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A Very Important Question


Pirates vs. Ninjas  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would win in a fight?

    • Pirates
    • Ninjas

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Pirates everytime. I mean, have you seen Pirates of the Caribbean? Truely epic.

Ninjas? Not so much

PotC was good, ninja's are invincible, invincible isn't good for movies IMO

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Depends on a lot of things. For example, surprise attack, technology, the skill of said pirates/ninjas, and stuff like that.

I vote ninjas because pirates would need a lot of circumstances pointed in their favor in order to win. Also cooler.

And what's more important is that Ragnell is back! Hi Ragnell!

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This is not a fair question. It is obvious to any observer that any one ninja could (and would) kill any given number of pirates given a desire to fight. And by fight, I really mean "Hang pirates from the rafters using their own spine". Why in the world would pirates stand a chance of surviving when their very existence is to be killed by ninjas? They are as though sheep for the wolves, mice for the hawk, pizza for a fat kid.

The fact of the matter is that those who dared to vote for pirates have made such a grave mistake as to suggest to me that they are indeed pirates. Which is a dangerous act in itself, as it is a well known fact that ninjas are capable of striking others through the internet. Make your time, pirates, for your end shall soon be met at the business end of a shuriken.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Why in the world would pirates stand a chance of surviving when their very existence is to be killed by ninjas? They are as though sheep for the wolves, mice for the hawk, pizza for a fat kid.


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Actually, blindly swinging wouldn't do them any good. Ninjas are extremely good at avoiding hits, especially when it comes to weapons. I've seen a video of a ninja master trying to hit his student with a pole but he couldn't land a single hit. The student's evasion was ridiculously swift.

But was the student attempting to evade while simultaneously trying to land a hit on his master?

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Ninja are locked to swords, while pirates have swords and pistols. Ninjas will double the lower end pirates, but there are more pirates. And yes, Ninja can waterwalk, but pirates have boats and cannons. It's like Marisa versus Gerik. And Gerik is using Garm as a throwing weapon.

Pirates also may have Pastafarian clerics spread amongst their ranks, adding healing to the mix.

Also, pirates are better at any kind of puzzle.

Edited by Furetchen
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But was the student attempting to evade while simultaneously trying to land a hit on his master?

He could have, if he had a shuriken and it was a serious situation. But he doesn't really need to, he just needs to evade until the attacker is fatigued and then kill him. Heck, he doesn't even need to evade a pirate that much, given how slow they are in comparison to a ninja master. They'll just need to back flip a few times and throw a shuriken.

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Ninja are locked to swords, while pirates have swords and pistols. Ninjas will double the lower end pirates, but there are more pirates. And yes, Ninja can waterwalk, but pirates have boats and cannons. It's like Marisa versus Gerik. And Gerik is using Garm as a throwing weapon.

Pirates also may have Pastafarian clerics spread amongst their ranks, adding healing to the mix.

Also, pirates are better at any kind of puzzle.

Why would boats and cannons help at all? The ninjas could just jump from shore to the boat and then slaughter the crew. Heck, even a ninja trainee that can only jump four hundred feet would be able to jump on the cannonballs and get to the ship.

The only puzzle pirates could possibly best ninjas in is the puzzle of finding out the most colorful way for their entrails to be decorated on a ninja's mantle. But even that's a toss-up, because ninjas are a very creative people.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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pizza for a fat kid.

why can't this skinny kid have any? :(

anyways, everyone don't forget. the pirates we're talking about here are, I think, those pirates of old times. the guns can only shoot once, and shooting with one eye isn't easy.

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A pirate will carry upwards of a dozen flintlocks,and multiple Blunderbuss(Archaic Shotgun...it wrecks shit)

I don't see how wrecking excrement (human or otherwise) is important to defeating ninjas.

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I advise that the ninja and pirate factions liquidate their political divergencies. They are, after all, expressions of the same Proletarian urge, as their origins well attest. They should therefore eliminate their trifling disagreements and unite into a single party of shinobi-buccaneers who might thereby destroy utterly their true enemy.

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Very well...

It wrecks humans and other such living creatures.This includes Ninjas if it hits them,and it quite the blast radius,being a shotgun and all.Considering the limited space,they are unlikely to have problems hitting on a ship,and pirates usually don't fight elsewhere.

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A pirate will carry upwards of a dozen flintlocks,and multiple Blunderbuss(Archaic Shotgun...it wrecks shit)

Wow, that's a lot of useless equipment. It's just like if they were carrying no weapons, because such puny weaponry couldn't possibly harm a ninja. It might even make it worse on the pirate, since the ninja now has extra tools with which to bisect the pirate's torso.

It wrecks humans and other such living creatures.This includes Ninjas if it hits them,and it quite the blast radius,being a shotgun and all.Considering the limited space,they are unlikely to have problems hitting on a ship,and pirates usually don't fight elsewhere.

If by "wreck" you mean "bounce away harmlessly, assuming the ninja doesn't simply bat it away with his eyebrows", then yes, it would wreck the shit out of them.

Also, the pirates can't hit what they can't see. If a pirate sees a ninja, it's the last thing he sees, and only because the ninja felt he should give the poor bastard a courtesy before poking his still-beating heart out of his body with the man's own spinal column.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Wow, that's a lot of useless equipment. It's just like if they were carrying no weapons, because such puny weaponry couldn't possibly harm a ninja. It might even make it worse on the pirate, since the ninja now has extra tools with which to bisect the pirate's torso.

Oh?A gun can't damage an unarmoured opponent?I figured the poll was referring to actual Ninjas/Pirates,not sparkly fairydust Twilightfag ninjas.If I was incorrect,I apologize.

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...does not apply to pirates. One ninja against pirates is a slightly close fight, but when you have multiple ninja against multiple pirates it becomes a slaughter.

Edited by Furetchen
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Oh?A gun can't damage an unarmoured opponent?I figured the poll was referring to actual Ninjas/Pirates,not sparkly fairydust Twilightfag ninjas.If I was incorrect,I apologize.

Of course the gun can't damage a ninja; the only thing that can do physical harm to a ninja is another ninja.

You better damn well apologize for your ignorance of the ninja way.

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