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Lord of Azure Flame: Character Relations Chart

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Lacuna, you may want to consider only updating the list at the end of every chapter, or ever 5 pages if you want to keep it so accurate. Changing it every few seconds is only a waste of time. Since unfixed-relations (Fixed relations would be siblings lovers etc) are probably going to change once or twice per chapter.

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Conrad the Crimson axe guy will probably need to be on there eventually. Also, I'd say Chase has strong distaste towards Helios and is trying to understand Morgan so far, and sort of looks up to Kelas.

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Updated. And made bigger. Again.

You'll notice the absence of various elements, including Reika. I haven't deleted her, nor have I deleted the missing connections; they're simply invisible for the moment because they seem to have fallen out of the spotlight. If they become important again, I'll bring them back.

I've added supports where relevant and a couple of other connections. Anything I've added is pretty much me calling it as I see it, so if you object, speak.

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The colors of Isotov's support lines should be purple, not orange.

Everything else seems reasonable. Though there is a stray arrowhead near Damian, probably from invisible Reika. The floating and apparently unattached "mutual loathing" is probably also related.

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If you guys ditch him, Eric's relations would pretty much be annoyed towards them.

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Global relations (i.e. dislikes/likes/whatever @ all the others) don't go on; specific, developed ones do. I expect Eric'll get a couple of those in short order, given the dysfunctionality of our group.

The sprites are there to accurately represent the unit's class, not what they look like in person.

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You'll notice the absence of various elements, including Reika. I haven't deleted her, nor have I deleted the missing connections; they're simply invisible for the moment because they seem to have fallen out of the spotlight. If they become important again, I'll bring them back.

Not that I mind, but when you say "invisible" you do mean she's temporarily removed right? Shouldn't she been under "missing" then?

Speaking of "Missing, You can just delete Sabla since she's not coming back, (She was only intended to be a filler character until I somehow forced Reika to join the group (never happened)

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