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Lord of Azure Flame: Character Relations Chart

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I've already said it's more like

Chase -> Morgan "Wants to understand"

Umm, I think Bal has it. I've been reading it recently as Morgan says something, and Chase nods his head and says yes/blows up at people not outright supporting it. That's just me, though.

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No, being someone's bitch is having them hold your life in their hands. Kind of like Eric and Lady Luck.

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Reika->Damian (Loathing)

Reika->Aiya (Hatred)

There's a few more, but they're the ones that stand out at the moment, I could probably add a few other things, but I think it's too early to actually write anything up for Reika other then her established hatred of Halton.

I'd have thought Reika'd at least get "suspicion" from Morgan though :/ Neutral hurts Cynthia :sob:

Reika->Morgan (Raving lunatic?)

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Suspicion, dislike, hatred, want's kill, anything's fine, just not a neutral XD

It's a blow to my reputation if everyone gets a dislike from Morgan, yet Reika doesn't XD

Overall, I'd assume the entire group is suspicious of her, I just figured it'd help to have someone represent that, opposed to having 8~12 suspicions directed her way. And I couldn't think of any better candidate then Morgan XD

Edited by Kanami
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Not everyone has a dislike from Morgan

Esphyr (complicated, dislike not the right word though)








She doesn't know Ketchup, Dani, or Alf well enough to have formed an impression. Everyone else is at some stage of dislike.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Not everyone has a dislike from Morgan

Esphyr: Only says plot relevant stuff now anyway

Damian: Understandable

Aiya: Paper thick personality nuff said

Irina: DaR+ Doesn't really interact with people

Tessa: Who could hate Tessa? XD

Arrin: Again doesn't really interact with Morgan, think TISME for his opinion was the first time.

Chase: Well you have a support going there

Cess: Lol XD Morgans first hug from the opposite gender?

She doesn't know Ketchup, Dani, or Alf well enough to have formed an impression. Everyone else is at some stage of dislike.

Edited by Kanami
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Alferis doesn't know many of the people, the only one really being Reika and that's merely neutral, with Alf trying to be a bit friendlier.

So yeah, until Alf gets a bit more development with the group, I'd leave him out for awhile.

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Irina - Feels Sympathy for

Tessa - Grateful towards

Morgan - Strong dislike/disbelief at how cold she is

Damian - Respects

Kelas - Feels Sympathy for

Danielle - Friends with

Charlotte - Loyal to ©

Reika - Dislikes, due to that knife incident

As for Dani..

Eric: Friends with

Chase: Annoyed at

Charlotte: Loyal to

Iso: Respect... sort of.

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Heinz has slight respect for Morgan and Kelas because they appear to have more sense then everyone else, and a little scorn for Chase. He hasn't interacted enough yet with any of them for any of his opinions to be solid though, it'll take awhile to make any definite impression and he's still mainly neutral on everyone despite the drinking incident. Only thing that might need to be put up soonish is dislike of Isotov, but that really depends on what/why/how gets set on fire.

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Update in progress again/still.

-Are there supports to add? (We should talk about that in Feedback more.)

-Adding: Cess, Alferis, Dani, Derek, Charlotte, Heinz ffffthat's a lot. Pary's not going on yet cos we've seen even less of him than the others.

-Unhiding Reika and Viveka.

-Probably forgetting something and will comment again on it soon.

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Eric/Charlotte C is actually official.

WRT other supports here are the ones I consider "in progress" but not there yet.




EDIT: Reika/Alferis are kind of moving there as well. Open to more possibilities here, but these jumped out at me.

Kelas/Arrin can be a C whenever it floats your boat IMO.

For various possible C--->B supports, Damian/Esphyr is probably the closest. There was the admission of love and all, which I would normally bump up a level for, but it felt a little...unnatural so IDK.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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