told Ian to bring the dragon back to Irina and the group to wait for a while. He went to the innkeeper. He handed him a bag of gold. "This should do for a night would it not" he said to the innkeeper. The innkeeper glared back at Helios and looked into the bag. He put the bag in his pocket and gave a couple of keys. Helios took a head count. "There are only three keys here" he told the innkeeper. "Take it or leave it" the innkeeper growled. Helios groaned and returned to the group. "There are only three rooms left" Helios announced. "We are going to have to share rooms". "There are 8 of us". "Im sure we can split". "So whose going where"?

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Kelas hurriedly passed Chase a hooded cloak, hoping that the guards hadn't recognized him. They didn't need any trouble now...

They passed into the inn's courtyard without event. A hostler approached Kelas, eager to get some gold in exchange for handling the horses. The amount she gave him was apparently more than he was used to; he bowed deeply before taking the reins. "I want them well groomed and fed, now," she told the man as she lifted her packs from the packhorse, slinging them over her shoulder. The man knew horses well enough, Kelas was glad to note as she watched him lead the horses away. She wouldn't have to spend the next hour in the stable, then...

Entering the inn brought an unpleasant surprise: it was mostly full. Kelas listened to the others squabbling over rooms, waiting to see how things would turn out.

OOC: Are we stopping for the night, or still on the road?

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