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Lord of Azure Flame: Character Relations Chart

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Do you not want my characters on there or something?

Pary's relations:

Hates Alf

Dislikes Dani

Works for Morgan

Friendly with Arrin

Friendly with Charlotte

Cess's relations:

Childhood friends with Rita


Friendly with Dani

Friendly rivals with Eric

Childhood friends with Cess

Edited by psychout50
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Psych: @Pary, the Alferis bit should be on there, and I'll add on the Morgan bit. The Charlotte bit also maybe. The Arrin bit... is not actually a fact, so yeah.

Rita's not on there because she hadn't been introduced last time I updated. Will update again, soon.

@Kai: Right, so... rivalry with Chase, and, what?

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Actually, none of my characters were on there. ;_;

Gotta work on Arrin support! Gogogo!

(Rita's been in for a chapter and a half, fought (But got killed early) the mages, and PVP'd Eric)

If Katie's on there, I move that Lev should be also.

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He doesnt really have rivalry with Chase. Well its not neutral, that i know for sure.

Concern for Tessa, Disinterest for Damian and Aiya. Interest in Reika. Thats about it..... :/

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Cess is on there, man. Pary's on the new edit, which I'll probably get up later today. (New, improved, EVEN BIGGER because we have SO MANY PEOPLE)

Debating about Lev.

I might actually take him and Katie and put them slightly outside the circle, attached to their most relevant connections. (Though Lev actually has a lot of those...)

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Isotov updates:

Katie: (Love interest: this is way beyond flirting now)

Arrin: (Likes)

Irina updates:

Lev: (Stuff >_>' )

Can't think of anything else at the moment.

Viveka updates:

Derek and Lev (some kind of connection at the least)

Tessa (Trust and a wee bit of reliance)

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-Is closer to Morgan than before

-Closer to Viveka as well

-'Dislike for' -> Reika should be a line now

-'Dislikes' -> conrad as well

Conrad should be added, with lines:

- 'Dislikes' -> Chase

- 'Commands' -> Viveka

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Not 'Pissed off' at Alex-chan'? For shame.

Anyways, uh, Derek gets a link to Viveka, for interest, at least. Not sure what else should be updated.

Edited by Snike
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As I was saying, the Chase Morgan line needs to be amended to 'one-sided crush'.

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Man we should lock them together in a room and watch them kill each other.

Somehow, I don't think that would happen.

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