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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 3: A peaceful respite?


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Kamilla sighed, she'd been awake long before sunrise cleaning the inn, it was part of the terms of her employment and wasn't about to risk losing her job. Despite having started working, she was far behind her usual schedule, mainly cause she was having trouble hiding from the current inn residents. It was part of her job to be seen as little as possible, but she really didn't feel like approaching the (Crimson) group she had met yesterday, she was partially sure that Morgan would attack her for being a demon regardless of what she had said yesterday if she even mentioned the word "Crimson."

Suddenly realizing that sun was high above the horizon, she tripped over startled before picking herself up and hurrying to the stables, she was supposed to have unlocked that place several hours ago. >_<

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[[OOC: Format

Last night stuff


This morning stuff


Tessa tore into the spread quite heartily, as soon as it was reasonably polite to do after it had been laid out, and of course, after offering a small silent prayer to The Lady, for her providence. Her attention to packing away as much as she could into her small frame, almost as if she were trying to make up for days of poor eating with a single meal, caused her to tone out much of what happened over the course of supper. People were getting into a fight with Morgan over something, business as usual. Though she had to wonder why nobody seemed to get along well with the Shaman. Deep down Tessa knew that she was a really nice person, and it even showed through her actions if you were willing to look for it.

She continued on in her state of self-imposed oblivion until the boy next to her, Kelas' brother, turned and asked her, "So where are you from?"

Tessa, turned to him, raised a finger to her cheek and a thoughtful look crossed her face. She then turned her gaze down to her glass, and twirled it lightly a bit, watching the wine Damian had brought for her sloosh around inside. She then turned back to the boy and with a bright smile on her face told him the short version of her life story, covering briefly how she'd been given to the monastery at a young age, and then how just recently a band of marauders had completely destroyed it, and she didn't know where the other's had escaped to, but that she knew they were safe and she'd meet them again some day. After she finished, the youth went into what seemed to be an uncomfortable silence, as if he didn't really know what to say, but that didn't bother her so much so she finished her meal, and headed off to her room for the night.

[[OOC: If you'd prefer him to say a few short words of apology, or something, that would work too. I don't really know enough about Arrin to gauge his responses, but we can't really indulge in a full-fledged conversation, so I winged it (wung it?). Let me know if I did it poorly.]]


Tessa woke up before Morgan had, and this was likely incredibly to her advantage. She'd somehow during the course of the night cuddled up quite close, and she was currently laying on her side with her arm draped over the other woman. Quietly and stealthily, she extricated herself from the position, and hoped that it wouldn't have been noticed, or that she hadn't done anything else bothersome in the night deserving of a scolding. After quickly taking care of some morning business she was heading downstairs when she found herself face-to-face with the boy from last night. He gave a stuttered apology, and she lightly laughed, and told him "It's nothing to worry about."

It turns out that Morgan was actually close behind her, as they were quickly greeted with a request: try to talk to the waitress from last night. Tessa didn't really want to confess that she didn't quite remember the girl, but Arrin was quick to agree, so apparently he had. If that was the case, then she could certainly tag along and try to be of help. "Sure Sis, we can go ask her for you!"

About this time however, the criminal outlaw popped up and started making a fuss. That made her want to get out of there pronto, and it looked like it might have had the same effect on Arrin, as he'd started off without her! Skipping off after him quickly, she caught up and grabbed him by the hand.

Now that they were out of earshot, and Morgan was involved in another conversation she was free to ask, "Okay. So, this is going to sound a bit silly, but who exactly are we looking for? She said a waitress right? So maybe we should go get some breakfast? Hmmm, I wonder if that was already covered, or if it'll cost money..." Tessa slowly trailed off and ended in a mumble.

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Something went funny in Arrin's brain when the cleric caught his hand. "Er... um... right, I think I know what she looks like... she showed up during dinner, remember? Asked Morgan about the Crimson Weapons... it looks like these are the servants' rooms, maybe she's here?" Was he talking fast? What--

"She might be around here... somewhere? I hope we find her, I don't really favor the idea of getting that shaman mad..." he continued, slowing down a bit. Had he eaten something spoiled, or something?

"Oh, breakfast, right," he remembered. "It doesn't look like they're serving anything right now, but I've got some apple rolls-- want one?" He pulled a slightly smashed pastry from the satchel he always carried and offered it to Tessa.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Helios took out his book and started reading. If they werent going he should just mess around. Then he remembered Luna. He went outside and groomed the horse a bit. Looking pleases with his work he went back inside and looked around for trouble. He would like to do something that could waste time but didnt feel like asking. "Oh well" he said as he put the book back to his face

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Kamilla sighed as she walked back to her room, some arrogant looking man was standing outside the stables expectantly when she got there, and was ready to get yelled at, only to find he wasn't interested in her lateness at all. She looked up and noticed two individuals standing outside her room, one of them, a young boy reached into his satchel and pulled out some form of crushed pastry, dropping more then just a few flakes on the inn floor she'd spent all morning cleaning.

Supressing her urge to yell at them she approached them with a smile "Sir, Madam, it would be.... appreciated if you would not... dirty the floor I've spent all morning cleaning" :angry:

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Arrin jumped, startled to see the waitress in question behind him. "Oh, I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, quickly bending to scoop up the crumbs. "Er... actually, we were looking for you," he confessed as he stuffed the crumbs absentmindedly into his pocket.

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"Hmmmm, during dinner..." Tessa, tossed her mind back, trying to pick out who it was they were looking for. As Arrin continued to helpfully offer out some additional details, between stutters and at somewhat quick intervals, she thought she hit upon the right person.

"Oh, okay! I think I got it." She thought, about responding to his comment on Morgan, but it was only in passing, and he quickly followed it up by turning the conversation to breakfast, which at the moment was a much more promising subject. The young mage offered her some food, which she gratefully accepted. "Wow, it looks so~ good. Thanks!"

Just as she was about to bite into it, though, a voice interrupted with complaints about making a mess on the floor. Tessa glanced down, and saw that sure enough, some of the pastry had flaked off and landed near her feet.

Giving a little nervous laugh, she turned and apologized "Hehehe, sorry about that, I must not have been paying enough attention. I'll clean it up for you, promise!" She then took a closer look at the woman. Wait... was this the one... It was!

"Say~ You were the waitress from last night right? I mean, I didn't really follow everything that was going on, so maybe I could ask you a couple of questions about it?" She nudged Arrin with her elbow, indicating he should help out too.

[[OOC: Oh my, post timing collision. Always fun. Though this one less bad than most.]]

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Kamilla took a step back and looked at the two slowly, "screw the damn weapons" a voice whispered in her mind. "I'm sorry, it wasn't my place to ask, if you don't mind I have other work to do" she said quickly before trying to run off, only to suceed in falling flat on her face.

EDIT: Nvm, must have misread Baclie's post though it does say edit <_<

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OOC: We are indeed in front of the servants rooms. Just not paying full attention, and you came from a different direction, was my understanding as well.

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"Are you all right?" Arrin asked, holding a hand out to the girl. Did she just trip over her feet? "We're not out to get you, we were just wondering if you could help us..."

(OOC: I'm assuming it was just an accidental trip, as it'd be out of character for Arrin or Tessa to do that...)

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Tessa saw the woman trip over her own feet, and was about to rush forward to help her back up, but Arrin was faster. Not wanting to crowd, she availed herself of the opportunity to stuff a bit of the pastry into her mouth, and she quickly chewed and swallowed, while moving forward as well.

"Seriously, actually. I'm gonna say something that will probably sound a little foolish, but I couldn't very well ask Sis about it, you know? See I don't really quite understand much about these Crimson Weapons at all, or why she's making such a big fuss about them, aside from the fact that they're apparently connected with The Lord. Really, anything you feel you could tell me would help."

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OoC: ORLY? Arrin tripped me for interupting his smoochie time with Tessa! I swear it!


Kamilla stared at Arrin's hand for a few seconds before moving slight back and getting up herself, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern sir."

Sighing heavily as she gave up on running away, she looked at the two carefully again, didn't seem like the battle hardened fighter, probably mages of some sort, "I can tell you no more then what your sister knows, probably significantly less." she said brushing herself off. "Crimson weapons as you probably know yourself are weapons forged from the flames of hell when the demon lord was imprisoned 25 years ago, rumor has it that many of these weapons were stolen and hidden in children, usually orphans. However resurrecting the demon lord took alot longer then most demons had imagined, and the children eventually grew up and started wielding these weapons." She paused "I assume that would be your merry group of friends."

"That's all really, though again, rumor has it that the sudden activity of monsters and demons across the land is a precursor to the demon lord awakening."

"So people like myself have..." she paused, uncertain if she should continue, she technically hadn't been forbidden from revealing her objective. She smiled "Oh who cares?" she said more to herself then anyone else.

"There's several religious factions around who don't think too fondly of the Crimson Weapons, something along the lines of *We defeated him before, we don't need to rely on those heretic weapons*, other prominent churches are trying to locate them and keep them away from eachother, since they believe it'll strengthen the demon lord, and hasten his return."

She gave the two enough time to comprehend the information, "In that sense you're all wanted criminals really, some in the faith has gone as far as suggesting killing the crimson weapon holders and destroying the weapons."

"Looking at Tessa she frowned, you probably already knew all this those, I mean you're part of the Septimian reform movement as well right?" she asked questioningly.

PS: Snowy, if your revealed something important, I'll add it to my post, haven't really got much I want to reveal yet, so help would be appreciated XD

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Arrin paled. "Wanted..." If he could get to Kelas, they could be out of the country quickly... but what about the others? Was this girl going to try and kill them? "And so you're... hunting them?" he asked, trying to remain calm. She doesn't know I've got one, right?

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Kamilla, seeing Arrin tense, laughed lightly, "Yes, I'm supposed to arrest you and drag you off to the head church to be crucified" she said carelessly, "What else, Err By the name of our creator and mother goddess, you are to comply with the wishes of the divine church of and offer yourself as a sacrifice to this holy cause, failure to cooperate will force me to take your life and may your soul be damned and devoured by all that is wicked." She finished, noticing Arrin paling, she decided she'd gone too far.

"But to be honest I couldn't defend myself from even a kid like you, assuming you're a mage?" Noticing the expression on Tessa's face she quickly added "Not a healer, can't call on the powers of the mother goddess either, she raised her hands to indicate she was defenseless, "So really I don't have the power to take you anywhere."

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[[OOC: I'm not really here posting, honest. I'm asleep like I should have been. Also, crap, random religious terms I have no idea on! I will invent a name for the order monastery completely out of the blue... Hmm, the Order of Saint Pentus... This is not just a set-up for Lord Pent references, I swear...]]

Tessa nodded at the waitress's explanation, she'd heard some talk of this before, in passing, but on the whole the monks were more concerned with things of a much less recent nature, so it hadn't been impressed upon her of any vital importance. When the woman got to the point about people viewing the weapons as objects of heresy, she frowned a bit. However, a moment's thought revealed that that certainly was one way of looking at things.

After the pause she'd left for them to think things over, she accused Tessa of feigning ignorance, and membership in some religious movement.

"Well, I did kind of know a little bit about some of that, but you laid it out really nice and clearly. And the last bit was all new to me actually." She puffed herself up a bit here and rebuked the claim about her faith, "And I'll have you know I'm not a part of this Septimian reform you mention. I'm just an average member of the Order of Saint Pentus."

[[Edit: grammar fails]]

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Kamilla frowned, "Pentus? I've never heard of such an order, though you must have been pretty sheltered to have no heard of the Septimian reform, The Septimian reform is a movement led by Septimian Church, which believes what most us do, they believe the Demon Lord is evil and must be destroyed, that he seeks to destroy mankind and reign a rule of fear and terror."

"On the other hand we have those Lunaism heretics who believe that the Demon Lord actually loves us and cares about mankind and it's well being." seeing the expression on the faces of the two, she shook her head "Don't ask, I wouldn't have a clue either."

"It's pretty much the center of all religion these days, though I've heard that some churches have excluded themselves from the conflict completely and decided not to get involved, perhaps Pentus is one such group?"

She had to think about Arrin's question, "Well I don't know if there'd be spies, I mean, we're supposed to drag you away on sight, so I can't imagine people sneaking around. Though I suppose they could infiltrate your group of friends, "she looked at Tessa" but decided not to say anything "They might not even be directly linked with the churches, so it's near impossible to tell anyway."

"Speaking of telling, I'm not sure about it's credibility, but I did hear the other girls saying that a select group of archbishops who could sense Crimson weapons were being trained years ago" so you might want to avoid big churches, that said, if you don't burst out and announce that you're in possession of the Crimson weapons like your friend did yesterday, you should be safe, I think."

She paused and then looked at the two again, "Well that's all I know, so how about you give me some information in good faith? How many of the 9 Crimson weapons have you gathered?"

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"I don't know," Arrin said, truthfully enough. "I'm new to the group... but anyway, what do you intend to do now you've found them? You've ruled out trying to capture them on your own, but..."


Kelas hopped off the fence, heading for the inn. Everyone was probably up now...

OOC: For the record, we've encountered 8/9 Crimsons, and have six with us IIRC.

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OoC: I miscounted ,_, Leave meh alone

Kamilla, cocked her head to the side, as if trying to work out what the boy was implying, and an expression of realization crossed her face "Oh, uhm, err," she hadn't really thought that far ahead and was wondering what she should say, not being able to find a response quick enough, the made an awkward smirk "That would depend on what you can do for me, wouldn't it?"

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