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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 3: A peaceful respite?


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Frowning, not very happy that she was forced to do all the thinking, "Well, going with the general flow of things, I'm guessing this is where you slip a few gold coins into my hand and we all keep walking" she said, noticing the worried look on Arrin's face, but I suppose I haven't fallen so low as to demand money from people just yet."

"Hmm, well, the only thing I want to know is how many of the Crimson weapons you've managed to gather, looking at your group, I'd say all of them judging from the number of people, but I doubt everyone can wield one" she said looking at Tessa, who couldn't wield one due there not being a crimson staff.

"It's probably best for me to talk to a more senior member of the group, but I get the feeling, I'd be endangering my own life if I were to do that" she stated, images of Kelas, Morgan and (even dark broody) Isotov."


OoC: Might be a good time for someone to walk in on the conversation, I got nothing XD

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OOC: Right then. Confused!Kelas is probably not all that scary...

Kelas passed the group in the inn's common room, heading for the hall. She didn't see Arrin, and it was high time he woke up... wait, there he was in the hall, with Tessa and the waitress from before. What... I don't even know.

"Oh good, you're up," she said by way of greeting. "Are people moving out yet? Er-- I'm interrupting something, aren't I?"

"Er... don't worry about it," Arrin told his sister, noting the look of panic that had washed over the waitress' face. "It's nothing important."

"Little brother, we met again yesterday for the first time in years, and I can tell you're lying," Kelas groaned. "What's going on? You haven't set anything on fire have-- oh wait never mind, that's not your element..."

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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As if to confirm her fears, Isotov and Irina came up to them and stopped just a few feet away. Kamilla immediately noticed Proxima beneath Iso's cloak. That was another crimson weapon for certain.

Iso: ... ... .... -_-

Irina: Everyone seems to be busy. Have either of you seen Damian? We need to figure out when we're going to head out to the capital.

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Panicking, Kamilla drew her tome and pointed a finger at all of them in turn "Stay back" she warned, her voice wavering betraying her intentions to keep her fear in check. She turned to Isotov and nearly dropped her own tome as Proxima caught her eye, if that blood red tinged tome wasn't a crimson weapon she didn't know what was.

On one side, she had to deal with knife man, on the other she had to get through some soldier like girl and a mage she'd never seen before. She considered locking herself in her room, but she didn't know if the brown haired girl from yesterday was still in there.

"I'm not a demon" she mumbled to no one in particular, she paused calming herself, "You're all wanted criminals for being in possession of the weapons of the demon lord, you-you should drop your weapons immediately, the inquisitors are on their way and there's no escape" she said waving her hand back and forth between Irina, Isotov, Kelas and Arrin, (not Tessa cause she couldn't harm a fly... I hope XD)

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Well this was just great. Not only was every member of the party seeming to talk to every other member of the party, that every other member seemed to exclude Katie! Though she hated to admit it, she sorely missed her voice for situations like these, along with many other instances where being able to speak would have been highly useful. However, when others were talking and going about their own lives, Katie knew full well to stay out of it. Such things tended to bring... well... She needed to be careful to say the least.

Esphyr was in a similar plight, though more easily remedied in her case. Taking a small cup, she held it calmly in her hand and reclined backwards, as if she were taking slow and steady sips from an imaginary brew. It was a poor excuse, but it beat anything else at the moment. As she sipped away at the imaginary drink, she started to let her mind wander into the cup until she could almost swear she could taste the false drink pouring down into her mouth.

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"Whoa hey, what's this?" Kelas asked, entirely baffled. "Do you two know what she's on about?" she asked Irina and Isotov. "Right, Arrin, what have you got yourself into?"

"We were investigating--" Arrin began, but was interrupted as Kelas turned back to the panicking Kamilla.

"Calm down. Calm down. We're not going to hurt you, I don't even know why you're scared of us, up until ten seconds ago I was on my way to wake up my kid brother. Now what's going on? Why'd you just try to arrest me?" Kelas asked. She held up her hands, showing that they were empty.

"She's after the Crimson Weapons," Arrin explained quietly. "But she wasn't going to do anyth-- please calm down!" he begged the girl.

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Iso: I've run into those religious nuts from time to time. It never ends well for them. Perhaps if they come after us again, using this girl as a hostage would be to our advantage.

Irina: A hostage?! :o

Iso: We're already criminals ... me especially. Look, it was just an idea. Do what you want. I don't care either way.

He turned around and headed back downstairs. Irina was confused. Was Iso really a criminal?

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Kamilla was about to hit someone with her spell, when the man with the Crimson tome left (Isotov) Having been the most obvious threat, she was somewhat relieved and calmed down a bit, but kept her hand raised, "I am Kamilla Ashinan, missionary for the Septimian reform, and I request you all lower your weapons"...... she paused looked around and noticed she was the only one with her weapon drawn

Kamilla: "....."

Everyone "......"

"Ahem" she said clearing her throat and trying to hide her embarassment, "As a messenger of his holy grace, I have been sent here to relieve you of your crimson weapons, the boy here says your group is under the possession of such weapons" she said indicating Arrin. "If you hand over your weapons quietly, I'm sure the mother goddess will have mercy on your souls" she'd calmed down significantly, but wasn't about to let her guard down yet.

"How many crimson weapons is your group in the possession of?" she asked weakly.

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"Now when did I say we had them?" Arrin protested. Kelas merely shrugged.

"I've not got one of the damn things. Though people who try and hurt my brother probably won't notice the difference." Wait, that was a threat... dammit. "Look, we all know you're in no position to go arresting half the inn's customers. Is there something we can do for you?" Kelas asked, hoping that more of the group didn't show up and cause the girl to blast them all with that tome (or die of fright, more likely...)

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Morgan had been secretly listening in on the conversation the entire time. It was causing a bit of commotion, but some valuable information had been gained.

She heard Isotov's suggestion and nodded "A hostage wouldn't be a bad idea actually. At the very least, we cannot afford to let her out of our sight, since she could run off and tell the church about our "misdeeds"."

She looked suspiciously at the girl "More lies are not helping your case. If you had sent for inquisitors, why hadn't they attacked last night when we were asleep and less alert? Also, don't point that tome as if it's some sort of weapon, you've already admitted to not being able to capture the weapons yourself."

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On his way, Iso spotted Esphyr drinking from a seemingly empty cup. This wasn't helping his impression of her very much.

Iso: ... ... .... :huh:

Not sure what he'd walked in on, he simply kept walking. He then noticed the food Katie had prepared. Iso wasn't the kind of person to eat very often, in fact before last night's dinner it'd been three days since his last meal. He was still a bit hungry, so rather than waiting to leave, he reached into the basket and grabbed a sandwich. He looked it over and took a bite.

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Kelas stiffened as she heard the shaman speaking from behind her. "Great," she muttered.

"Look, now that we're nearly all in the hallway and she's obviously scared out of her wits, might we just call the whole group together and work out what to do about this? If she faints, we'll have a whole extra lot of trouble," Kelas said. "Taking a hostage might be a bit much, especially with the extra mouth to feed, but maybe we can work something out if we sit down and talk over it with everyone involved." She looked around. "Speaking of which, where is everyone involved?"

"It appears that most of them are in the common room," Arrin noted. "We probably want to go somewhere with less of a chance of being overheard, though. Last night at dinner was bad enough, half the room looked like they wanted to rob us. Should I go get them?"

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Kamilla looked over at Arrin, "You didn't refute my accusation that your group was in the possession of them"

Hearing Morgans voice any calming down she'd managed to do with Isotov's departure disappeared, if anything her sense of danger was heightened. "Under the cover of darkness? So you can hide yourselves in the night?" She asked Morgan rudely, she nearly stopped and admired how fear could change her. "Fine, assuming the inquisitors aren't coming" she said boldly "what are you going to do? Kill me? Sell me off as a slave?" she shouted hysterically, clearly not in the mood to listen to anyone.

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The second Iso's hand shot into the basket, Katie's own was upon it. Before his teeth could sink into the bready goodness of a simple homemade sandwich, her hand came about to catch him square on the cheek. Before he could object, she hand snatched the sandwich away. For lunch. Not greedy pigs or you she quickly scribbled down, attatching the note to the front of the basket.

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"Alternately, we come up with some coin and you forget you ever saw us," Kelas replied, trying to not lose her temper. "I don't see any reason why we'd need you dead, and slavers are abhorrent. Arrin, go get Damian, he's the soldier and supposedly in charge... he's better at dealing with people than anyone in this hallway, I think..."

Arrin nodded and entered the common room, looking for the man Kelas had specified. He didn't see anyone that looked like a soldier... oh! There was the mage teacher, Katie. She'd been an academy teacher and wad a fairly neutral party... maybe she could help? "Excuse me, Miss," he asked her, "could you come help us with something?"

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"Killing you would actually save more bloodshed later." Morgan said matter of factly. "if you send more people after us, we will be forced to kill them if they are hostile. And that would be unfortunate."

"Right now however, I'll take a hostage of a different sort." Morgan brazenly walked forward, unafraid of the empty threat of blasting, and grabbed the tome out of the girl's hands.

"Now, if you want your tome back, I suggest you stop making a commotion and we can talk this out like rational people."

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Iso: :unsure:

He sighed and sat down next to the basket, waiting for Katie to leave. Suspecting the obvious, she didn't. After about ten seconds of staring, he decided to act.

Iso: Okay, how about this ... let me have just one sandwich now, and I'll ... uh ... let me think ... (What would a mute girl want?) Oh! I'll keep you company ... I guess :unsure:

EDIT: OOC: LMAO!!! Morgan is so rough with Nady's characters XD

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So my natural charm and appeal isn't enough for you to desire to spend time with me? I'm shocked and crushed! I was going to give you two sandwiches, but now I don't think I'll give you any! she quickly wrote down. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she gave a slight 'hmph' or the closest approximation she could provide.

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OoC: Stealing my tome? Noooooo XD

As Morgan stepped forward, she began focusing her energy at her fingertips "Light" she stated rather loudly as she begged someone, something to lend her power, and suprisingly a flash of light emitted from her finger and hit Morgans right outstretched hand.

Morgan flinched rubbed her hand and then grabbed her tome off her, irritation, evident in her actions. The place she had hit was a bit red, like it had be pinched rather forcefully, but it wasn't anything which wouldn't heal itself in a few seconds.

"Give that back" she demanded weakly, she knew it was hopeless, but she figured she might as well try, she slumped herself helplessly against the wall.

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Iso read the message and smacked his palm against his head :facepalm:

He hadn't realize she was actually lonely.

Iso: (What was I thinking ... I'm too used to dealing with the others.) Umm ... :unsure: ... I'm sure you're the definition of good company, but right now, I'm starving :(

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If you are hungry, then ask and I will make something for you. Though, I'm not a good c At that moment, through the magic of plotholes and RP time paradoxes, Arrin walked into the room and and noticed Katie. His question did not go unanswered though, even though Katie did not write a response. For her eyes had changed their focus to reside upon the man, her head tilted slightly to one side, listening for any further information.

e- Two people?

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"There's been a bit of a misunderstanding, and, well, this girl's part of a group that's after us, and we were negotiating, but then the shaman showed up, and-- please come see if there's something you can do?" Arrin noticed Isotov sitting next to Katie. "Er, you might want to come too, sir..."

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Iso: Not likely. If the shaman is up there, then it's already too late to save the girl :P

When Katie's attention shifted to Arrin, he contemplated sneaking one of the sandwiches. She caught him the first time, but maybe she was distracted enough this time? There was a chance she may leave the room altogether. He thought hard but then decided to see if she really would make him something. He leaned back making it clear that he had no intention of stealing a sandwich and then smiled.

Iso: I suppose I'll just have to wait until you're done with the kid, and see if you can make something ^_^

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Katie gave a quick nod, accepting the offer. Still, she wondered what she could possibly do in the first place. The girl either was or was not trying to hunt down the party. If she was, then wouldn't she be guilty? Either way, she lightly grabbed Iso's wrist, tugging him slightly along as she rose up and moved to Arrin's side.

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