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Lord of Azure Flame Character Art

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Oh dear. . .I'm gonna file this under "you'll have to find me and tie me to a chair to make me watch this"

(did this with Space Balls, too)

That can well be arranged, 'Clipsey dearest~ Allow me to make a game of it~

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right to left

top row: your dumbass artist, HELIOS DO THE WINDY THING, Kiev confuses Amari greatly with his tales of heroism

second row: THE CLASSIEST GIGAS, shenanigans, Charlotte and Lev and drunkshipping

third row (man there aren't even rows): Mana is so unbelievably high guys, Fake Morgan's hips do lie, CHARLOTTE RAEG

bottom: Viveka, Kelas, and the face-kicking incident, Drunk Morgan.

And then even more stupid shit about me being silly









Edited by Kiryn
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it was apparently crossover day in the land of artstream yesterday

[spoiler=THIS IS STUPID]2qv4ghl.jpg

left to right: Kiev <3 the companion cube, Kelas demonstrates why we don't do Portal crossovers with characters who would be freaked out by technology, Kiryn is a terrible test subject because all she does is jump up and down

next row: Namid is a rock, Tas tries to motivate Tristan, THIS IS WHY WE DON'T PUT PEGASI IN PORTAL LOOPS

also this is why we don't put Tas in heavy armor

there was a bit more but to be honest now that it's not 4AM it kind of horrifies me so I'm not sure whether I'm going to unleash it to the internet or not

maybe some of it

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Hahah these are always my favorite parts of the streams. Seeing whacked out ideas we randomly come up with put on ... ... well onscreen I guess :lol:

Keep this up and Kiev will end up as a celebrity (speaking of which I should probably get back to his shenanigans in the rp)

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[spoiler=Alt Mana fullbody]lord_of_azure_flame__mana_2_by_chaosrampantkiryn-d4bjsv9.png


Shenanigans: Damian has taught Morgan to make cake; the channel is a bizarre facet of spacetime, members of the channel:

  • Whistler is the pair of glowing eyes in a dark room
  • Kiryn only interacts with scorri by being poked by her
  • Cynthia is the unicorn from Robot Unicorn attack
  • Sage... sages
  • SN1K3 1S TH1S YOU
  • Merc is sitting on something
  • Phoenix perches on Utsuho
  • Ether and Bal do science
  • Psych is a football
  • I don't even know what Script is


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