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If a new Fire Emblem Game was created....


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Something I'd like to see back again is the world map play from FE:8. I always felt more free.I didn't like in Radiant Dawn how you were constantly switching between armies. It was okay in Parts I and II where you were either Micaiah's group(for part I) or Elincia's group(for Part II). But I didn't like how in Part III you would often switch between Micaiah's army and Ike's army. And Part IV was the epitome of this catastrophe, where every chapter you switched between armies! I like having one army the whole entire time, and not worrying about having different people to level up. Another thing from FE:7 and FE:8 I want to see back is the option to choose a story path. I believe that this implement gave the game more depth, giving more story to unfold. It also gained more re-playability. Being able to choose Hector's story and being able to choose Erika's or Ephraim's story was a good implement, and I want to see it back. Its been 2 years since our last Fire Emblem game. We want another!!!!

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World map, even if just to go back to shops. Creature Campaign, too. I don't care how flimsy the story excuse is.

I actually liked RD's setup, but it could have been handled better. I wouldn't mind a multiple viewpoint story.

I'll think of more later.

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BEXP, even if i't useless in some cases, it's helpful in others.

Support conversations a little bit more important (not like in RD).

Different Endings depending on supports!

I can't think of any others right now, so I'll try to remember any other option.

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A little bit in between FE9 and 10, a good support system (although not everyone supporting everyone), and unlike FE10, characters other than the Lords and some forced characters to get endings.

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BExp, Base, skills, support conversations, endings, different paths, str instead of con to counter the AS loss...

I don't really like the map idea, traveling the world just to visit that shop with the steel sword?

I actually liked the switching between teams though~

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This is pretty much the perennial question. Things I'd like:

  • Detailed Character based supports, that grow at rates something like the RD formula, ie partly by fielded in the same chapter, and partly by requiring actual interaction (healing/rescuing/chilling next to). Paired endings fold quite naturally in here as well.
  • Rankings. They made FE7 very enjoyable and ridiculously increased my desire for replay.
  • Symmetrical weapon selection. I was very impressed by this in Radiant Dawn, what with Wind Sword providing actually renewable 1-2 range for swords, and Greatlances and Poleaxes providing a counterpart to the Blades that swords have always had.
  • Dismounting and Capture. While I haven't yet played FE5, watching videos of it makes these elements seem interesting, and I wouldn't mind seeing them return.
  • Return of Con/Build for modifying weapon speed.

That's my short list, I'm sure there's tons of shit I forgot to include.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Branch Promotions (FE8)

Fire/Thunder/Wind (FE10)

Dark magic being available for a good amount of the game (FE8)

Dismount (FE3/FE4)

Knives (FE10)

Phantoms (FE8)

Wyverns/Dragons being effected by thunder as opposed to arrows (FE11)

Detailed supports (GBA games)

Skills (FE11)

Map (FE8)

Aum Staff (FE11)

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-Supports function battle-wise like FE10's (only one support allowed, similar affinities), though like everyone else I'd like the full detail supports again. Idea: Have some characters have detailed supports with specific others, though for everyone else has those one liners.

-FE6's weapon selection (outside legendaries of course), boost the acc by 10, get rid of the halberd, make a magic stat and give us magic swords, MAYBE bring in biorythmn if you give us items that can manage biorythmn as well. You got gold.

-Skills handled like FE10's, though patched up a bit. Don't make masteries just crits with a special effect, outside of skills like Rend, as the enemy is likely to be dead anyways. Rearrange the skill capacity (yes, nerf the paladins yet give wyverns great caps with a bigger skill capacity. Great thinking there). Finally, an idea so that you can't just rearrange skills at will with so much freedom. After you promote, whatever skills you have on you then are now locked to you while still taking capacity. Could even potentially deny you the mastery.

-I'd like some new map functions, as the ledges were a nice touch though somewhat abused. In fact, make units that can take advantage of this. How about diggers to make trenches, or give mages the ability to make a breakable wall that is finite with time as well (since IS is content with making mages suck statistical balls now, they might as well give them more to keep them useful and interesting).

-Make magic more varied in general. FEDS reintroduced us with the ice element and such, I think it could seperate itself entirely as just a weapon triangle in itself. Light, Dark, Fire, Thunder, Wind. How about adding Ice and Earth, then have it work like this. Fire is good on Earth and Ice, bad against Wind and and Light. Wind is good against Fire and Dark, bad against Thunder and Earth. Earth's good against Light and Wind, bad against Fire and Ice. Light's good against Dark and Fire, bad against Thunder and Ice. Not the best explanation of the idea, but it would certainly make magic far far more interesting, and perhaps vary up mages in general.

-Laguz return, though need massive reworking. Like the meter, the item and revert micro involved in managing them and the fact that their stats are great transformed and have huge skill capacity, hate how useless they are untransformed, their low leveling speed, their lack of a range option that doesn't suck (unless you're a dragon), and basically being shells of beorc units without the good part, along with royals making them fuckall useless to train up. No royals, make Formshift a skill avalable to all laguz, don't have their stats so polarized from one another, boost their stats a bit and have transformation work like wildheart with stats, give them 1.5 times slower leveling speed than beorc rather than 2 times slower, give ground bound laguz that aren't dragons a range option that doesn't suck (hawks and ravens can fly with canto, they have their fun), I would then enjoy using them more.

-Archers level faster as long as they aren't mounted archers, a great idea from FE5.

-GBA Con system, this Str bollocks is stupid. It also helped in managing how Rescue works, just needs more thought into it next time. For example, if pegasi can have low con so they can rescue drop humongous people to make up for their shitty combat (FE6's pegs), make wyvern riders Vaida huge (or bigger if they're using male mounts. Why do males have mounts with more rescue? If females are smaller for the most part, wouldn't they have more room, or are they purposefully given smaller mounts for no reason?), or start off like Heath so they aren't just superior pegasi. Can't rescue drop as easy, are srictly flying awesome combat that can be screwed possibly by fast archers, magic, and shit luck. Sounds fair, especially if we're bringing Canto back. Wyverns need a serious toning down. Con was also a nice way to manage some of the stronger units, though they would have to manage that better than they have been.

-That being said, wouldn't mind FE10's promotion system and 3rd tier returning, just better manage the stat caps of tier 2 and 3, perhaps even tier 1.

-Crossbows, nuff said.

-The Arena. I know it's abusable and all that, btu without ranks it's only destroying the game if you want it to. That, and perhaps give us a situation where it might beused, like FEDS's Port Warren. While the big guys run to the throne, the weaklings who joined the chapter automatically can use it to get to snuff. Just...Don't give us units so piss weak that even that couldn't save them. Units like Raddy.

-Fixed growths, and I mean actual fixed and not the weird method used in FE9. Make it option like FE9 though, because sometimes the RNG just makes things irritating.

-An end boss that's hard. Like FE3's Medius if you didn't have the Again Staff and couldn't crit him so easily.

-Ballisticians. They were a nice touch.

Do Not Wants

-The forge. That stupid thing, it seems to wreck any game it exists in, especially FEDS where it basically broke it all with forging slayer weapons and lolWing Spear

-BEXP, really because it's just stupid. If you're going to have a reward for beating a chapter under certain circumstances, give us a tangible prize, like a slayer weapon, or a gaiden.

-Warp. Yeah, even FE6's Warp pushes it. I like how FE10 made you have to use Rescue creatively instead. I think that works better, as it means your staffers can't just hide back and hax away, they'll actually have to use those things called legs.

-Class Swap. It only worked in FEDS because some units just sucked in their own class, but helped keep characters to how they were in the original, as it WAS a remake. Any other one is basically purposefully making units bad and making them have to swap to become something else just to be usable (which is different from useful).

-Units like Sophia and Lyre. Some jokes aren't funny. Wasting character space with them is just being lazy.

Edited by Master Tang
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Halberd is great. Almost as great as a Horseslayer.

Axes having 2 slayer weapons compared to more often enough lance's 1 and sword's 1 or even 0 slayers, then most of the time their slayer weapon usually is to their advantage due to the weapon triangle boosting hte acc, and even the damage.

That is, unless the triangle is wiped out completely, which I wouldn't mind too much.

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Halberd is great. Almost as great as a Horseslayer.

I hate how in many of the games the sword and lance slayer type weapons (like horseslayer, armorslayer) tend to have awesome hit. Like, iron level or higher. And then the axe special weapons are sitting there with 55 and 45 hit in fe6. Honestly? -10 and -20 relative to Iron when Armorslayer has the same hit as an iron sword and Horseslayer has 5 more hit than an iron lance? What the heck?

Hammer vs. lances has 55 hit. Armorslayer vs. lances has 75 hit. When WTD still results in 20 more hit than WTA, you know there are problems. Halberd at least has 65 hit vs. lances compared to horseslayer's 75 hit. But then I.S. decides that it is a good idea to make nearly all axe mains have bad skill. Oh joy. Level 15 Dieck has 16 skill for 32 + 75 = 107 hit with an armorslayer against a lance wielding armor. Level 20/14 Lot has 18 skill for 36 + 55 = 91 hit with a hammer against a lance wielding armor. Why? That's an 18 level + promotion difference and yet look at the difference in hit. 18 levels + promotion and he still has 16 less hit than Dieck. (Oh, luck gives level 15 Dieck 4 more hit and 20/14 Lot 5 more hit, so 15 less hit than Dieck.)

Hammer should have at least 15 more hit and Halberd should have at least 10 more hit. Or boost the axe wielders' skill and luck. Or a combination of both.

I'll put it this way: if you could have enough armorslayers early to not care about wasting uses, Dieck would be better using an armorslayer on random enemies than using a steel sword. It has 15 more hit and the same mt. Dieck has 13 con so cares little about 11 wt vs. 10 wt. Even Rutger at times (once he's fast enough) is better off with the armorslayer. And it is arguable against an iron blade because it has 1 less mt but 20 more hit. But Lot wants to be as far away from the halberd or hammer as possible when fighting things that aren't vulnerable to it.

the point is even stronger for horseslayer vs. steel lance. Horseslayer has 11 mt and 75 hit and 13 wt. Steel Lance has 10 mt and 55 hit and 13 wt. It is stronger, it has more hit, and you are just as fast either way. In fact, aside from Silver and the Maltet, it has the most mt of any lance. Aside from Maltet and Slim Lance, it has the best hit of all lances. It ties Killer Lance and Axereaver for 3rd best hit overall. Even without the effective damage on horseslayer, horseslayer is one of the best lances in the game, at least for high-con units. That 13 wt is kinda bad for Alan and Lance. Even Percival against the faster enemies. But it is at least way better than a steel lance. Halberd has less mt and only slightly more hit than a steel axe, and the same wt. Hammer has far less mt and slightly less hit than a steel axe. Steel Axe > Hammer against non-armors in every possible way. Special weapons for axes got shafted in fe6, even if they got 2. If anything, these things need to be better.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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FE9 (poss FE10) style Forges

FE9 Supports

Foot archers gaining more XP

Greatlances, Poleaxes and Steel+Silver Longbows

An Aum staff

When a unit bites it their equipment goes to convoy

FE9 Skills

Wyverns that die against bows

Con determines how well you can hold a heavy weapon, not Str.

And an option for fixed growths.

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I would also like to see Support Conversations back, and I think the generation thing would be a cool feature. Now how about some NEW ideas that AREN'T in the FE games already. Something that I'd like to see is being able to create your own character. Like not his/her name, but how he/she looked, or what weapon they used. I could go into a complete discussion about that, but I wont, for you guy's sake. Something else that I would like to see is like an Alternate reality story. Like what if you could play as a new general in the Daein army on the brink of the Daein-Crimean war and work your way up to (possibly) one of the Four Riders? Or be able to choose either the path of good or evil(does anyone remember the Shadow the Hedgehog game?).

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More balanced weapons please. No wind edges having 3 less mt,less uses,and Iirc less hit than Hand axes,with hand axes being the forgeable weapon >_>

It was to balance Mia out I swear.

I disagree with removing reclass. I don't know why, but it had the potential to balance units out. There just needs to be tweaking (seriously, two Axe classes in Class B? Come on here...). Not to mention some of them have *facepalm* base stats.

It had potential, it just felt wonky to some extent.

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It was to balance Mia out I swear.

Speaking of which,they nerfed Killers, Wo Daos, and the SM critical boost as well,heck, even Fire affinity was hit with the nerfstick. Imagine what could have been.

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-FE9 skills.

-FE10 supports, but key supports should unlock base conversations like Mist/Boyd.

-FE9/10 base and preparation style. I hate having to visit armouries mid-battle, or not being able to buy weapons in certain battles.

-Abilities that affect all units on the field, like CO Powers from AW. One use per battle, effects could include 100% accuracy or +2 move or not taking counter-attacks for a turn. Perhaps it could be combined with Authority Stars and being able to select a commander, with different commanders having fewer stars but better powers?


-Stat caps that are high enough that characters typically won't reach them. Low stat caps remove the possibility of RNG-blessage but preserve the possibility of RNG-screwage.

-Higher enemy stat variation. The difference between 23 and 25 SPD should not be 'doubling a few things' and 'doubling everything'.

-Improve Sages. The concept of magic users is great - units with powerful offense and range who are physically frail. It gets rubbished slightly when they don't have powerful offense.

-FE9 Forging.

-Do not try 3D stuff or voice acting please.

-FE9/10 Canto.

I agree with Colonel M that reclassing was wonky, with the growth variations are so small in the class sets and the base stats for certain classes are so strong (*cough*General*cough*). And Dark Mage generally being worthless unless you're Cord, and even then not very good.

Edited by Anouleth
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Oh yeah, if it ever has FE10 gameplay...make Knights what they are supposed to be, slowpokes, like in the rest of them, NOT mighty tanks with over 20 Spd and ridiculous Res...

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-RD's support system.

-Wyverns weak to Thunder magic/Wyvernslayers (not bows/wind magic).

-FE9/10 style Base/Shop.

-Can forge >1 weapon per chapter (+ the Coin bonus thing)


-FE10 Mastery Skills.

-Str determines how well you can hold a heavy weapon, not Con.

-Sword/Lance/Axereaver weapons available.

-Thieves having a 100% chance of picking up items.

That's it, although if I think of anything else I'll edit it in later...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Speaking of which,they nerfed Killers, Wo Daos, and the SM critical boost as well,heck, even Fire affinity was hit with the nerfstick. Imagine what could have been.

I'm still drooling about Mia with Wrath in fe9 with purchasable killers and GBA affinities. Fire x Fire A is pretty awesome on the GBA and fire x light isn't half bad for a B, either. Mia with Rhys and Ilyana would be one of the greatest. I've thought about it before, trust me.

Then in fe10 you could have +40 crit wo dao making Mia not so bad in 3-P. The weapons are still weak when you consider in fe10 nearly everyone can use steel blades and stuff like that while taking no AS loss and Adept makes 4HKOing with killers inferior to 3HKOing with steel blades or forges. But at least wo dao wouldn't have been bad.

But then again, given how on things like warriors and halbs she is top 3 in 3-P and 3-1 already just with a steel sword, I suppose making the wo dao better would be overkill anyway. Probably better the way it is (20 crit) than the way it was (40 crit). (Oh, and wo dao in GBA had the same mt as steel sword. Now it has 2 less.)

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I'm still drooling about Mia with Wrath in fe9 with purchasable killers and GBA affinities. Fire x Fire A is pretty awesome on the GBA and fire x light isn't half bad for a B, either. Mia with Rhys and Ilyana would be one of the greatest. I've thought about it before, trust me.

Then in fe10 you could have +40 crit wo dao making Mia not so bad in 3-P. The weapons are still weak when you consider in fe10 nearly everyone can use steel blades and stuff like that while taking no AS loss and Adept makes 4HKOing with killers inferior to 3HKOing with steel blades or forges. But at least wo dao wouldn't have been bad.

But then again, given how on things like warriors and halbs she is top 3 in 3-P and 3-1 already just with a steel sword, I suppose making the wo dao better would be overkill anyway. Probably better the way it is (20 crit) than the way it was (40 crit). (Oh, and wo dao in GBA had the same mt as steel sword. Now it has 2 less.)

As have I, 25 more Crt, 20 more Avoid, 1 more Mt and buyable killers would make her ridiculous in PoR, and 25 extra critical in 3-p and more Avoid/crit from supports in RD.

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As have I, 25 more Crt, 20 more Avoid, 1 more Mt and buyable killers would make her ridiculous in PoR, and 25 extra critical in 3-p and more Avoid/crit from supports in RD.

Well, fe10 can mostly be left alone. Don't really mind what she has there. Besides, Earth and Heaven would have to either become new unknown affinities or would default to one of the 7 GBA affinities.

Mia would not be getting 2 mt, 8 hit, 8 crit, 30 avo from a fire x earth support. Well, they could just add something to earth like one of +2.5 hit/crit/cev or +.5 mt/def.

Heaven would have to drop from +9 hit to +7.5 hit so they can give it something else. Or it could rise to +10 hit and give nothing else.

And why 25 extra crit? Swordmaster goes from +10 to +15? That would make the jump to Trueblade kinda small. Oh well. Besides, if you gave her an 8 mt, 75 hit, 40 crit Wo Dao straight out of fe6 then I think she'd be a little too good in 3-P and 3-1 offensively. Poor warriors getting 4HKOd by an insane amount of crit. It's too much. I don't really mind how she is in fe10. I think it's fine.

Zihark and Mia would have loved purchaseable killers and +crit from supports in fe9, though. And Earth would have needed two additions in fe9 given it only gave +5 avo. Imagine giving +mt and +crit to Earth. And water becomes ice, probably.

+.5 mt, +2.5 crit, +5 avo

+.5 def, +2.5 hit, +2.5 avo, +2.5 cev

A Brom x Zihark (they round down in fe9)

+1 mt, +1 def, +7 crit, +7 hit, +22 avo, +7 cev.

There is almost no synergy going on here, but that's a ton of avo. And Ilyana gives light.

+.5 mt, +.5 def, +2.5 hit, +2.5 crit.

Zihark with A Brom and B Ilyana

+3 mt, +2 def, +12 hit, +17 crit, +32 avo, +7 cev.

Compared to what Mia gets with A Rhys, B Ilyana

+5 mt, +1 def, +25 hit, +25 crit, +20 avo.

Zihark has some advantages, but Mia still cancels his str lead and is still better with the silver blade in terms of reliable hit and she still has an additional 8 crit to more than make up for any skill difference. But he has +12 avo and +7 cev to more than counteract any luck lead she may have, and she doesn't have much of a luck lead in fe9 to begin with. But, on the other hand, it makes her good enough to stop people from whining about how much better Zihark's avo is and lets them look more at their early game and Mia's crit lead. 12 avo (that happens later than Mia reaches AB) lead compared to the +crit lead and +hit lead should make people care a little less about the avo. It's no longer a 25 avo lead, at least.

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