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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 3: A peaceful respite?


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Tessa rubbed the back of her head and gave a nervous giggle. She replied to Morgan, "You know, I couldn't say. I've never really watched myself sleep. But I think, sleeping in an actual bed for the first time in nights, that I'll be out like a log, and you won't be bothered much. You'll have to let me know if that's not the case though."

She then looked at the book Helios was holding and listened to his story, with a bit of a frown on her face.

"Rescuing fallen kingdoms sounds much too high a task for me really. I'm not even sure I'm up to helping you find all these weapons either, but I do owe you, and you're nice people, and I don't have anywhere really to go. I have no idea where Sir Dustin and the others have made it to, and I'm sure I'd just get lost again looking for them. They'd want me to be able to move on, so I shall, but beyond that I don't really know what to do."

Tessa's face took on a downcast hue for a moment. She then raised her chin and turned to Damian, who was waiting for replies. "I think... that I could do with a small glass of dandelion wine tonight, actually..."

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Luckily,the market was close.

Damian grabbed a small bottle of Tessa's choosing,and two bottles of a wine he and Aiya were both fond of,a rich Haltonian red wine.

"Hmm..." Feeling adventurous,Aiya picked up a bottle of Tequila as well,and soon the drinks were paid for.


"So...Damian...about what Tessa said...about...us..."

"Sharing a bed?" Damian finished her sentence.

"I have no qualms about it." He answered.

"OH!Uhh..,okay...great...it's been a while...hasn't it?"

"Yeah,it has.Just laying back together...not a care in the world...such things are important at times."

As the pair were about to enter the hotel,Aiya stopped Damian.


He was cut off.The contact was quick and light,Aiya nervously pulling away and hiding her blush by staring at the ground.

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"Right, so who's rooming with who?" Kelas asked the room at large as she returned from tending the horses, packs slung over her shoulder. Everyone was here now, though for some reason Chase was dressed as a girl... Damian and Aiya were heading out for something... it seemed like things had gone back to some definition of "normal."

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"I am curious though. In all your planning, you seem to have forgotten our newest addition. We have Katie with us now as well." started Esphyr.

Actually I already have a room of my own at the local ma

Esphyr quickly snatched the pen out of Katie's hand and clenched it firmly, preventing the senior mage from finishing her written sentence. "I say that, as long as you're with us, you should be treated as one of us. That includes sleeping here."

Katie made a grab for the pen, only to have Esphyr swiftly move it out of the way to prevent her from seizing it. "Understand?" Katie bit her lip, clearly against the idea, but nodding her head in submission none the less.

"Good. Now, I would be fine sharing a bed with anyone; so long as they don't act abusive. I'm sure Katie will as well."

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"Why should we treat her as one of us again? We are no charity organization, noncombatants have no place in our group. I am not seeing how her information is immediately relevant anyway, I do not see why we can't avoid this mesh in the future. Are we going to take along any stray dog that we happen across? I'm sure she has othet things to do than hang around with us."

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OOC: Stray dog? DAAAAMN XD

Irina: I ... wouldn't go that far ... Katie seems alright, and she does have knowledge that may come in handy down the road :unsure:

Iso: Look at you, she can't even cast anima spells anymore and you still hate her <_<

Irina: Oh, brother? I've been meaning to ask you something.

Iso: What?

Irina: Uhh ... maybe later ... :unsure:

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The near-argument was interrupted by a shout from a waitress sidling into the room: "Sit down, you lot, food's here!" She shoved Kelas out of the way, miraculously keeping the various platters in her arms from falling, and began to spread them out on the long wooden table behind the group. Kelas was sitting at the table in an instant, Arrin close behind. "Come on everyone, it looks really good!" he called. "We can keep discussing things over dinner."

OOC: (I assume we've just been standing around in a side room of the inn, and inns tend to double as taverns/restaurants... so yeah.)

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Kamilla sighed as the matron left carrying more plates then she should have been able to. She'd been staying at the inn for a few days now, but due to a lack of funds had managed to convince the innkeeper to let her work for her stay. Everything had gone down hill since she'd been set on this mission, not that she took her goal seriously or anything, she wasn't even sure if the crimson weapons actually existed. She peeked her head out the door and looked around at the large company of soldier/mercenaries that had gathered, it wasn't at all unusual for mercenaries to stop at the inn, but this group seemed... unusual, for one it looked like they'd gathered from across the continent, A man of the plains, soldiers probably of Haltonian faith, mercenaries, even a handful of mages that looked as if they'd gathered from far and wide.

Sensing the matron returning, she quickly hurried back over to the sink and started on the dishes. It wasn't anything new to her, after all, the lazy of gits never did their own house work, too busy prancing around in their white frocks acting as if they were blessing everything in sight. And the other girls seemed to enjoy making her do all the work. She glanced at the matron from the corner of her eye and saw her putting things away. Sighing again she focused on the dishes, after this she would take a 30 minute break, then clean the remaining dishes, clean the rooms which were now vacant, and... what else? She couldn't sweep the halls? No, she'd done that this morning.

Her hand suddenly hit the bottom of the sink and she looked down in surprise. It took her a few moments to realize she'd finished the dishes, she turned to ask the matron what she should do next, only to find the matron leaving the room. Having caught her attention she opened her mouth, but the matron simply smiled and pointed at a simple sandwich sitting on the table. Kamilla looked up confused, but the woman simply winked at her and left. She frowned, confused over what the woman could have wanted, why had she left that plate here?

Shrugging it off, she quickly undid her apron, grabbed the plate and hurried out with it, she pressumed the matron wanted her to take it out to group in the lobby. Her stomach growled rather loudly, but she ignored it and quickly set the plate down beside the others plates, and smiled at the group, "Enjoy your meal"

(OoC: Matron=Waitress, just figured that a typical inn wouldn't be wealthy enough (considering the state of Elyssima) to employ a whole staff team, and an inn was usually a family business, A waitress was plausible, but I decided I wanted to be employed instead XD)

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"I don't see why we can't. We took in you after all." shot back Esphyr. "And don't be a idiot. Do you really think it mere coincidence that the mesh rose up in the path we were traveling? And what of what happened to my sword when we fought it?"

At the mention of something odd happening, Katie made another grab for her pen. Snatching it away from Esphyr's hand, she quickly scribbled on her paper What happened?

"Besides, if she is just a poor puppy, we can't turn our backs on someone in need." continued on Esphyr, seeming to ignore Katie's writing entirely. Annoyed, the mage stepped forwards and raised her book up between Esphyr and Morgan so that the question was positioned between the two and there was no way for Esphyr to deny it. Yet, the mercenary girl did just that and stepped around it, being careful not to push her aside.

"Besides, you don't get this pushy around non-mages! Why? Did a anima mage do something to you in the past? Did one punch you or kill your mother? Did you get beat up by one?" Esphyr's voice rose up and up as her anger and frustration at the shaman built up inside her. In a sudden burst of rage, her armored hand curled up into a fist as she stepped forwards, her left foot moving past Morgan before she brought the full power of her muscle and motion into the knuckle of her fist, aiming a infuriated blow at Morgan's gut.


Armored fist struck metal as Esphyr's fist struck Katie's metal-bound tome. The mage teacher had moved remarkably fast, moving between the maddened mercenary and the shaman to block the blow. Yet, despite having just punched metal, Esphyr did not seem to stop as her left hand moved about in a blow to strike Morgan's head, only to be stopped by Katie's hand. A strong, heavily authoritative look was in her eye as she stared down Esphyr as a mother does a disobedient child. She could not speak any words, yet her displeasure at the teens action was clear. For a moment, Esphyr seemed to faultier as a meek look overcame her. Then, she pulled away from the two and turned about.

"Whatever. I'll go sleep with the horses. If you need my services, have Daiman fetch me. I guess it was stupid of me to think I could be accepted by you."

With that, Esphyr turned and walked out the door of the inn. Katie shot Morgan the same look she had just used on Esphyr before simply sighing, rubbing her temples in irritation at the shaman before she too turned to leave, heading out the back door instead of the front.

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"I don't see what that was all about" Morgan said. "Obviously any wielder of a Crimson Weapon is welcome, mage or no? I simply do not see the purpose of dragging around everyone we happen to meet. This is a dangerous mission, and we should not bring people into it unless they must be involved."

"Besides I also opposed Kelas and Chase joining the group for various reasons. I merely think we should aim to be a little more...selective in who we decide should accompany us. If our group becomes much larger, we will have trouble not attracting as much attention as possible. I appear to be one of the few people here who actually is taking our mission seriously. Contrary to some people's beliefs, the Crimson Weapons are not designed to get old ladies' cats out of trees. We must attend to reality. I am disappointed in several Crimson Weapon wielders at the moment who arw failing to take their duties seriously."

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Kamilla looked around for the matron as Esphyr and Katie stormed off, the other woman, (Morgan) started ranting like a mad woman and she knew she was supposed to do something. "Miss, please calm down, your agitating the other customers" she said softly indicating a group of burly men sitting by the corner who seemed to be glaring at her. Morgan however didn't seem to notice as she continued talking loudly. Perhaps she had spoken too softly?

Moragn: "Contrary to some people's beliefs, the Crimson Weapons are not designed to get old ladies' cats out of trees. We must attend to reality. I am disappointed in several Crimson Weapon wielders at the moment who arw failing to take their duties seriously."

As soon as Morgan finished Kamilla along with the entire room went silent, even the ones who had been eating seem to quieten down, and the glares coming from the corner of the room suddenly turned to the eyes of greedy merchant, or thief. But Kamilla didn't have time to worry about that, "Excuse me miss, are you implying that you and your friends here are in the position of the Crimson Weapons?"

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Iso: So it's not about you hating anima magic? It's about making sure this "group" doesn't turn into a carnival? If that's the case, you should take it up with Damian.

Irina: >_< ... ... ... darn it! Okay I have to ask now!

Iso: What? :/

Irina: Why is your hair so long?! I just wanna cut it! Snip snip snip!!! :P

Didn't you even notice it?

Iso: No ... I didn't. I once visited a town and a woman begged me to let her cut my hair. I let her. It was about the length of Lev's hair when she was finished, but two weeks later, it was back to this length. Proxima's effects on my body are detrimental and I'm far passed caring about how I look -_-

Irina: Only two weeks?! That's NOT possible!

Iso: A lot of things are impossible until they happen ... then ... they're reality.

When they heard the girl ask about the crimson weapons, they stopped.

Iso: What did she say?

Irina: Another one? :o

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Morgan felt slightly foolish about talking about the Weapons in such a public place, but what's done is done.

She looked suspiciously at the waitress. "And if we were? I do hope you realize that we are all fully armed, so I suggest you avoid any...unfortunate actions."

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Kelas glared at Morgan through a mouthful of stew, saying nothing. Her gaze clearly stated, "You're not getting rid of me if you plan on dragging my brother along."

At the waitress's question, Kelas looked up, realizing that the entire room was now staring. She swallowed. "Now you've done it," she muttered, reaching for her belt knife.

Arrin looked around nervously. At the other wielders' agitation, he began to feel Daranau prodding the back of his mind... not now!

As the shamaness deflected the waitress' question, he felt the onlookers' gazes go sour again... please get us out of this, he silently prayed to every deity he knew.

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Panicking under Morgans glare, Kamilla bowed her head "I'm sorry miss, It's not my place to question you, I'm sorry" she repeated, noticing the other members of the group staring at her she bowed her head towards them as well, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" she said stumbling back to the refuge of the kitchen, only tripping over and landing beside Kelas, with her hand on her belt knife.

Suppressing the urge to cry out, she quickly picked herself up and dusted herself off, "Enjoy your meal" she repeated before heading back over to the kitchen.

(OoC: Feel free to take control of the men in the corner, since you know I'll do something fire related XD to the group otherwise)

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The interest of the other customers seemed to subside a bit as the waitress fled the room. Kelas resumed eating, muttering to Arrin, "Be on your guard in case they try to pull something later."

While she ate, she did not stop scanning the room at intervals.

Arrin nodded, wondering for the millionth time, what had he gotten himself into?

In an attempt to break the ensuing awkward silence, Arrin turned to the cleric sitting next to him-- Tessa, she was called?-- and asked, "So where are you from?"

OOC: I fully expect for one of our characters to wake up in the middle of the night to find that half of everyone's been stolen blind by Reika or somebody, and half the city's on fire.

And yeah, clueless Arrin asking an undoubtedly painful question.

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(OoC: Don't worry ____ XD I'm going to leave Reika out of this RP for a bit longer since I can't really figure out how I'll make her rejoin, though at present it's likely she'll just be killed off, and the the Crimson Daggers will be placed under someone elses possession, Probably someone like Morgan or Damian XD, As for fire attacks... well I don't think Snowy would approve of me destroying an entire city overnight the inn though.... XD

Kamilla quickly ran into the kitchen and locked the door behind her, if they tried to grab her then the creaky old wooden door wouldn't be much of a barricade, but it was better then nothing. Several minutes of silence past and certain the group didn't have any immediate intention to kill her yet decided it was safe to come out from under the table. "Sheesh" she said to herself quietly, "I thought they looked more civilized then the other group, but clearly looks aren't everything".

She looked around the kitchen, not really finding anything to pass the time, so she decided to go on her break a bit early, pulling up a stool she stared blankly at the wooden ceiling. "Crimson Weapons huh?" she asked herself, she hadn't believed they even existed when she woke up this morning, but judging from the groups reaction over in the lobby the group were definitely hiding something, most likely the weapons themselves if the woman's words were to be trusted.

Her mind started drifting as she thought about what she should do, should she follow the group? After all, that was what she had been sent out of the church for. But what would happen if she somehow obtained a crimson weapon? She'd be required to go back to the church and relive her childhood all over again. But if she was able to sell the weapon.... Shaking her head furiously she stood up. "This is going nowhere" she muttered to herself, she went over to the door and unlocked it, maybe she'd be able to think more clearly with a bit of fresh air?


Pausing, and listening to the clatter of plates, and a muffled conversation here and there, she decided it was safe enough for her to slip out of the inn and back to her room, at least the room had a window. She considered leaving the inn at first but recalling how it had been the cause of her losing her gold pouch in the first place, decided she didn't want to risk losing anything else. But then again, made it'd be safe if she stayed close to the inn? Deciding she'd rather not be hidden away from the public eye (where she could be attacked by the crazy knife brandishing Nomad) at the moment she decided to head outside.

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Outside, Esphyr had seemingly decided to carry through upon her threat to sleep within the stables. As Kamilla opened the door to go outside, Esphyr was standing just outside the stable doors, gently prying them open so as to not spook the steeds inside. Across her back was slung a horse blanket, something she clearly intended to use upon herself. Yet, she seemed to catch the sound of the opening of the door.

"What? Come to apologize to me for how you acted back there? Well I'm not interested! I don't care what you think anyways! So why on ear-"

At that point, Esphyr turned about. Seeing that the woman who had just left was not the one she had rage for, she took the easiest course and simply shut up.

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In one of the rooms, Iso and Irina sat on the floor next to each other.

Irina: So, what do you think of the others?

Iso: I'm trying not to.

Irina: Can you at least pretend to want to be here?

Iso: That would be disingenuous.

Irina: Oh come on!

Iso: Well, from who I can remember ... Damian is apparently this groups leader, so he'll be on my nerves by our second or third battle. Aiya looks like his trophy ... enough said. Esphyr is a bit too emotional for a mercenary. Morgan is prejudice, hiding something, or both. Tessa is naive, but she's tolerable. Kelas is a horse whisperer with too many knifes. I've never seen Arrin before. Helios acts like a noble ... ... we'll kill each other eventually, I'm sure. Katie ... um ... ... I don't know ... she's just mute.

Irina: That was the most depressing thing I ever heard, I and don't think I believe a word of it. Maybe we should see if Esphyr and Katie are alright.

Iso: No thanks.

Irina: Please? Do it for me?

Iso: >_<

They both stood up and went down to the stables to see if Esphyr and Katie were okay. Irina also decided to use that as an opportunity to check on Kiev. She took some leftovers from dinner down to the stables to as was her custom.

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OoC: I left? Where? Why?


Kamilla quickly bowed her head in apology as the brown haired woman outside suddenly started talking to her, unsure what to do she quickly started apologising.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you, and I was just curious about what your friend said, I'm not even that interested or familiar with Crimson Weapons, right, I don't even believe they exist, I was simply asking a question" she blurted out trying to defend herself from whatever had upset the woman.

Finally calming down, she looked at Esphyr and then at the horse blanket, "You're not seriously considering sleeping in the stables are you?

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Deciding she'd rather not be hidden away from the public eye (where she could be attacked by the crazy knife brandishing Nomad) at the moment she decided to head outside.

Esphyr gave a decisively annoyed grunt before she returned to opening the stable doors as carefully as she could. "Yes. I get to sleep on hay, and they don't need to pay attention to me at all. It's how it should be anyways. Mercenaries are there when needed, and stay out of the way otherwise. I've been overextending my bounds anyways today. Causing fights with others and acting out... It was improper. The stench I will need to rest with will help to take my mind off it and possibly ward away my employer should he seek punishment. Why? You make it sound like this is something odd."


Katie closed the door to the back of the inn with care, doing her best to ensure that no sound was made as she closed it. This was not what she intended at all. She had only hoped to find out a bit about the fate of her apprentices, not get caught up in such a vice. The shaman girl was right though. She was dead weight so long as she was unable to cast. She couldn't even scream for help if someone tried to attack her! The only reason she was even sticking around herself was the chance to make the wench who had killed her apprentices pay for what she had done! Damn it! If that shaman was going to try and stop her, she would need to be dealt with in a swift and decisive manner. She would need to be-

Katie took a deep breath before taking a step away from the door. What was she thinking? This wasn't like her at all! She was not some sort of revenge-driven maniac or blood-thirsty loon. If the shaman wanted her gone, then so be it. She would be gone.

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Kamilla look Esphyr as if she was crazy, even when she was back at the church she'd been provided with a place to sleep each night. And here this woman was, demanding she be allowed to sleep in the stables. "Umm, my apolgies miss, but we don't allow our customers to sleep in the stables, for one, we lock them the gate at night and you won't be able to get out until daybreak. Secondly it sometimes scares the animals, and lastly, it'd devalue the name of our inn if people found out we were letting our patrons sleep in hay."

She paused and thought back to the little exchange Morgan and Esphyr had had, "Umm if you're having trouble with your friends, you could share the room I'm borrowing, I share it with the stablehand at the moment, but he usually doesn't come back from boozing and gambling until late in the afternoon."

(OoC: What time is it? I thought someone said late afternoon, but I get the feeling it's late/early evening)

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When Iso and Irina made it down to the door that led to the stables, they saw saw the door close gently.

Iso: They aren't seriously going to sleep in a stable are they? <_<

Irina: Come on.

They both walked up to the door. Irina carefully opened the door. She couldn't do it as silently as Katie however, and the noise got their attention.

Irina: Umm ... hi :D

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OOC: Trying to keep proper time in a RP is like trying to make a lion eat tofu. It never seems to work out right.

IC: "Boozing and gambling?" asked Esphyr, her attention aroused. "Wait... and a he too? Ummm... I'm not sure... Well... It IS out of the way and I guess my employer wouldn't mi-'


"Ummm... Hi!"

As Irina greeted the other two, Esphyr took a shocked step backwards. "Did I really make that much of a scene down there? Should I expect Kelas to suddenly come storming in next to refuse to allow me to sleep in the stable or something?"

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Irina slowly stepped into the stable. Iso softly brushed passed her and took a look around. He then turned to Esphyr.

Iso: A stable ... ... look, there's pride, and then there's stupidity. You're steadily crossing over.

Irina: Iso! I'm sorry, Esphyr :sweatdrop:

EDIT: OOC: Oh it didn't say she left just yet, but that she was about to perhaps?

EDIT: OOC: Nevermind -_-

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