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Finding buried treasure. (hidden items)

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I know how to do it, but what exactly determines the success rate? I read this sites formula it said it uses skill. I was always under the impression luck was involved not skill. also why the hell is there so many coins in the game X.X

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Success rate

= Skill + Thief Bonus + Biorhythm bonus [%]

Thief Bonus: 60 if user is a Thief, Rogue or Whisper

Biorhythm bonus: +20 if arrow is pointing at highest, +10 if pointing at high, -10 if pointing at low and -20 if pointing at lowest

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Success rate

= Skill + Thief Bonus + Biorhythm bonus [%]

Thief Bonus: 60 if user is a Thief, Rogue or Whisper

Biorhythm bonus: +20 if arrow is pointing at highest, +10 if pointing at high, -10 if pointing at low and -20 if pointing at lowest

This site is a great resource.

I think he's doubting whether or not it is actually skill.

If figure Vincent hacks so it has to be skill because otherwise he'd say luck.

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I think it was luck in the GBA games.

skill sounds correct to me for this game, I had a high luck unit and a high skill unit both an even turn on a place with a hidden item. high skill had it it 2 turns and high luck had to wait for about 7 turns. of course this is only personal experience~

also, I thought the game stated thieves and sorts have 100% chance...

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I think it was luck in the GBA games.

skill sounds correct to me for this game, I had a high luck unit and a high skill unit both an even turn on a place with a hidden item. high skill had it it 2 turns and high luck had to wait for about 7 turns. of course this is only personal experience~

also, I thought the game stated thieves and sorts have 100% chance...

Well, in most games thieves have 100%. Not RD. But they get a large bonus. I think maybe fe9 said (in game) thieves were guaranteed.

And you could turn your "personal experience" into an "experiment" by repeating the action another 30 times, if you wanted, and writing down how many turns it took each unit. Just, pay attention to bio, if you do that. Bio has a really strong effect (allegedly) on the probability. Personally, though, I've always been too lazy to run that experiment. I have been curious about it in the past. Just never enough to do the testing myself to prove (to myself) that the site is right.

And yeah, most fes (probably all but this one) use luck.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Testing the hidden treasure rate was something I was going to do, but never had the opportunity to do so. The Skill-dependent formula was taken from a Japanese fan site that I found to be usually quite reliable.

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I always thought it was luck. Ive had characters with massive luck scores find that stuff even when thieves (Sothe mainly) were unsuccessful. Like in 4-3, Sigrun sometimes finds the Basilard when Sothe seems to not find it. :/ Same with Lethe and the Laguz Gem.

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I always thought it was luck. Ive had characters with massive luck scores find that stuff even when thieves (Sothe mainly) were unsuccessful. Like in 4-3, Sigrun sometimes finds the Basilard when Sothe seems to not find it. :/ Same with Lethe and the Laguz Gem.

And yet my Nailah almost always finds stuff. Now, her luck ain't bad, but her skill is 46 while transformed. 66% at best bio. Luck isn't that high so I don't think she'd be as successful if it was luck.

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