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I don't expect many of those people will continue to host games after this large influx is over.

I plan on trying an FE4 game if my first one does well.

Also, I've changed the starting date of my Mafia to Thursday, May 20th.

Edited by Lightning
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Hey, don't jump the queue. My game will likely start a day or two after Fayt's ends, then Ether's, the Bizz's. Give each one a week and it could still be a while. Of course, if Bizz and/or Ether are happy to drop down the list, it's a different story, but I'd ask them personally if I were you.

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My game will have to happen before Mid-May when things get crazy for me, so I've decided to move up the list but go at a slower pace (long phases as to give a lot of time).

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Well, as long as Bizz and Ether are happy, that's fine. I suggest you ask them, though, and explain the situation. Otherwise the whole orderly queue thing goes to pot. And then things go wrong.

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It's not screwed up already? I mean... seeing how many games there are, and mini mafia at the same time...

I suppose we could do, what's it called, concurrent games?

EDIT: Yeah that's way too early, screw may 6th. I also remembered that because of testing in-school my homework schedule lightens up a ton during mid-may, so it's not as bad as I thought. It might even be better.

Edited by Lightning
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We have those. We have two of those, and mini mafia. And the order makes sense - first come, first played. If you can't run your game in the middle of may, you could always postpone it until afterwards. Sending games backwards is fine, since you still know when games are starting and the order. But bringing them forwards just leads to fights over who goes first.

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Good good, glad that's organised again. Going by an estimate of 2 weeks per game and 1 week starting delays, your game will probably run from about 21st May - 4th June, give or take. If you ask Bizz, you could probably move that forward a week.

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I didn't mafiascum had it in a handy guide like that (much, much more easy to use than the wiki). I better bookmark it.

Did you wirte it down in your handy dandy notebook? *remembers*

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Seeing how there's such a huge waiting list, I'm not gonna start mine until after June 29. So obviously, it wouldn't be wise to start the sign-ups now either.

I'm trying to decide on the theme though. Since Reinfleche already booked FE4, I guess I should try something different.

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If Bizz doesn't mind, sure. I found out exactly when my mid-May tests are, the week of May 9th or something, so that Tuesday would be the ideal time to start. I'll update my thread.

@Proto: Well, FE4's such a huge game it probably wouldn't be a problem even if we both did it (I was thinking of doing first-gen, maybe you could go for second-gen?)

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@Proto: Well, FE4's such a huge game it probably wouldn't be a problem even if we both did it (I was thinking of doing first-gen, maybe you could go for second-gen?)

Sure, why not? I had big plans for 2nd Gen though, so it'll take a long time for me to prepare it anyway.

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I've updated the first post with current games. Did I miss anything, Spoon?

Anyway, for my next mafia game I'm thinking of something I'm tentatively calling 'class mafia'. In a sense, it's just Mafia with a/two defectors and simultaneous night and day cycles. I want people's opinions on if they think it'll work.

There are three classes: Class A (8%) know everyone elses class. They're basically the defectors. Class B (21%) know who is in class A/B (but not which of those) and who is in class C. They're effectively the mafia, and may have a power role or two. Class C (71%) don't know anything about classes and so are basically the town. They'll likely have a detective and doctor. During each day cycle each group, along with everyone in higher classes, discusses who to kill and vote on them. Class C is effectively a normal town discussion with the mafia trying to sway voting. Class B is a kind of hybrid mafia and town discussion via PM, where people may decide to kill a Class C citizen or perhaps try and kill a Class A, depending on which is deemed more dangerous. Class A is a defector group and will likely be happy to kill both Class B and C when they need to.

An example game would be:

2 Class A

5 Class B including Surgeon

17 Class C including Doctor and Detective

1 Surgeon (Class B doctor, protects only from a Class A attack)

1 Doctor (Class C, protects only from Class B or A attacks)

1 Detective (Class C, finding out if a person is Class A, B or C)

Now, one problem here is that you can have a maximum of 6 people in a PM chat, but with 7 people in the Class B discussion that's not enough. Three possible solutions I've thought of are:

  1. Have a topic for Class B discussion. By the honour system Class C can't look at it, but a problem is the last poster is shown on the games subforum next to the topic
  2. Have 3 PMs for Class B, with everyone in two different ones. That way they can post their ideas to everyone, but things could get confusing.
  3. Scrap the idea or make it a mini-mafia game.

So the two questions are, would anyone like to play this, and if so, what should I do for Class B?

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Now, one problem here is that you can have a maximum of 6 people in a PM chat, but with 7 people in the Class B discussion that's not enough. Three possible solutions I've thought of are:

Actually, you can have 7 but then the mod wouldn't be able to see it.

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So classA and classB make up the mafia?

In a sense, yes. But depending on the actions of the Class A they could very easily have infighting to stop the Class A. I'm worried that Class A+B would basically just kill Class C, before fighting each other. I think I might need to throw a bulletproof or two into the town or something else as well, I'll probably hypothesise a lot of scenarios before deciding the extact role set (and it depends heavily on how many people play).

Oh, and if you can have 7, that makes things easier. I can easily get one or more players to feed me results and after someone dies I can join the conversation. Of course, if there are only 4 Class B, I could have all of A/B together.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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So, if there's no objections... that's what I'll do.

Also, I've been playing on EpicMafia recently. Here's a flowchart for how to play there (bold is instructions, italics is questions):

1: Are you thinking? If yes, go to 2, if no, go to 3.

2: Stop Thinking. Go to 3.

3: Is there a cop, watcher, tracker or other information gathering role alive? If yes, go to 4, if no, go to 9.

4: Ask the information role to claim their role and report. Go to 5

5: Did more than one person claim the same role? If yes, go to 6, if no, go to 7

6: Argue about roles and wait for someone to back down. Regardless of whether someone backs down, go to 7

7: Does the result(s) incriminate someone? If yes, go to 8, if no, go to 9

8: Lynch the player with evidence again them. Go to 3.

9: Can you afford to not lynch someone today? If yes, go to 10. If no, go to 11.

10: No Lynch today. Go to 3.

11: Is a player proven innocent? If yes go to 12, if no go to 13

12: Let the innocent player randomly lynch someone. Everyone follows. Go to 3.

13: Choose someone randomly to choose someone else randomly to lynch.. Go to 3.

Let's just say that one of their favourite setups is 6 oracles (choose a player, if the oracle is killed, that player's role is revealed) and 3 mafia. Ergo, the mafia kill someone, and either a mafia is revealed (instant kill) or an oracle is revealed (who then randomly kills someone). Repeat for the entire game.

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