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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 3: A peaceful respite?


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The guard gave his speech,and Aiya stood in front of him. She took in a breath and responded;

"I am Lieutenant Aiya Kayrich of the 53rd Halton infantry division! In accordance with section 4-C of the Halton Elyisima non aggression pact I request to be taken into the country due to the death of most of my comrades in a raid. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

She flashed him her officer's crest,and he replied weakly, the whole party flabbergasted at the booming voice that had left the average looking girl.

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"Of course it necessary! We wouldn't want any strange and violent criminals coming in to the country on our watch! This will be fairly quick and easy though. We're just going to take the men and do a quick run through of the wanted list, then we'll... errrmmm.... Do the same with the ladies. Nothing major!" said the smaller of the two guards. Already, his eyes were roaming over the females, singling out both Tessa and Aiya as his prime choices. Two mounted women... just what he was interested in!

Meanwhile, his companion burled over to Chase and Esphyr. He looked down at the two with disdain before placing his hands firmly on each of their shoulders. "You look awfully familiar..." he said, examining both with scrutanous eyes. He bent close to Esphyr, looking her as firmly in the eye as possible. "I think I recognize this gu-GARDGHJI!"

The man suddenly toppled forth as Esphyr's boot swiftly came up between his legs. Her steel-tipped battle boot smashing firmly into Steve's apparently poorly protected groin area. The cry and whimper of pain was very loud and satisfying to be heard. Quickly, Esphyr's armored glove came about, slapping Steve firmly across the cheek. Then, with a small triumphant 'Hmph!' Esphyr pranced away to draw closer to other females.

"What did I say to him?" asked the man in a comedically high voice to Chase, a befuddled and confused look in his eye.

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"Can't talk," Kelas informed the man, indicating Chase, hoping her lapsed Common and lowered voice would fool the guards. "My brother. Hit with Silence curse, we are looking for cure." Kelas indicated herself: "I am Ordan. Brother is Corin. Nomads." She shifted her shoulder, emphasizing her bow. Hopefully their attention would quickly pass over Chase...

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"Yea yea. You make yourself clear... However according to section 284-18s you are required to submit to any tests and questioning if any member of your group is not of Halton origin." shot back the smaller of the guards. His lance reached out to her, coming up behind her and giving her a slight push on the back. "So as long as one of your members is not of clear Halton origin, you obey us... Right?" The guard was clearly bluffing. The actual section was a little known or bothered segment on how many cakes could be traded across the border in one cart; but the guard knew what he wanted, and he was not willing to give it up so easily.

"I see..." said the Steve, standing upright. He mentally marked Esphyr. He was going to make her PAY for that! As was the sister of the man she had just happened to be standing beside when she had kicked him, just because! "Well... Don't worry about it. We'll just run some posters by him. I'm sure the brother of such a lovely wild lark as yourself won't show up in the posters. We probably won't even ask him anything. Don't worry about yourself either, I'll ensure you get the proper respect."

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Helios :facepalm: ed. He didnt feel like saying anything else. "So you just going to have us stand here all day" he asked the guard

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Kelas grimaced; she'd been found out more quickly than she'd expected. All right, time for the next plan... she dug in her pocket for the moneypouch she kept for bribing guards.

She saw one of the guards' hands going for her mare's reins. "Would not touch this horse if I was you," she warned the guard seriously, still pretending that she barely knew Common. If he did something stupid, he'd get bitten, and things would go even worse...

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Helios saw Kelas digging in her pocket. He went over to her. "That will not be a wise move" he whispered to her. "They will think you are some sort of thief".

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"No. No. All you, come with me." said the bigger of the two guards, gesturing for the rest to follow. Before long, the group had arrived back at the border fortress. "Alright... Let's do this quickly. All the men, come in here." said the smaller of the two guards, signifying for them to follow.

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Morgan looked crossly at the guards.

"This rule seems extremely arbitrary. Shouldn't you just question the stranger and let the rest of us pass? I'm not sure why we should have to wait simply because some nomads forced themselves upon us. I have pressing business in Elyisima.""

"What sort of business?" one of the guards asked. "You don't look to be any kind of guild mage that I've ever seen."

Morgan thought quickly "I...wish to learn how to entertain children." She resisted the urge to cringe at her own statement. "See I have always loved children, ever since my...precious baby sister was born." She forced herself to smile and gave Tessa an awkward hug.

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Morgan's sudden move caught Tessa a little off guard, and from her manner it seemed obvious that it didn't come particularly naturally. In fact, if she'd had to rate it, it was probably the most awkward hug she'd ever been given, though having grown up without a real family, she didn't have a particularly broad reference for comparison: the monks didn't tend to be very tactile when expressing their emotions.

Still, even if there were other reasons behind the hug, it did make Tessa happy, so she followed along. Squeezing Morgan back she replied, "Awww, Sis! You're embarrassing me," and as there was a kernel of truth to it, a flush did start to spread across her cheeks, and breaking off the hug, she started waving her hand in front of her face nervously.

Thinking it best to perhaps divert a little attention, and also because she was honestly curious, she turned to Esphyr and asked, "Are border crossings all this exciting? I've never really travelled all that much so... this is the first time after all."

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Chase continued to be silent, but glared at the troubadour every once in a while nonetheless. An outlaw isn't the same as a criminal! he thought, but kept quiet. He gave Morgan a rather odd look from the sister ruse, but still remained quiet. Border crossing was no fun.

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Helios was really trying hard not to laugh. His face was getting red from holding it in and he felt like it was going to burst any second. Helios sighed and went back to reading his book. "We done yet" he asked the guard. Maybe if one of us act like a lord they will let us through easier. But that will definitely blow my cover. He groaned and returned to reading

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"Haha...284-18s involves the transfer of cakes."Damian backed up Aiya.

"Need I remind you that refusal to deliver aid to a military official is Akin to declaring war on the Halton Empire?" Damian stated. The man would have to choose his words carefully,as it was clear that the lazy guard was no match for a trained professional.

"Now then,we will be on our way." Aiya told the bulky guard,and she beckoned the group to move forward.

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An awkward silence followed Aiya's request to be let in... although Chase had been silent the whole time anyways, so nothing was changing for him. He slowly walked forward, following her, but stopped when he realized it might blow his cover to show that he understood what was being said.

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Helios was on his last nerve. This was taking forever and he is not a very patient person. He went forwards towards the gate. One of the guards yelled out but he didnt care. "Hey where are you going" the bulky guards yelled. "Get back here"! "And i suppose you are going to stop me" he said in a very dark tone. The guard backed off. They were obviously taken back by the mages threat. "They are coming too" he told the guards pointing at the groups. "Open the gates now".

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Kelas stared after the mage. Does he know nothing of how the world functions? He's going to get us all killed! she thought, noting that the guards' hands had gone to their weapons. At very least, we'll all have prices on our heads by the time we reach the city... It had looked like the lazy guards were considering caving when Damian had repeated Aiya's order, but then the mage had gone barging in... it would probably take a ridiculous amount of bribery to get away without a fight now. Well, Helios certainly acted high-and-mighty like a noble; perhaps once the soldiers had talked some sense into him, he'd pay their way through.

She watched the situation warily, moving her hand up her horse's rein, shifting into a stance from which she could react to whatever came next. They were in an empty courtyard, with two major exits: the gate they'd entered through and the gate the guards were attempting to bar them from. The place seemed short-staffed, but there were sure to be more soldiers... this was not going to end well. She glanced at the others, trying to gauge their reactions.

OOC: Do I recall correctly that Helios is some sort of nobility, but this has not been revealed to the rest of the characters yet? Also, we should probably give the guards (Snowy) a chance to react before we do much more...

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"Look missy" said the first guard, approaching Aiya. "I'm not even sure you are soldiers of Halton, and even if you are, the rest of your group clearly is not! That one there is even threatening us! That alone is cause for military action! If these are really your men, then you need to keep them under control!"

Just then, the second guard came up. "I just checked them out against the posters. None of them match. They are free to pass..." he then bent close enough to let his companion hear. "Let them go and detain your marks. I'll get mine too."

Straightening upright again, both guards turned to the group. The shorter guard was the first to speak."However; you and you" he pointed to Aiya and Tessa. "Will have to stay here for... questioning. You because of your claims of Halton rank, and you to verify your sisters story." The bigger of the two guards then pointed to Kelas and Esphyr. "As will you as well to verify your status as a nomad, and... you... for insulting the honor of the Elyisian guard shall spend a night in the jails! Now come along!"

Esphyr gave a sigh as she moved to join the two guards. "No. In fact... This doesn't seem right..." she said in response to Tessa's question.

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Morgan pondered the situation. While she did not feel especially comfortable leaving a Crimson weapon out of her sight, she had confidence that Esphyr could survive a night in jail. The other ones were helpful, but not necessary."

She turned to the Wyvern Trio and asked "So, I assume you know what this Isotov person looks like yes? We should begin searching immediately. I am not sure where to look though, this city is unfamiliar to me."

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