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Lord of Azure ***** Chapter 4: The chapter in which no one dares to utter the F word


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OOC: FOR GAWDS SAKE THIS IS MARK :angry::angry: Why the hell would i send a Mage to fight a wyvern? And how would he have a lance. I think this should be best done over Pm since i am not posting one line at at time

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Iso: My sister's alive, and I'm still alive. That's all that matters -_-

OOC: LMAO!!! Your freakouts are funny. It said mark when I checked, unless I missread it ... like that hasn't happened before <_<

Anyway, yeah, the pm works. Then we can make it as one post.

Edited by Phoenix
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"I've sorta been curious about it for a while, and I thought it might help to know what I'm dealing with if we have to fight other magic users. I tried using it once, but nothing really happened, so I ended up wondering how it worked. Thanks, though."

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Screw it

Kamilla yawned as she watched Mark and Irina prepare to kill eachother in the friendliest way possible. She couldn't understand what was so fun about fighting with steel, regardless of whether it was a practice or not, it still came with the risks of being fatally injured. She looked up at the sky which had started getting darker, dark clouds were coming in from the west. "Rain...." she muttered quietly, she didn't know what the others were thinking but she didn't want to be out here in the middle of nowhere when it started pouring...... Or maybe she did, she wasn't really sure anymore, they were all going to die sooner or later.

"Oh well" she stated before she stood up, and started walking off. Towards the capitol, if she remembered correctly, this path was connected to a small town nearby, and she didn't feel like waiting for everyone to finish convincing Percy.

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"So you think yourselves some sort of deities? Capable of simply willing me to clear your names because you so desire it? I spit upon you! Spit upon the stupid hope and notion you harbor! I will-"

"Not clear our names. If we kill you we'll just become the most hunted people in the world. Yea yea. I figured as much. Listen. I may not be able to kill you, but I know something that you don't." interrupted Esphyr, a wry smirk on her face. Suddenly, she spun about, sword in hand, bringing the blade up to Katie's throat. "Namely, what Harold will do to you if you willingly let harm come to his daughter!"

"What?! You... You wouldn't DARE-"

"Arsonist. Murderer. By your own label." said Esphyr. Meanwhile, Katie was in a outright panic as Esphyr's blade settled against her neck; cutting ever so slightly through the skin of her body and scraping against the scar where her father had silenced her forever.

"Such a bloody shame too. We were the ones trying to claim our innocence. You were the one not letting us speak and attacking us. Oh well. I guess I better not let you down!"

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"It only hurts a little," Isotov replied to Kelas' quesiton. "Proxima seems to dull my pain so that I can keep moving. It always seems to get what it wants." He looked grim.

Kelas grew nervous at the mention of the Crimson tome. "I can't imagine..." she trailed off, not wanting to talk much about magic at the moment. "Really, though, once we're out of danger you should get that healed up properly," she said, trying to redirect the subject.

"I'll be sure to look into that," Isotov conceded. "My typical injury aside, what brings you here? I'm not the only that had a lance for lunch this afternoon, not that the fact saddens me ... it doesn't," he muttered.

"Just keeping track of my brother. It took me long enough to find him, I'm not about to let him go get himself killed... I guess we've got something in common there. He's all right for now, though, so I'm just making sure everyone else is."

"Your brother?" Isotov mused, looking over to where Arrin was, and then back to Kelas. "I actually ... I've been avoiding my sister ... to protect her. I couldn't let her get killed because of a crimson weapon like mine. Heheh ... I can't believe I wasted ten years of my life just to have Ivanko toss me into the crimson barrel."

"Avoiding..." The idea didn't quite make sense, but she supposed he had his readons. "Nine years I believed my brother dead, along with the rest of my family. A year ago I was told that he was alive. Then I found him, and he's wrapped up in this business... I guess we've all got a long road ahead of us."

"A whole year searching for your brother? I wish I had your patience, Kelas. They usually 'call it' after a person has vanished for more than a month." He thought for a moment. He and Kelas were in very similar situations. The best chance to come out alive was to work together, and not just work together because they have to. He'd made up his mind. "I'm not happy with this group, but I'll be respectful, and courteous where I can. Maybe, by working together, we can all reach our goals. You and your brother, my sister and I. Maybe that is what's for the best?:

"That sounds like a good plan..." Kelas agreed. She looked over the group. Her eyes fell upon an alarming sight: Esphyr was threatening Katie at sword's edge. What was going on?!

"Oh gods, what are they doing?!" she hissed. "Right, I thought we were all trying not to get killed..." She fidgeted, wondering whether or not to go over... was it an act? ...Right, Esphyr had been defending Katie earlier, it had to be. "...Oh... well, I hope this act works, this could be our ticket out of here."

OOC: This doesn't need to be taken as a support. The next major conversation between Kelas and Isotov, however, will be.

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Iso: What the hell is she doing?! Grrr! Right ... she must be trying to get Percy to help us ... but ... still ... ... that's going a bit too far, isn't it? Urgh >_<

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Morgan gave Chase a slightly sympathetic look "Most magic requires a fair bit of natural talent. You can become an anima mage with enough practice or a priest with enough faith, but it requires a lot of training to even become mediocre without the gift."

Morgan looked over to Esphyr and Percy. She was impressed that finally someone was willing to use some threats and force. Pehaps Esphyr was beginning to take their mission seriously?

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"Alright! Alright! Fine!" said Percy, caving in at last. The prospect of what Harold, a man who thought little of silencing Katie, might do to him for such a large failure was not a pleasant one. "I'll talk to him and see what I can do."

"Not good enough." said Esphyr, a slightly manical tone in her voice. "I can feel the urge for arson coming on... You there, fire mage! It's a bit cold in here, no? Maybe a bit... unred too? I haven't killed anything in three minutes. I'm starting to feel a urge coming on!"

"FINE! STOP IT! I'll get your names cleared!"

"Awww... And here I was staring to like the name 'murderer Esphyr'. Oh well." she said, sounding slightly displeased as she pulled the sword away from Katie's throat.

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"Either she's a better actress than we thought, or she's gone mad," Kelas whispered as she watched Esphyr act the menace. At Percy's last exclamation, Kelas gave a sigh of relief. "Well, that makes things a sight easier," she said, as her shoulders relaxed: she hadn't even realized that they'd tensed up. "If he really follows through," she added darkly.

Arrin watched the whole scene nervously. "...Wow. Hopefully he actually does as he says," he said after the huge man had conceded. He turned to look to the others, and promptly slid halfway out of the saddle. "Whoa!"

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After she had tried to rally the group to make their escape, nobody had moved really. Chase, Mark, and that church girl got caught up in some argument, Damian was trying to threaten Percy into granting them clemency, and things just generally had slowed to a crawl. The group was disoriented, and goalless, and Tessa clearly did not have the aura of a leader, so it had remained such.

While she was waiting for somebody to take the reins of the situation, Arrin had shyly confessed complete inexperience with horses, but their conversation was halted when the bandit drew his knife and advanced on the woman. Tessa gasped a little, and started moving towards the pair, with Arrin also expressing dissatisfaction with his actions, but before they'd gotten close enough to intervene, the disturbance had ended as quick as it had begun. The former waitress had waved them away, indicating that she was unhurt, and there was once again nothing to do.

"...It looks like it's going to take them a while to decide what to do," Arrin softly mentioned from behind her.

"It certainly does, doesn't it?" Tessa replied. "If you don't mind, I think I'm just going to ride around a bit. Standing still is growing tiresome, don't you agree?"

"You're right, it can be a bit of a strain on the nerves," the mage agreed.

With that decided, they slowly rode Trevor around the area where the battle had taken place. So much had happened so quickly, and the landscape looked somewhat unfamiliar and oddly different from its appearance not fifteen minutes earlier when they'd been having lunch. As they were making their way around in a slow circle Tessa watched Kelas trot off over to the fire mage, and felt a keen sense of disappointment. One after another the group seemed to be finding it all too easy to forgive him his trespasses. Frowning, she would have almost missed the body had Trevor not stopped and snorted.

Following his cue, Tessa looked down at the ground. There was an extremely tall, slender man laying there. He wasn't dressed in the same uniform as the soldiers, but Tessa didn't really recognize him. She turned to Arrin and said, "Stay put for a second, I'll be right back," then jumped down from the saddle. Cautiously she poked the man with the butt of her staff. He groaned slightly, and began to rub the back of his head. So he's alive... but who is he? she wondered. She didn't wait around for him to stand up before returning to the saddle, where she would at least have a height advantage in dealing with him.

Unfortunately, climbing back onto Trevor had quite nearly upset Arrin, whose attention had been elsewhere, and he nearly toppled to the ground. Swiftly grabbing the mage by his collar, she hauled him back into proper upright position. Setting aside the matter of the stranger for the moment, she turned her attention to her passenger.

"Okay you," she told the mage, "You're going to be getting proper riding lessons from me at some point. Until then, I'm serious. You need to hold onto me at all times if I can't trust you not to fall out of the saddle like that. Using your knees would also be a start too."

Though Arrin couldn't see her face from his vantage point, the slightly cross expression made itself clear in the tone of her voice.

[[OOC: Snike, feel free to chime in now. Nobody else seemed to be interacting, so I had to try to stir something up here. Lacuna, I hope you don't mind the slight rearrangement in what went on, I think for the most part everything should still fit in rather well.]]

Edit: grammar fails

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OOC: Thanks. Better than getting ditched.

"Ugh... What just happened? I just picked up my sword, then everything went black... Of course," the traveler said, when he saw the axe on the ground. Then, he saw the corpses of the dragon riders, and Percy, dismounted, further off.

"Well, damn. You people took down a Hero."

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"I guess that's true for a lot of things, really," Chase told Morgan. "For example, I couldn't ever see Helios being any good at archery. It's not as easy as it looks. And it's just as difficult as magic, I think. I tried magic once, and all that happened was a little sparkle. Similarly, the first time I shot a bow and arrow, it missed my target completely. In that sense, I guess that makes fighting... exactly like everything else. You need some natural talent and you have to practice."

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Tessa looked down at the stranger, dim recollection starting to come back to her now that he'd stood up and she'd gotten a better look at him. Back in the first wave... he'd been with the outlaw, right, fighting a soldier?

Somewhat reassured of his non-hostility, she laughed lightly and said, "...the Hero? Yeah, I don't really know how that happened to be honest. I was too wrapped up in other business."

After a small pause she continued slightly guardedly, "Right, I saw you a little earlier too, didn't I? I never caught your name, nor your business?" Unconsciously she ran a quick check of his wounds, he didn't seem to be in too bad of shape, though he certainly would be feeling it tomorrow.

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OOC: For those of you who are too dense to realize He's dreaming

Helios found himself on the floor. People were running around screaming. Then he saw a man in a dark robe drain a women of her life force. Helios stood up. He would recognize this castle anywhere. "No, mother" Helios said. He ran to the throne room. 5 dark mages surrounded her. They were draining her. Helios enraged sent out a barrage of Hellsety destroying them. The mages countered and Helios fell. He knew he was going to die. No, not like this. In a split second, his mother grabbed her warp staff. "NO" Helios cried out. But it was too late. She chanted something and a circle appeared around him. He heard his mother speak for the last time. "Farewell, my son". "MOTHER" Helios yelled out. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". Helios woke up.

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OOC: Don't be a jerk about it. How are we supposed to know he was dreaming and not having a panic attack or something until the point where you said "Helios woke up"?

"Hey, weren't you guys looking for Helios or something? You do realize I just told you he's right there? See, he's sitting up now."

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Isotov turned to see Helios freak out! The wind mage seemed to have had a terrible dream of some kind!

Iso: :huh:

He wasn't sure what to make of Helios' plight, and decided to turn away, and stay quiet.

Iso: His problem ... -_-

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Helios got up. His shoulder was a little stiff. He tried to recount what had happened. Then he saw the fatman on the floor. "Oh yeah". "I beat him". Helios was still feeling a little groggy. "He went over to where everyone was. "So what are we going to do about him" he asked Damian

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With a nasty spit, Percy took one nasty look back at the group before, suddenly, his wyvern was airborn again. A moment later, he was gone.

"Whew." sighed Esphyr, dropping down and leaning upon her sword. "That... Was... I probably just got myself sentenced to death by hanging, but at least you people will have your names freed. Sorry for having to do that Katie. I needed a hostage he would listen to though."

That's okay. I enjoy being used and pushed around and treated as a free ticket to overthrow and userp national power and don't care one bit that you almost cut my head off in a gambit. You know; being treated like a human being is SO totally beneath me! Next I'll just go over and marry Daiman in a vie to cement international power. Never mind if I love him or anything. replied the mage, rolling her eyes sarcastically in mock joy.

"I said I was sorry! I don't exactly have much going for me! The only reason my head is even still on my shoulders still is... nevermind. I am sorry for threatening to kill you. Is there any way I can make it up to you? Shall I cook dinner? Wash your steed?"

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"We're forcing him to clear everyone of all charges. Except me because of previous charges. And I know you didn't ask me." Chase said to Helios, and smiled at the end. "Oh, and you had a panic attack a few seconds ago. Kinda weird, to be honest. Ah well."

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"I did" he said holding his head. "I dont remember doing anything unusual". He was confused. "So we should head to the capital by now". "I would say it will take us about half a day to get there". "It seems to be getting kind of late too". "Should we go to the capital or set up camp"?

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