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Lord of Azure ***** Chapter 4: The chapter in which no one dares to utter the F word


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Got that already. I'm just going to keep that post updated for everyone because I'm a nice guy.

I'm taking a shot at Percy soon as I can, though.

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Which would naturally mean everyone else is dead, so...

Seeing an opportunity to strike, Chase knocked a second arrow and qimed at Percy!

Percy: Oh? The insane one again, hmmmm? Let's see what you've got, boy!

Chase: Well, at least I have a life... what a weird hero you are.

... Getting numbers, and reserving this spot

(3,5,6)(2,5,1)(1,6,1)(5,1,6)5,5,4,3,6,6,4,6... (Won't need most of these but whatever)

(3,5,6)Chase's arrow shot through the air at his target, striking him! The hero threw an axe as a return gesture, but missed!

Percy is at 26.

Edited by Lightning
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OOC: So, uh, Percy's all that's left? Pretty quick.

After a few minutes, the traveler spotted his sword. Running over to it, he picked up the weapon, and turned to the nearest wyvern. Unfortunately, at that moment, burst of wind magic killed the rider, and the soldier's axe went flying, its' blunt edge connecting with the travelers' head, knocking him out.

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Helios took out Hellsety seeming that this was one of the heroes.

Helios vs Percy

Percy: A puny mage against me. Die vermin

Helios: I would make you eat those words but seeming you are fat enough i wont

Percy: I am going to KILL YOU!

Helios attacks (4,5,5) Helios criticals for 12 damage ( :awesome: ) -1 hp for crimson weapon use

Percy: Your going to pay for that

Percy counterattacks: (1,6,2) Percy misses

Percy: 14hp

Helios 9hp

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Arrin reeled in the saddle, blood loss beginning to get to his head. He blinked, trying to get his bearings: the wyvern he'd attacked had fallen at someone else's hand. All right then...

Kelas saw that the wyvern attacking Arrin had fallen. She turned towards the only available target.

OOC: I'll be back after dinner... I assume this'll be over by then.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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OOC: Curse typing slow, when I started rolling, nobody was hurt, and I actually got to deal damage. This is retroactively applying 1 point to a dead wyvern somewhere, it doesn't actually matter, but it's an excuse to drive home the point to Tessa, that even though she thinks she can fight, there are much better things she should be doing.

Arrin now seated somewhat uncomfortably behind her, Tessa was surprised to see an angry wyvern flying right their way! Arrin engaged it from afar hitting it with a bolt from a tome radiating a fearsome energy. As the wyvern approached to deal retribution, Tessa did the best she could to fend off its attacks, and managed to land a blow. However it was only a scratch, and deeming all future attempts at such combat to be pure folly, she sheathed her sword and decided to concentrate on contributing in perhaps a more important way, providing backup.

A groan from behind her told her that despite her efforts Arrin had been struck in the exchange, and while he wasn't complaining, it was clear he was uncomfortable. Taking hold of her staff, she was trying to heal him, but the angles were all wrong to do it as she was used to. Deciding to improvise and see if it would work, she wrapped the reins around her hand, closed her eyes, simply held tight to the staff, clasped Arrin's thigh with her other hand, and prayed. A feeling of warmth flowed through her, starting from the staff, passing across her chest, and finally into the mage. (+5 HP)

The wyvern that had been plaguing them had fallen, and Tessa had lost track of who exactly had dealt the final blow, but that mattered not. Surveying the battlefield for places she could be of use, she saw once again that Morgan had been driven nearly to her knees, and started off in that direction. She only hoped the others could keep the fight away from her until she was able to arrive.

"Arrin, if we're followed, do your best to keep them off us!" she cried, and Trevor took off.

[spoiler=The combat]Tessa's first roll: [2,6,5]

Hit: 1 + 2 < 4 = Miss!

Generic Wyvern Rider Counter roll: [4,5,5]

Hit: 3 + 4 - 1 < 8 = Miss!

Percy Counter roll: [2,5,5]

Hit: 4 + 2 - 1 < 8 = Miss!

Tessa's Double roll: [4,3,3]

Hit: 1 + 4 > 4 = Hit!

Damage: 1 + 3 + 1 = 5 - 6 = 0, Crit = 1!

Edit for the grammar fails.

Edited by Balcerzak
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"Looks like this is it,Percy." Damian told the Hero, who looked astounded that he was losing,before charging him.

"This cannot be, I am the great Hero Percy!"

Both Damian and Aiya struck at him,being careful to not aim to kill the hero.In the man's panic,both of his swings missed their targets.

Combat Phase Start!

Damian(3,4,1)7 Hit - 6 Avo,hit!8 Mt - 6 Def,2 Damage!

Percy(1,5,1)5 hit - 8 Avo,miss!

Aiya(5,6,2)9 hit - 6 avo,Hit! 12 mt - 6 def,6 Damage!

Percy(1,4,6) 4 Hit - 6 Avo,miss!



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OOC: What about the WTD

"Your mine" said Mark as he took out his sword

Mark attacks: (2,6,3) Mark deals 5 damage

Percy counterattacks: (5-1,3,1) Percy hits for 5 damage

Mark 1/12hp

Percy 1/30hp

Helios saw the fatman trying to escape. "Its over" he said coldly

Helios attacks: (3,5,6) Helios deals 5 damage

Percy: NO. You cant do to me. I am one of the legendary heroes. Unhand me......gah.

Percy was defeated

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Helios looked at Percy. He wasnt quite dead. as much as he would like to kill him, he couldn't. "Tessa come over here and take care of this fatass". Then all of a sudden a splitting headache attacked him. Helios yelled out in pain. He clenched his head and then slumped over. Everything went black. "N...o..." he uttered before he blacked out

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Tessa had successfully maneuvered over to where Morgan was trying to staunch her wounds with a grimace on her face. Slowing Trevor to a walk, she came up along-side her, and quickly reached out with the staff. (+5 HP)

After the glow from the spell had faded, and the shaman's face had taken on a healthier color, Tessa called out to her, "Oy, Sis! You seem to have the worst luck in fighting."

"I told you already..." Morgan started back, but Tessa cut her off.

"Yeah, yeah, you don't believe in luck. Okay then. Fate seems to have it in for you, is it your destiny to be constantly wounded? However did you survive before I came along?"

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"Flemeth taught me a useful trick that allows me to retain consciousness even after I've been wounded seeverly, which has proven quite useful. Besides, most of the combat before I encountered the other wielders was merely practice that I could not die from anyway."

"But this is not really the time for reminiscing, I suggest we leave this area quickly, though what to do about Percy..."

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Mark looked back. Where is that brat. "Yo" he said as he approached Tessa and Morgan. "Did you happen to see Helios around here by any chance"?

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"Maybe you didn't, but I did. He's right there, lying on the ground for some reason," Chase said, and pointed to an area next to Percy.

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Before Kelas had properly taken aim, Percy had been defeated. Arrin had been healed... now, they should collect whatever they could find that was useful, and leave as soon as possible. Everyone was on their feet... wait, no, Helios was unconscious. Damnation. Well, that knight was dealing with it, it wasn't her problem... She trotted over to Arrin. "You all right?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said, voice still shaky. "What are we going to do about Percy?"

"Dunno. We can't very well kill him," Kelas reasoned. "Any suggestions?" she asked the group at large.

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"I suggest we get going out of here fast." piped up Esphyr. "If we kill him, we will really become criminals. That leaves one option if we want to clear our name that I can see."

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Kamilla raised an eyebrow, she couldn't believe what this group had just done, "I thinking what we've done already is enough to warrant us the status of criminal"

Looking over at the fat man again she sighed, "Even if you don't kill him, he's bound to hunt us down to the edge of the world with a vengeance now"

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"If we're damned, we're damned no matter what we do now. If we have a hope of salvation, then we screw it over by killing him. I think I would rather take my chances appealing to the head mage then running for the rest of my life."

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"Haha, right, you won't kill the man, but you have no qualms killing his men, face it, there's no chance of salvation" she said deciding she'd had enough, she closed her eyes and made up her mind. "So which way now?" she asked rather cheerfully.

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Tessa nodded at Morgan's words. She hadn't actually intended on a long discussion or anything, but thought some light conversation would help brighten the mood at bit. Turning back towards the battle to take things in, she was frankly astonished. Not only had the rest of the riders been downed, but it seemed as though Percy himself were dispatched, and at the mercy of the group. She was suddenly feeling small and a little useless. Just how strong is everyone else, that I could barely dent one, yet they've handled all of them, with relative ease even, she thought in awe.

No sooner had she finished this, then Helios's retainer had approached her, asking after his whereabouts. Tessa could only stare at the man dumbfounded. She wasn't sure how he'd managed to make it all the way over to her in the condition he was in. There were axe wounds covering his body, the most impressive being a long cut across his forehead streaming blood down his face, and a deep gash across his abdomen causing his shirt to bloom a deep vermillion.

"While it may be admirable to worry about others, take care to mind yourself as well!" she yelled at the man. "With your body like that..." she shook her head, realizing the lecture could wait, stopped talking, and simply healed the man.

"As for Helios, I have no idea, but..." she continued, but before she could finish Chase interjected with his whereabouts, and Mark quickly turned and left to tend to his master.

At this point the nomad had ridden over to them, clearly concerned for her brother's wellbeing. Once he reassured her that he was fine, she seemed satisfied, and posed the question of what to do next, ruling out killing the hero as the suicidal act it likely was. Esphyr chimed in with fleeing, making haste to reach the mages association, and try to plea their case there, and Tessa was inclined to agree.

Turning to her passenger she said, "Look like we'll be making a run for it. You did seem a bit ill at ease in the saddle, but since you're that woman's brother, I'm sure you're probably actually fine with horses. It must just have been riding while fighting that threw you off. Still, don't hesitate to hold on to me tightly if you need to; I won't break." Despite their somewhat grim situation, her voice held a bright and cheery tone, and would hopefully lighten the spirits of those who heard it.

Turning back to the group at large she chimed in, "If we're going to run for it, it's best we make haste. It's become obvious we're being hunted, and that they're not afraid to go all out. They likely assumed the hero would be more than enough, but if they learn that he's failed, it wouldn't surprise me to find them sending a full company of soldiers, with numbers enough to dwarf our own. We can no longer afford to dally."

Edit: Rephrased two sentences, to avoid word duplication which had crept in and was looking kind of poor.

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"Gah! Why the hell are we even bringing... what's-her-name along with us? She's going to end up causing more trouble then she's worth, and so far is just proving me right," Chase cursed, gesturing towards the "waitress". "I don't even get what we're still doing here. Let's get a move on, people, we're only wasting time sticking around. Unless anybody has a really good reason for dilly-dallying, let's go!"

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"Thank you" he said to the cleric. He went over looking for Helios. He was lying on the floor unconscious. Mark turned him over with his boot. There wasnt a single wound on him. "Whats going on" Mark said. He checked his pulse. Helios was breathing. He whistled Helios'd mare. The mares ears lit up at the command. Mark put Helios on the mare. He knew that he might fall but he wasnt carrying him. What happened to the kid. Something is not right. Mark heard the waiter girl. "I dont see the reason not to kill you now" Mark said. "You almost got us killed".

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