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I'm changing my name again.


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Nope. But I'm not complaining. :awesome:

Mwahaha now me and Hero can post Lilina fanboy topics to get her up the tier list with P.E.

Back on topic you said you wanted a fruit name, how about Tangerine? Or Graham Norton?

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I am going to recommend some ships from Infinite Space. I think at least some of these come from names of older ships (for instance, the Evstafi, not actually a name I recommended, were battleships of the imperial russian navy).

-Najtingalo (Esperanto for Nightingale)

-Askold (right hand man of Rurik, the founder of the Rurik dynasty in Kiev)

-Sodality (seems to be a number of things in christian churches. In catholicism seems to be a church-related organization run by and addressed to lay people, encouraging charity, pilgrimages, stuff like that).

-Ayanga (seems to be a name of African origin)

-Shahada (pillar of islam that means belief and faith in the oneness of god without being witness to it)

-Sirona (goddess associated with healing and wolves. I would not be surprised if she has some sort of common origin with Artemis, goddess associated with the moon, healing, and wolves - and wild animals generally. Nice ring to it but probably to close to your current name, though admittedly I don't think the "sir" is supposed to invoke "sol".)

-Ciscar (to shame or dirty in spanish)

-Pelayo (Iberian king who began the reconquista)

-Tsahih (no idea what it means from googling but has a nice ring to it)

-Haruul (seems to be mongolian for border guard)

-Toutatis (tribal protector god of celts)

@RP- That sounds like beer.

....but, eh, I'll keep it in mind.

I would go with Modello (especial or negro) if you are going to change your name to a mexican beer. (or a beer generally)


Go with something German.

'mit Ananas' or some shit.

lol 'with pineapple'

There was this french script we had to translate once in my french class of a gameshow. There was one line where they talk about a pineapple, and one of the people on the show goes "pineapple? Is that some kind of exotic animal" [in french but I don't remember the exact combination of que, est, ce etc to ask "is that" in french]. After that point, every time we didn't know what a word was me and one of my friends would ask "is that some kind of exotic animal?" in french.

Those were the days.

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This is SOUL we're talking about. (._. ;)

There's no need to be jealous. Soul is promised to Amelia and as there number one shipper, I'll make sure he does not stray for his rightful path of TWU WUV!

You have my word.

OK, souluna, if you truly want something different based on fruit, how about.....Pomegranate? Or if you want to keep the Spanish theme "Granada".

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OK, souluna, if you truly want something different based on fruit, how about.....Pomegranate? Or if you want to keep the Spanish theme "Granada".

How bout Persephone or Demeter? Or Eavan Boland?

The only legend I have ever loved is

the story of a daughter lost in hell.

And found and rescued there.

Love and blackmail are the gist of it.

Ceres and Persephone the names.

And the best thing about the legend is

I can enter it anywhere.And have.

As a child in exile in

a city of fogs and strange consonants,

I read it first and at first I was

an exiled child in the crackling dusk of

the underworld, the stars blighted.Later

I walked out in a summer twilight

searching for my daughter at bed-time.

When she came running I was ready

to make any bargain to keep her.

I carried her back past whitebeams

and wasps and honey-scented buddleias.

But I was Ceres then and I knew

winter was in store for every leaf

on every tree on that road.

Was inescapable for each one we passed.

And for me.

It is winter

and the stars are hidden.

I climb the stairs and stand where I can see

my child asleep beside her teen magazines,

her can of Coke, her plate of uncut fruit.

The pomegranate!How did I forget it?

She could have come home and been safe

and ended the story and all

our heart-broken searching but she reached

out a hand and plucked a pomegranate.

She put out her hand and pulled down

the French sound for apple and

the noise of stone and the proof

that even in the place of death,

at the heart of legend, in the midst

of rocks full of unshed tears

ready to be diamonds by the time

the story was told, a child can be

hungry.I could warn her.There is still a chance.

The rain is cold.The road is flint-coloured.

The suburb has cars and cable television.

The veiled stars are above ground.

It is another world.But what else

can a mother give her daughter but such

beautiful rifts in time?

If I defer the grief I will diminish the gift.

The legend will be hers as well as mine.

She will enter it.As I have.

She will wake up.She will hold

the papery flushed skin in her hand.

And to her lips.I will say nothing.

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