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Lord of Azure ***** Chapter 4: The chapter in which no one dares to utter the F word


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OOC: Continuing Mark and Irina's discussion and sparring match.

The others were preparing to leave, but Mark and Irina still had time for a quick match. Mark was going to make the most of it.

"Okay then" Mark said. "What would you do if i do this" he said as he jabbed him lance at Irina with the intent to kill.

On a gut reaction, Irina quickly dashed to Mark's right flank, and used her javelin to block his lance! She barely had time to block it!

Irina: :sweatdrop:

"I see" Mark said carefully. "Now you go".

Irina: (He's obvious trained to deal with other lancers. I better assume swift and merciless counters from him :ph34r: )

She stepped back and put her javelin back into its defensive position. She took a moment to carefully examine Mark, hoping to find a good opening. At first she couldn't find any viable openings that wouldn't expose her to a follow up. In the one second she spent thinking, she'd decided that her best bet was to launch a quick hit using only a little power, and then fall back to offense as quickly as possible!

With a slight posture change, she readied her lance and launched forward aiming for Mark's stomach intending to immediately fall back on contact!

Mark moved to the side. Irina obviously taken by surprise didnt expect him to move away. Mark then carefully aimed and jabbed at her neck. He stopped a couple inches away from her neck. "I was right" He said. "You dont attack with the intent to kill". "There is a reason i chose not to counter it". "In war soldiers are going to look for any possible way to kill you". "They are not going to focus on countering your attacks". "This time dont block it, dodge it" Mark said as he jabbed.

As the lance came in again, Irina immediately ducked under it and swung her javelin hard for his legs hoping to knock Mark off of his feet!

Mark with no time to think fell backwards. He extended his arm and landed on the floor. He spun and kicked the lance out of her hands.

Irina quickly hopped to her feet and leaped backwards! When she saw her lance on the ground, she wondered if she had time to retrieve it!

Irina: Uh ... :unsure:

"Get it" Mark said. Mark stood up. "Now i want you to attack me with all your strength". "That is all you lack". "Your position and angle are incredible". "Just like his". "Come on".

She took her javelin, and then took a big gulp. She considered him and everyone else an ally, and so attacking full force, even with her training head seemed risky. None the less, she readied herself, scanned him one last time, and then launched an all out frontal assault!

Mark didnt dodge this time. He blocked the blow with his lance. The blow was so strong that it send the lance flying out his hands. He narrowly dodged the lance. Mark was astonished that she made so much progress in so little time. "That was good" he said with a sigh. He picked up his lance. "We can stop now". "You seem a little tired".

Irina: Well ... it's just .... My uncle always told me to never hold back, not even against my allies. But I'm not so sure :unsure:

"And yet you still hold back". "Even thought that blow was great it can be better". "I can see it in your eyes". "There is a great lancer in there somewhere". Mark hoisted his lance. "Did your uncle teach you how to counter"?

Irina: Yeah, he did! Though ... I'm much quicker with my counters on foot. Kiev's flapping can sometimes throw off my vertical aim just a little bit :unsure:

"Yeah about that". "You cant keep your Wyvern with you all the time". "Sometimes you would need to dismount". "Since you know how to counter i wont hesitate". Mark attacked

Irina: Whoa! :blink:

She twisted herself around the lance as it came, and immediately swung for Mark's head!

Irina dodged and struck for Mark's head. The lance hit his forehead hard. Mark took a step back and held his forehead. He let it go and smiled. A bruise appeared on his forehead. "That is exactly what i am talking about" Mark said. "Dont hesitate to attack your enemies". "I observed you as you attacked that other wyvern. "You didnt strike with all your might". "Now you have to come at me with the intent to kill".

Irina: But I ... just landed a blow on you. What if I end up killing you? :(

"This" he said rubbing his bruise. "This is nothing to some of the wounds i faced". "You would have done that already if you could". "Attack". Mark was holding back but he felt as if he would have to be serious for this blow

Irina: Alright! Get ready then! No holding back >_<

She pulled back, and twirled her javelin into position! With one final exhalation, she pictured the enemies she would normally face, bandits harassing innocents, other wyvern riders, rival mercenaries, anything to get her blood boiling, then she launched forward and attacked!

Mark blocked again with his lance but the force was so strong the lance broke in two. She continued driving her lance in despite his broken lance. Mark knew he couldnt go soft on her if he wanted to live. In a split second he took out his sword and swung at Irina's lance making it fly above her head and landing behind her. Mark fell back an sighed. Irina looked rather stressed. "You look tired" Mark said.

She panted heavily after her javelin hit the ground and bent down slightly.

Irina: Y-yeah ... a little ... -_-

"You should rest a bit" Mark said. Poor thing. I seem to have stressed her out too much. "Shall i call your brother over"?

Irina: ... sure ^_^

She walked over to pick up her Javelin and then took off the flat head she'd been using.

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"I say we keep going for now," Kelas commented. "We may reach at least a small town. Camping here, with current resources, would not go well. And there's plenty of light yet." She indicated the grassland and general lack of trees or anything else that would make camping easier.

Arrin could only nod weakly when Tessa swore that he'd learn to ride a horse. Well, the thought of Tessa teaching him was less intimidating than the prospect of lessons with his sister... He shifted in the saddle, finding better balance.

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"What, so am I walking? I can't ride a horse for my life. I suppose it's just as well, though, since that means I can take shortcuts. If there's no chance of making it there by night, I know a place to stay."

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Helios and Mark mounted on their horses. While they were riding Helios noticed the bruise on Mark's face. "Where did you get that" Helios asked. Mark felt the bruise. "Just some training" He replied. "So your training yourself by getting bruises" Helios asked. "No just forget about it" Mark said impatiently. "The big question is what happened to you"? "Why were you out cold". "You didnt have any wounds". "I dont remember" Helios said. "I dont remember anything after i was arguing with Chase.

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Now that Percy was in retreat, Katie dug into the pockets of her dress; her fingers searching for the small and simple necklace she had crafted for Morgan. Finding it at last, she took it out. She gave a quick rub to the small cut on her neck where Esphyr's sword had cut into her flesh, then went to approach the druid. Atop the necklace, she had scrawled a quick note. This is for you; to show that I bear no ill intent towards you.

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Morgan saw Katie's note and walked over

"You know, it's very hypocritical of you to complain about being held hostage when you offered that up as a solution earlier. If using you as a hostage is necessary to avoid further conflcits, then it will be done. I applaud your use of force in this circumstance Esphyr, it was warranted and neccesary and you shoud feel no guilt."

She examined the necklace Katie gave her. It didn't appear to be magical, so it probably wasn't a trap. It was rather pretty...

"Thabk you for your gift. This does not remove all suspicion from you however." Morgan said as she put the necklace on.

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Katie smiled as Morgan put it on. Then, once it was around her neck, she reached forwards to touch the stone in the middle. Soft rays of gentle light, akin to the gentle light of a campfire, gently radiated forth from the small trinket.

"Mages gifts. Always more than meets the eye." remarked Esphyr snidely before quickly touching the stone again, deactivating the gentle glow. "She caught on to what I was doing fairly quickly. After all, I can't wield a sword this big with such precision as to just barely cut someone via luck. Thanks for the compliment though."

Katie gave a quick nod. I'm glad you like the gift. But, suspicion of what, may I ask?

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"You could be working for the church, or perhaps the Lord of Azure Flame. Not that you seem to be a demon, but many demons are not what they appear to be. Don't take it personally, I am suspicious of all of those who do not wield Crimson Weapons. Then again, you seem more interested in the mesh than the weapons, so that's a good sign."

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"Oi! We moving, then?" Kelas called, as everyone was still talking amongst themselves. "Is anyone unconscious, or what? Come on, then!" Restlessly she turned Amari in a circle, looking for anyone in need of assistance, then trotted over to pick up the packhorse's lead. It didn't look like anyone was out cold...

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Yes. I don't really care for the weapons. They have no meaning to me. After all, they were made out of crystallized hellfire and light magic, but only because the hero's had to break it off the Fire Emblem and figured that it was a waste to let such useful materials go to waste. The LoAF is safely sealed away so long as the emblem is intact. He can't harm us, or do anything too us. The mesh may have killed my apprentices though!

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"Uh, guys? We going? I agree with Kelas, we need to go. Go, as in move, travel, not stand around doing nothing like a bunch of tourists or something. Helllllloooo?"

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"... Oh, right," the traveler said. "Sorry, I'm still out of it. My name's Eric, and I'm just a traveler, looking for a friend. And you?"

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"Tessa," she answered the man, "We're looking for... Oh, wait, I wouldn't want Sis to scold me again. Well, I don't know what you have or haven't picked up on, but I'm just a healer without a home, tagging along with this group to pay back a debt. If you want to know more, you should probably ask either the tall lancer in red, or the white robed shaman. They're more or less our leaders, at this point." She gestured in their direction with her staff so the man knew where to go, and watched him head off to go talk to Damian.

Arrin had been staying very quiet, but had followed her request, and now wasn't in any danger of falling off. Tessa found herself wondering something.

"Are you... afraid of me?" she asked the mage. "You often seem to be sort of on edge around me. Did I do something wrong? But no, that doesn't quite make sense either..." she cocked her head and trailed off.

Things seemed to be gearing up towards the group moving onwards, so she urged Trevor forward. They could easily talk along the way.

[[OOC: Edit was to add the final lines.]]

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"Alright. People. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not trusting Percy to obey my command and clear our names. If he does, at least, I will be surprised. We have a choice now. We can head to the capitol and try to appeal to Harold, try to appeal to the arch-mage, or if we don't feel like committing potential suicide, head to a nearby town and see if we can get nightly lodgings. I don't know what towns are about here, but if Percy predictably betrays us, we'll be in the middle of the capitol of the most powerful nation in the world. However, I think we can make it still... I'm not sure, but they may only have peacetime guards, so we stand a chance. But it's your choice."

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Hearing all of Esphyr's suggestions, Iso and Irina turned to face each other.

Iso: How much longer can you travel?

Irina: As far as I need to. If I need another nap, I'll just let Kiev follow the others while I sleep ^_^

Iso: Hmm ... I still think stopping at the nearest town would be a good idea.

Irina: I don't know ... every time we stop somewhere, it ... it just goes up in flames, and I don't even have to include the fire at the last inn. Before you came along, a whole town burned down. I think that's what Percy was blaming us for :unsure:

Iso: I'll be careful ... perhaps everyone else will be as well -_-

Irina: Okay ... so our vote's for the nearest town?

He nodded in agreement, and then he leaned up against Kiev who looked at him curiously. He looked down at the wyvern in return.

Iso: What are you looking at? <_<

Kiev: :ph34r:

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"How many times do I gotta tell you,Helios?I'm no leader here,just another member of the group.Don't look to me for all of your decisions." Damian told Helios,rather annoyed at the constant spotlight from the wind mage.

"In any case,like Esphyr said,it's be pretty moronic to assume that Percy will stick to his word,so we should try to stay away from large concentrations of Elysimian Military,if you want my input."

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"Depends on who's the leader, really. If it's Harold, we're probably screwed, unless we can get... uh, Katie? Yeah, it's Katie, right, where was I? Oh yeah. If it's Harold we're probably screwed unless Katie can talk to him, and if it's General Jackson we also might have a shot if we can talk to him. But if it's anyone else, we need... wait for it... a plan."

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Kamilla returned with a slight smirk on her face, "Right, a plan, should have thought of that before when I asked all of you. Now we've assaulted one of the heroes killed Elysimman troops and we're considering making a plan now" she brushed off a few leaves which had stuck to her hair.

"If you're charging onward then except a long hard trip, on the other hand there's a town less then half an hour away, seems relatively quiet, and it's small enough not to have a city gate. Doubt they've heard of us as well, though that might change if Percy alerts the guards"

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I wish I could speak right now so that I could scream at you for even considering that. scribbled Katie.

"I think the way it works in Elyisima is that there is a king; but his ears are controlled by the two hero's." piped up Esphyr. "Even if I'm wrong, considering what Harold did to Katie... I'm afraid if I go to sleep, I will wake up to a thunderclap and Harold's sword slicing my voice out. I vote for a new town as well."

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OOC: I dont want two pages of filler :mellow:

"Marching to the capital is too risky" Mark said. "Some of us may be tired and it is getting late".

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