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Lord of Azure ***** Chapter 4: The chapter in which no one dares to utter the F word


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"She may have useful informaion...or allow us to obtain more in the future. We are short enough on leads as it is, let's not throw away this opportunity."

"Besides, are you even qualified to make such decisions? I thought your entire purpose in life was to be that idiot's lapdog."

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Kamilla turned towards Chase, "Oh? I'm causing trouble? And who was the fool who openly admitted to being a wanted criminal?" She then paused and turned to Mark "And then there's the dog of the man who is hysterical enough to match my own "Shut up? Is that the only words in your deceased friends vocabulary?" she then paused and smiled at both of them, "Bloody thirsty brutes, still not content with the crimes you've committed today?" she spread her hands out beside her "Go ahead, a clean shot just for you, if you don't know why you shouldn't kill me, how about you kill me and find out?"

Figuring neither of them had the will to do anything she turned to Morgan, the consensus among the group seem to get moving, "I assume we're still going to charge recklessly towards the capitol despite what just happened?" she asked curiously

Edited by Nadesico
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"I would but like she said that is not in my place". Mark looked at Percy. He was struggling to get up. His axe has right within his grip. Mark kicked it away. "I will kill you all" Percy said. "To think a hero like you is so weak" Mark said. "It disgusts me". "YOU CANT TREAT ME LIKE THIS" Percy yelled out. "SOMEONE HELP ME"!

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"We must head to the capital, though charging recklessly is not what I had in mind. Perhaps we could...convince Lord Percy to speak on our behalf." Morgan said with a knowing look.

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OOC: He's not important right now. And I have plans for him

Chase glared at the girl. "Maybe he wouldn't. But what about me? My main goal is to stay alive. This is what I've determined is the best way of doing so for the time being. If you're going to try and turn me in..." Chase pulled out his wolf-fang dagger with his left hand, and pointed it at her neck, "I'm not beyond threats. You're not going anywhere."

Edited by Lightning
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"Nobody's needlessly killing anyone, regardless of however hysterical or unnecessary they might or mightn't be," Kelas stated, starting towards the center of the action.

"As for where we go, I'd suggest 'convincing' that ball of lard to help clear us. I reckon he's scared enough."

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Mark sighed. He didnt want the kid to experience the same nagging he just did. "Kid its best you just drop the weapon". "She is of no harm to us". "Besides I dont see anywhere else she can go after all this". Mark turned to Kamilla. "Please forgive me for accusing you, milady".

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"Of course she's of harm to us. She's going to run away at the first opportunity she gets, mark my words. I'm not going to let that happen. If she attempts to escape, she's going to get hurt," Chase replied harshly, moving closer to the girl with the dagger still pointed at her.

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"Alright Lord Percy." Damian and Aiya walked up to the grounded Hero,and he looked up at them in disgust.


"You are in no position to be making demands or threats,Lord Percy." Damian told the man bluntly.

"Now then,if you intend to return to the capitol as you have left it,it would be adviseable to clear our names.Permanently." Aiya continued for him,Percy's eyes becoming buggy as Aiya's hand moved to rest on the hilt of her Silver Sword.

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"Your accusation was justified, I suppose I should likewise apologize for my comments, it's not like you're to blame for you friends actions." she said ignoring the dagger pointed at her.

Kamilla then looked at the man blankly, and moved slightly forward until the dagger drew blood "Less barking, if you're going to do it hurry it up you lowly bandit."

OoC: Keep in mind, Percy doesn't have rank, I pressume you're appealing to his "hero" status, but I doubt he has the power to clear everyones name.

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"No use keeping the knife out until tries anything, though," Kelas observed. "Besides, half of everyone's got a weapon that they can summon at will. She's not mad enough yet to try anything, though I wouldn't count on her not going over the edge, what with being exposed to present company. Stop menacing her, lest she do something ridiculous." She put her hand over Chase's, starting to slowly force the knife away from Kamilla. "What's gotten into you, anyway, Chase? You weren't like this earlier. Are we all going a bit mad?"

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Mark slapped the knife out of Chases hand and caught it. He held it to Chase's neck. "You know people dont like it when they are held like this". He gave the archer back his knife. "You have to be ready to stab the person if you are going to keep your dagger out like that".

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"She's going to turn us in. I know it! I just- I..." Chase lowered the knife. "I don't have the heart to actually kill her! The only reason I killed that Wyvern Rider earlier is because I had to. He wouldn't have shown me any pity, so I couldn't afford to show him any. I don't wanna die like this! I don't wanna stay an outlaw forever!"

Mark smacked the knife out of hand and held it to his neck. He put the dagger back, and said "You're only proving my point, still. I doubt you care whether I live!"

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OOC: See the Edit, i didnt see Lacuna's post earlier

"Hey hey calm on a bit" Mark said to the kid. The kid was ready to break down any second. "I am sure if we get this Jackson person to join us, he will pardon you".

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Kamilla shrugged, then rubbed her injury, it was barely deep enough to warrant any attention, sure it had drawn blood, but there were soldiers lying on the floor nearby who had pretty much been stabbed to death. She saw Tessa looking at her as if to ask if she required healing, but she simply just shook her head. And sat down, leaning against a nearby tree, she figured it'd take awhile before the group decided to move on, and there seemed to be a few people trying to coerce Percy into cooperation.

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Chase walked over to Kamilla. "Hey... I'm sorry I was suck a jerk. I'm just really paranoid lately, and only concerned about myself. I guess if we're going to have to stick together for a while we might as well try to get along okay, right?"

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Kamilla looked at Chase and raised an eyebrow "I have no intentions of making friends with bandits, but do whatever you want, it doesn't bother me" she said clearly uninterested in Chase's apology or offer to get along.

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Still a bit discouraged from earlier, Chase sat down near a tree while some of the others were looking for Helios. He though about the recent events, which brought him to the thing he understood the least: magic. He asked Morgan, "How does magic even work, anyways? I don't get it. I've heard a lot of explanations, but they all seem to have something missing, as if they're incomplete. Is it manipulating energy? Summoning the forces you seek? Or is it something else entirely? I've tried it, but I just don't understand. What is it?"

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OOC: They found him

Mark snickered at the girl rejecting the archer. He was getting a little bored. He looked to see if there was anyone he could train with. Then he remembered the wyvern girl. When she attacked she didnt position her lance at the right angle. "Hey" he called the Wyvern girl. "Let me offer you some advise" he said as he picked up his lance. "Pick up your lance".

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"I've never actually ridden a horse..." Arrin replied, trailing off awkwardly, but luckily there was a distraction: Chase was threatening the girl from the inn. "He really doesn't need to be doing that--" Arrin began, but the conflict was quickly resolved. "...It looks like it's going to take them a while to decide what to do," he mused, looking over the defeated "hero" in distaste.

Kelas shifted anxiously: was everybody just about to digress again? Shouldn't they be moving again? That was what she really wasn't used to, she realized: staying in one place for any amount of time. She sighed, looking around.

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"It really depends on the variety of magic you're using. Practicioners of light magic are channeling a very small portion of divine power. Elder magic, sometimes referred to as dark magic, uses the direct power of nature. Anima magic subverts elder magic, twisting the natural forces into supposedly more convenient forms."

"I do not claim to be an expert on all things magical, I admittedly have very little experience with light or anima magic firsthand. Why are you so curious anyway? You seem to be able to use a bow well enough."

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OOC: Keep in mind that Irina is a mercenary trained by her uncle personally(ten+ years of training alongside 5+ years actual combat experience). The only things she wouldn't have totally perfected by now are: Total lance control during stress(mastered control during calmness), javelin tossing(prefers close combat), swords(doesn't use), and axes(doesn't use). In case of future sparring matches: If you don't have a weapon triangle advantage in a sparring match, prepare to be dominated. Some useful info for the rp as a whole :D

Irina looked over her shoulder and saw Helios with a lance in his hands.

Irina: You want to train before we go, don't you? Wouldn't you be better suited to a tome? ^_^

Iso: Careful, Irina. That's one of the other mages. The one that needs strangling ... I think <_<

Irina: You don't trust anyone, do you, Iso? Don't worry. It'll be alright. We're all on the same side here.

Iso: No we're not -_-

Kiev walked over to her, and she laid her killer lance across the saddle. She then took out her mercenary javelin and quickly replaced the bladed head with a smoothed iron flat head, meant for versus knight training. She twirled the lance around a few times, fast enough to splatter buzzards, and then held it low.

Irina: If you don't mind, I'm going to use this lance head. My uncle usually makes me spar with these. "If you can't break through a stone wall with an iron flathead, you can't pierce a real knight's armor with even the sharpest lance." That's what he says anyway. I typically just stab knights on their soft spots and save the bravado for later. Not that you're a knight or anything :/

Okay then ... advise away Irina-mug.gif

Iso: (I hope she accidentally knocks him out ... fun to watch ^_^ )

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