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Most annoying monster?

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Gorgons with Stone take the cake, really. You can't attack them without being countered unless you OHKO them, which is pretty much impossible unless you pull out those precious braves or S rank weapons, or get a lucky crit in. And for a status condition that pretty much means instant death unless your dude has ridiculously high HP/Def/Res or is cured before any enemy gets a chance to attack your stoned dude, it's also ridiculously accurate. As a result, the lagdov ruins annoy me to no end since they spam Gorgons like mad.

Edited by Raymond
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When you face them, Dracozombies just suck. Totally ignoring def and res, THAT'S SO NOT COOL MAN.

The rest of the time I'd have to say Gargoyles and Deathgoyles. The rest of the dudes either don't show up much, and sure, they're annoying, but Gargoyles and Deathgoyles are there from chapter 11, always happy to be a pain in the neck. Second place goes to Baels and Elder Baels because the sharp claws hit pretty hard and the poison claws hit weaker but have a lasting effect.

Revenants are the awesomest though because of longevity and persistence. They never give up and as far as I'm concerned that deserves points.

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Gorgons, for reasons already mentioned and also for 40ATK targeting resistance. Honourable mention to the ridiculously fast Gwyllgis, but there are only about 2 in the whole game, so they're manageable.

( If I could change the monster chapters around, they would have more Mauthe Doogs and Gwyllgis. And Cyclops. And Gorgons, except they'd have monster versions of Luna and Nosferatu so they could be even MORE annoying. Wights and Deathgoyles suck, same for Revenants. It's like they were trying to come up with an enemy even less threatening than Soldiers. )

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Gargoyles and Deathgoyles for me. I found a way to slaughter Gorgans so I'm okay there, but the fliers piss me off because they're like wyvern riders! They can catch up to your weaker characters if they're trying to escape, and they will stab them to death like it's a horror movie! I tend to keep any and all archers and ranged tanks around on maps where these bastards show up because I hate losing my weaker characters over a lucky javelin crit toss :facepalm:

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Gorgon stoners.

I dunno, none of the others are really annoying. Dracozombies show up in such low quantities as to not matter, and what else really threatens?

Deathgoyles, maybe, just for the annoyance of them hitting your squishies?

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makes me think of a hack I made once, in which all playable characters were monster classes.

Eirika and Ephraim were revenants and Seth was a cyclops. stopped the hack after about chapter 6 though, I got bored.

for best monster I'd go for any monster using human weapons, I always walk into horseslayers/swordreavers/killer weapons and get killed over nothing~

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for best monster I'd go for any monster using human weapons, I always walk into horseslayers/swordreavers/killer weapons and get killed over nothing~

I lost Lute to a Centaur with a tomahawk that way XD

Kyle was trying to be a good support to her too ;_; :sob: XD

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I lost Lute to a Centaur with a tomahawk that way XD

Kyle was trying to be a good support to her too ;_; :sob: XD

aw, poor Lute :(

It just happens too many times, Joshua diving into a huge group of monsters, evading and killing every single enemy. But then just 1 centaur apparently has this swordslayer, and kills Joshua.

happens pretty much every PT~

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I'd say that the most annoying monster would be a Gorgon with Stone or an Arch Mogall. Cormag got killed by an Arch Mogall once. :angry:

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  • 1 month later...

That Deathgoyle in Ephraim's route. Tana died because of it. Baels, Elder and normal. Mountain climbing, blood sucking bundles of sticks. With crap loads of HP. Those eyes that can hit you from far away. Dracozombies would be annoying if they didn't submit and spread their legs for the special weapons.

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