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Skills Tier List!

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Hey guys,

I'm pretty new to these forums. I've been reading them for about a month but only made an account recently. Anyways, I've just been thinking that while character tier lists are pretty standard, it would be pretty cool to have a tier list for skills! So I decided to start one.

Skills will be ranked based on utility and availability (who comes with it, when the scroll is obtained, if at all). Additionally, Occult master skills will also take the corresponding unit class into consideration.













































Some skills such as Savior and Smite can have varying places on the list depending on how much you like to rescue or shove. Occult skills can also vary depending on class preference. For example, for those of you have used it, Cancel is a fairly useful skill, no less useful than Guard. However, because only the unpopular Janaff and Ulki can have the skill, it is limited in use, and Tibarn comes only in the last chapter and he has no real use for the skill anyway.

Skills such as Celerity, Insight, and Vigilance are exclusive to single units, and because of their limited availability are lower on the tier list than if they were a scroll for them. Shade is also available as a scroll on a hard mode, hence its higher position.

Edited by tormodpwns
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I have to disagree with Adept being so high. This isn't RD and you won't have 30% to 40% for half the game (resulting in 51% to 64% KO rates). Also, one of the ones that uses it (soren) is looking at 2HKOing nearly everything after a certain point in his existence. Until then, his skl is rather low and Adept is incredibly unreliable. Later on, if he's not doubling then he'll never get past 28% adept (max skl) and if he is doubling then it's kinda pointless. Zihark at least gets assistance from it but again, he's not getting much until chapter 21+ or something. At the very least, I'd think Canto > Adept.

Also, Luna may be too high. Again, this isn't RD. Cutting an enemy's def in half generally won't result in a OHKO and many of the potential users are quite strong and tend to 2HKO anyway so if they are doubling then it is irrelevant. Now, sol on the other hand has a skill% chance of healing a unit. A lot of the paladins 2HKO anyway so it's fine that damage isn't boosted. What's important is boosting durability for units without Earth supports. Like Mak, Astrid, Titania (probably). Also, Flare isn't so great either because all it does is cut an already low stat in half. Unless you are attacking magic units Flare won't do much at all. But since you can't count on Flare activating it's generally not wise to let units like soren and ilyana attack units with high res.

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I agree with Narga. Luna needs to drop. You aren't getting that much extra damage out of it unless you're facing a general, wyvern, or dragon - the only enemies which Luna would actually be useful against - and said enemies aren't exactly common. And as Narga said, most Luna users tend to kill enemies in 2 hits, and halving an enemy's defense isn't going to turn a 2HKO into a OHKO most of the time. And Colossus in upper mid... just seems really off to me. Boyd and Largo tend to kill enemies in 2 hits, and Colossus just seems like needless overkill.

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Isn't Wrath+Resolve better for killing Ashnard than Aether? Also, Aether is Ike only, Neph has a Wrath and Taur has Resolve which make them significantly better units. Not to mention that even with the Aether Ike route, Wrath and Resolve go other places (like Wrath on Mia).

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Isn't Wrath+Resolve better for killing Ashnard than Aether? Also, Aether is Ike only, Neph has a Wrath and Taur has Resolve which make them significantly better units. Not to mention that even with the Aether Ike route, Wrath and Resolve go other places (like Wrath on Mia).

I'd even go as far to say that Paragon giving us such an easier time with Astrid and making Geoffrey broken so quickly beats Aether. The only thing Aether really has going for it is that so many of the occult skills suck.

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EDIT: I'm an idiot, wrong Canto.

I didn't see your original post. Were you thinking Reyson's chanting? Actually, I kinda think that should be higher, since it is technically a skill.

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I didn't see your original post. Were you thinking Reyson's chanting? Actually, I kinda think that should be higher, since it is technically a skill.

I'm pretty sure RF was thinking about re-move for mounts, since it wasn't given a name in FE9 and Canto was the name given to what is Galdrar in FE10.

Yeah. Assisted by the fact that I'm simply more familiar with FE10 than FE9.

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I'm pretty sure RF was thinking about re-move for mounts, since it wasn't given a name in FE9 and Canto was the name given to what is Galdrar in FE10.

Right, I forgot that, too. I didn't think they called it "Canto" in fe9. I guess that's why a year ago I kept slipping sometimes by calling Reyson's chanting "Canto" when it is now called "Vigor". Whatever.

Anyway, I think re-move should be on the list, then, even if it isn't given a name. shove, too.

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Slippery slope, bro. You might as well consider rescuing a skill too. And flying.

Well, there is the argument that they are actual skills in fe10. Flying and rescuing aren't. On the other hand, I'd almost like to see rescuing on the list somewhere. Flight is a little harder for me to accept, though. At that point may as well put "8 move" and "9 move" on the list.

But the thing with the slippery slope is that you don't actually have to go all the way down it.

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I'd even go as far to say that Paragon giving us such an easier time with Astrid and making Geoffrey broken so quickly beats Aether. The only thing Aether really has going for it is that so many of the occult skills suck.

I have to say, if it wasn't for Paragon Astrid would be quite bad.

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I have to say, if it wasn't for Paragon Astrid would be quite bad.

Well, she wouldn't be great, that's for sure. It's pretty easy to raise her and the bexp doesn't even cost much. And having a bow for safe, indirect combat while getting to promotion helps, too, given her probable underleveledness. (yeah, I doubt that's a word). But without Paragon, it would take far too long or be too expensive with bexp. And trying to feed her at level 6 or something is bound to be much more difficult than level 10.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Slippery slope, bro. You might as well consider rescuing a skill too. And flying.

Not necessarily. I'm 90% sure mounted units in this game have 5 less base capacity than foot units. And what do you know? FE10 Canto takes 5 more capacity than Shove. Coincidence?

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moar liek:


Celerity (F U tormod)






Vigalance (ulki only, wryyyyy)








Upper Mid:







Blossom (it'd be around here if stupid Sothe didn't pig it)


Gamble (Situationally useful, which is more than what some shitballs skills have to say)

Lower Mid:

Nihil (It's not negative, but so few enemies have skills that...)

Boon (same)



Counter (Because it activates so infrequently it's barely a positive)


Corrosion (Because at least it doesn't suck at an opportunity cost)


Parity (hurts an inkling more than it helps, and it doesn't help at all)

Lethality (Just because if I give it to Volke, at least there was a PURPOSE to it. What do I gain by giving Marcia Stun when she ORKOs everything already? Nothing.)

The heap of shitballs skills I can't be assed to organize:








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Deadeye should be lower. There are only a handful of Occult scrolls and Snipers don't really miss anyway. Sleep is nice but overall I don't think it's a better skill than Lethality or Vigilance. Gamble should be dead last. It's never a good decision. It simultaneously doesn't increase your chance of landing a critical hit (0.5 * 2 = 1) and actually lowers your expected damage. Astra should be in the bottom tier as well. It does less damage than a critical and takes up nearly all of your skill capacity. It's certainly not better than Cancel, at least.

Reinforce is nice but it might be a bit overrated, and I think Resolve belongs right below Vantage. It's a great skill. Vantage itself might be the best skill in the game because it lends itself to such great combinations, like Vantage/Wrath, Vantage/Guard, and Vantage/Resolve. The first is great for Swordmasters with either the Killing Edge, Vague Katti, or a crit forge - critical before they even get a chance to hit you. The second is good for units with good skill and avoid but bad defense; I usually use it on Marcia. The third is a good idea for anyone.

Adept should be a little lower for the reasons that Narga already gave, but it's definitely one of the best skills in the game.

Edited by Sykil
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Why? It's not your thread, and you didn't tier everything anyway. Also, Celerity is not the top skill. Tormod-only = boo, and it doesn't cause him to be more useful than other skills cause other units to be. And Gamble doesn't belong that high.

Edited by Sykil
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Why? It's not your thread

Who cares who's thread it is? If you're going to propose changes to a list, you may as well go off an accurate one.

and you didn't tier everything anyway.

Yes I did.

Also, Celerity is not the top skill.

That depends on how you want to tier skills. On in-game usefulness, or how powerful the actual skill is. Because as a skill, Celerity would easily be the most useful one to have.

Edited by Cody Travers
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You admitted yourself that you didn't sort the lowest tier; mayhaps "tier" wasn't the right verb for me to use. And I think in either situation Celerity isn't best; Canto beats it in both respects.

And I don't begrudge you the ability to post your own list, but I don't see the sense in calling attention to yourself/threadjacking when some people don't respond to it. But that's all I've got to say on the matter.

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You admitted yourself that you didn't sort the lowest tier

Meaning what? The masteries that aren't Sol/Aether are pretty much equally useless.

but I don't see the sense in calling attention to yourself/threadjacking when some people don't respond to it.

Say whatever you want. It's a more accurate list than the OP. Bottom line.

But fine, Canto would>Celerity in that sense.

Edited by Cody Travers
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