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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 3: A peaceful respite?


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OOC: See if Kelas comes storming out and tells Esphyr off for sleeping in the barn, it's really because she wants the hayloft... XD

Also I think Katie left for places unknown...

...Right, my characters are in a conversation that won't be replied to til Balcerzak's back, I'm gonna go pass out now.

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OOC: Katie went out the back door. She's not by the stable.

"That's okay. I'm a mercenary. Stupidity is part of the job actually. Seriously, look it up. There has never been such a thing as a wise mercenary. We do the jobs people don't want to do or are too afraid to do. Before I took this one, I was hired to clear out a pack of wolves on my own. There is no way anyone who couldn't put aside intelligence for a moment would have taken the job. Most mercenaries require that they get paid in part in booze. There's a reason why."

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Iso: I'd like to agree with you, but Ivanko is a mercenary, and if he were stupid, neither Irina or I would be here. None the less, I'm not here to beg you to treat yourself like a human being. Irina's here to give her wyvern scraps, then we're going to bed.

Irina: Even though you want to sleep out here, please consider coming back with us.

She quickly knelt down by Kiev who up until then was actually looking at the horses and evaluating them as potential meals. Had Irina arrived a minute later, there may have been an utter disaster in the stable. The stable wasn't meant for wyverns, but Kiev had to stay somewhere. He quickly ate all of the food Irina had brought, and then laid down to sleep.

Irina: Teehee, I love my wyvern so much :3

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Kamilla bowed at the two new arrivals (to the stable) and stepped back into the shadows, she wasn't really hiding, but simply keeping out of the way. She watched as Irina and Isotov fed Kiev, she reached into her pocket for the key to the stables, the old man who was supposed to lock the stables was always away gambling and it was usually up to her to lock up each night. Seeing Kiev finished the last of his meal, she stepped out,

"Sir, Madam" she said curtly, "Inn policy requires me to lock up these stables until 4AM, while it would be appreciated if you do not visit the stables during this time period, if for some urgent reason you require entry to the stables, please come see me at room 3." she said lifting the key out for the others to see.

Seeing the look on Irina's face she smiled, a fake empty customer smile "It's necessary to prevent the mounts from being stolen"

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"She offered me a place to stay for the night though. I suspect I will be taking her up on the offer. Though I must admit to a bit of curiousness as to what you planned to do if I was not about to take her up. Would you have let me sleep in the stables? It's honestly not that big a thing for me. I've slept through worse. Sides, after I tried to smash Morgan's face in, I kind of deserve this. I don't know why I did that either. I'm not usually that... willing to assault others."

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Morgan sighed "Why is everyone chasing after the moody swordswoman? Let her deal with her own personal problems, I really don't think her irrationality can be fixed with any amount of logic."

"By the way nomad, I suppose I must congratulate you on the work with the knives. That stopped the questioning rather quickly.'

Morgan thought some more. If that waitress was interested in the Crimson Weapons, then she was quite possibly an enemy to be eliminated. Or at the very least knew something important.

Morgan got up from the table and walked quickly to the stables. She found the waitress talking to the various other group members that had accumulated.

"Why are you interested in the Crimson Weapons, serving wench?" Morgan asked the meek looking girl "I would suggest telling the truth...and quickly."

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Irina: I don't think life is about what we deserve, Esphyr. As long as you're not sleeping in a stable, that's fine with me. Personally I'd like to bring Kiev along to, but he's too big :sob:

Iso: :facepalm:

Iso noticed Morgan walk in and start questioning Kamilla. She seemed to be dead serious too.

Iso: Good Lord ... the prejudice is spreading. Now maids are in danger of being killed :facepalm:

Edited by Phoenix
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Kamilla looked at Morgan and quickly bowed her head apologizing again, she'd done it everyday for as long as she could remember, but she felt like she was apologizing more the usual today. She flinched at being called a serving wench, usually when she got called that a few blows to the head or stomach would ensue, but the shaman simply waited for her response "Crimson weapons? Umm, I don't think they really exist, I mean, they're just legends used to scare little kids right?" she paused and looked into the dark fidgeting nervously, it wasn't a cold night, but it felt like hell was freezing over.

"Umm, I'd like to lock the stables up now, if you wouldn't mind?" she said to Irina who was still standing right by Kiev's side. Hoping the change in topic would give her an excuse to run far away from the crazy woman(Morgan)

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Irina: Uh- Yeah! L-let's go! :sweatdrop:

She pet Kiev on the head and gave him a hug. Iso stood by the door holding it open and glaring at Morgan. Irina ran over to him.

Irina: Sorry that I took so long, Miss.

Irina left the stable but before he followed, he looked at Kamilla, and then back at Morgan.

Iso: Well this clearly isn't a fair match up :huh:

He headed out and let the door close behind him.

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Morgan gave Isotov a cross look "It's called being cautious, you naive moron. Demons take many forms, and they can very easily fool the unwary such as yourself. I suggest you take this mission a little more seriously, or I'll have to call your uncle so he can give you another beating."

She turned her gaze upon Kamilla and tapped her foot impatiently "So you were curious to know if we were wielders of fairytales? That seems extremely unlikely. Your shyness indicates that you're either not a demon...or that you're a very clever one. I believe you know something about the Crimson Weapons and it would be wise for you to tell us."

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"Why wouldn't they? I mean, the hero's themselves affirmed the existence of the Fire Emblem and, if it exists, then why not the weapons as well?" asked Esphyr as she stepped out of the stable, allowing the waitress to close it. "I think our resident shaman forgets herself from time to time. We are not living in some fairy tale were things like demons are distant threats. We are living in reality, and we know what is and what is not. Do we have any reason to doubt our heros after all? After all, if the weapons exist, wouldn't they be safe and sound under their watch? Protected from demons?"

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Kamilla looked at each of the women with an expression of confusion, as she the metal thud of the lock sounded giving her comfort in what she was familiar with.

"I'm not a demon" she said unconvincingly, part of her was upset at such an accusation and she wanted to run off, but the other part of her required her to stay calm, and act as the waitress of the inn. "Would you like me to direct you to your rooms?" she asked ignoring Morgan's question, and once again trying to shift the topic.

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Iso: :mellow:

Irina: Iso?

Iso: Grrr!

Iso turned back to confront Morgan, but Irina quickly grabbed him and held him back!

Irina: Come on! She's just being cautious!

Iso: The next time ... the next time you threaten me, you better be ready to follow through. I haven't survived this long on my own without knowing how to deal with women like you :angry:

Irina: For crying out loud! Let's just go! >_<

Iso: Shamans -_-

Iso was too tired to fight with Morgan and deal with Irina's begging, so he stopped struggling and let her lead him away. They headed back up to their room.

Iso: Why are you defending her?

Irina: She's not so bad. Look at this from her point of view. We're in danger of being infiltrated, and she's the only one checking new arrivals. She's probably agitated that noone else seems to care.

Iso: You care.

Irina: Uncle taught me to be mindful, watchful, and empathetic.

Iso: You learned that from Ivanko?! :blink:

Irina: People aren't always the way they seem on the surface. Uncle's a very nice and passionate man. You simply never got to see that side because you left.

Iso: I'm not interested in waiting to see if the demon summoner has a noble moment <_<

Irina: :(

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Morgan's eyes narrowed "Isn't that exactly what a demon would say? Also, your evasiveness isn't doing any favors."

"Let's review the facts so far, shall we? You have an interest in the Crimson Weapons. You do not possess a Crimson Weapon, as you most certainly lack the frame to wield an axe and are neither a man nor a stab-happy little bitch. I also highly doubt you are a mercenary working with Ivanko, as Irina would have recognized you. That leaves me with the conclusion that you're a demon...or someone else seeking the weapon."

"Realize, that due to the possibility that you are a demon, I can't let you out of my sight. Not unless you have a very convincing reason why you're looking for the weapons, in which case we may be able to work together."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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You do not possess a Crimson Weapon, as you most certainly lack the frame to wield an axe and are neither a man nor a stab-happy little bitch.


Isotov and Irina went to bed. (That's all I got)

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Kamilla looked at the woman, trying to comprehend her thought process, but failed, "My interest in them are no more excessive then anyone else in this town, if someone claimed to have the crimson weapon then it'd pull the interest of anyone." She paused on the verge of tears "I suggest you leave this town if that's how you think, since this town is full of potential demons" she said as politely as possible.

"I'll organize you refund immediately" she stated before turning around and running off in the direction of the inn.

Edited by Nadesico
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OOC: You might have some issues with this observation Nady, but I think it's good timing.

Morgan paused. Maybe this waitress really didn't know anything. There were a lot of people in the bar who showed interest when the weapon were mentioned, perhaps she was just a curious commoner.

However, the possibility that this waitress was a demon was too much of a threat. Morgan ran after the "waitress". As the waitress ran, Morgan saw the flash of a bright tome that was hidden underneath most of her clothes.

Morgan made a quick identification of the tome as some sort of light magic tome. She made the quick deduction that this waitress was not a demon, demons can't hold onto light magic tomes due to the holy energies they possess.

She called after the waitress "Hey! I know you're not a demon!"

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OoC: I contemplated shoving the book in your face earlier and using the Lightmagic/Demon excuse, but wasn't sure if it applied to Demons in this RP, (Considering Lunaism and all) Wait nvm, I said nothing I'm happy as long as Morgan doesn't distinguish what type of Light Tome, since the tome was written by Kamilla's father (Aka custom weapon) not a mass produced piece of junk :P (Even then I don't really have an issue since it's not even important info)

Kamilla stopped, turned around and bowed her head again, "I'm sorry miss, I'm awfully tired and not in the mood to listen to any further accusations" she said curtly before slamming the door behind her and running up the stairs, she quickly ran to her room, closing the door behind her, and jumping on her bed head first. It felt like ages ago when she'd done this daily, but in reality it had been only a few weeks since she had been relieved from her church duties.

(OoC: Figure Morgan wanted to question her, but I found it out of character for her to suddenly act all friendly towards Morgan XD Alternatively I could have gone with her obeying due to her waitress position but I figured this would be more fun in the long run. :P)

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OOC: Morgan is really more unnerved by friendliness than unfriendliness by this point anyway.

Morgan turned to Esphyr "Well then, I suppose she wasn't a demon after all which is fortunate for us. I do suggest however, that someone question her in the near future, she may have valuable information."

"I however, am not as well equipped as some of our group members who are more charismatic. Perhaps I should leave the questioning to someone else?"

Esphyr gave Morgan an incredulous look that looked as if she expected something of Morgan.

"Well I'm off to bed then, busy day tomorrow I'll wager." Morgan said to everyone before retiring for the night.

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A few moments later, Esphyr too opened the door to Kamilla's room. As quietly as she could, she found a place in the corner, trying her best to not interfere with the waitress, before she too went to sleep.


As the sun rose outside the dorm room in the mage academy, Katie was among the first to awaken. Before the majority of mages were even awake, she was dressed, cleaned, freshened up, and in the kitchen softly making faint noises reminiscent of the days when she could hum. Before her was a small basket, lined with linen and filled with enough food to feed the human members of the traveling group for a single lunch. Cut sandwiches, apples, and various minor fruits and breads lined the wicker edges. It wasn't much, but it wasn't meant to be. The capitol was not terribly far away in the first place. All that they would need would be a light lunch. Once they were there, she could restock and pack better, but this would be more than enough for now.

"I know that she's going to complain, say I'm treating this like a dainty outing instead of something serious, but I don't care. This is my treat for the group as a whole, a present to them. If she doesn't want to eat, then that's her choice and I will respect it. Though I do have something to give her anyways as a peace offering."

She reached down into her dress, removing a small object from within her pocket. It was wrapped in sackcloth and bound with twine. As Katie opened it, however, a gentle, soft light started to cover her. A simple necklace rested in the palm of her hands. Many beads hung about a single medallion made of grey stone. It's material was simple, made of soapstone and simple thread, nothing complex. The only thing of interest were several small runes that lined the edges of the medallion surrounding a single piece of quartz lodged within. Yet it was a wondrous piece of quartz! Cut carefully with fine tools, it was a nearly perfect dome of crystal clear rock. A rock that gently glowed and radiated a gentle, soothing light forth; the result of magic. It was not cheap jewelry, nor was it expensive. It was a mages gift though, something seemingly so simple, yet so much more than what it seemed at first.

Katie rubbed the stone gently, causing the light to vanish, before she bound it up and pocketed it again. Then, finishing her packing of the basket, she set off. Only a few moments later, she had arrived at the inn where the rest were staying and was waiting within the main area patiently for the rest to awaken.

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Irina had woken up first, and she quickly woke up Iso who wasn't accustomed to waking up before the afternoon. Naturally, he was cranky. Irina then noticed that her packing bag, the one she usually kept on Kiev was more full than she'd remembered. When she looked into it, she found the garments of a high level fire mage. She could tell the clothes were made by one of her friends, and the only way they could have gotten there is if Ivanko secretly left them for Isotov. She smiled and took them out to show him.

Iso: Are you ... kidding me?

Irina: Now, you'll be traveling in style ;)

Iso: Irina ... what are you doing? Stay away from me! :o

Irina quickly tackled Iso and forced him to put on the outfit. After a little while, she had finished. She tied back his hair, believing that perhaps it would grow back quickly if cut. Next she brushed him off and made him presentable. He still looked hostile to all lifeforms, but now he seemed less of a vagrant. They quickly headed downstairs where they saw Katie waiting.

Irina: Hey! There you are ^_^

Iso: What's all this? :unsure:


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Calmly, Katie reached into the basket and pulled out her tome, it's pages replenished for writing. Lunch. For when we go to the capitol. I took the liberty of making enough for everyone. she wrote down. As she held it up for the pair to read she gave a small smile to show her friendliness. Then she took her tome down and scribbled a bit more. Or did you not want me coming?

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After they read the message off of the tome, Irina gasped. She was shocked that Katie seemed to feel unwelcome. She understood why, but wanted to fix it then and there.

Irina: Just forget what Morgan said. We'd be happy to have you along ^_^

Iso: I don't think the shaman's opinion carries much weight around here. I don't have any objections. Are you ... going to be doing things like this every morning? :mellow:

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You mean be mature and willing to help out as best I can? I would sure hope so! wrote Katie before she reclined back into the chair. Besides, I don't bear any grudges against Morgan. She's but a child to me. I don't think she even remembers what it was like when the Lord was defeated. I would rather not let her dislike of me rule my life. I've had enough of that happen already. Tell me. What are you doing?

It was a very long message, requiring the mage to expend two pages of paper in order for her to fully write, but she did not mind. Paper could be replaced easily, plus she could use the other side. However, she was NOT going to let her muteness prevent her from being able to have a conversation!

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After reading the two page message, Irina scratched the back of her neck.

Irina: Well, since no one was up yet, I thought I'd say "good morning" to Kiev. He's probably still sleeping though :unsure:

Iso: Guarding my sister is a twenty-four hour job now. People around me tend to end up dead ... fast. So naturally, I've developed a need to look after people I care for <_<

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