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Favorite Classes!


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(In order (Includes pre-promotions except for Reavers.(Only like Warriors/Reavers.)

Reavers. (Tbh I HATE axe only classes but two of my all time favorite Fire Emblem characters use axes so yeah... (Boyd (MY FAVORITE FE CHARACTER EVER!!!) and Ross btw.)

Marksmen. (Rolf is cool.)

Archsages. ( Tormod/Lugh in shorts. (I LOVE SHORTS!!!)

Assassins (MATTHEW!!!)

Mage Knights (Ewan and Lute.)

Peg. Knights (The gba ones only cuz the rest suck.)

Classes I hate (Random order.):


DracoKnights/Dragon Lord/Dragon Master/Wyvern Knights/Wyvern Lord




And thats me. (I'll probably think of some more later.)

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Generals kick @$$, especially when they are named Oswin and Gatrie. In Fire Emblem, the best offense is a good defense (because of counterattacking), and Generals have the best defense.

Second favorite class: Warrior. They are strong enough to fight in front, but are versatile due to hand axes and bows. The main reason I like Warriors is because of the Warrior Axe Critical from the GBA games.

Third favorite class: Sage. With Elfire and Thunder, it's like BAZAP! And, they can use healing staves if needed, so even the pre-promoted Sages can be very useful.

Least favorite class:

I don't like Swordmasters at all. I'm not saying they can't be good, I'm just saying that I don't like them.

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Love: Anything sword, lance, bow and magic.



Falcon Knight.






That's all... I think.


Classes that use axes. xP

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1. Anything on a horse that wields a sword and bow (Makalov and Astrid's PoR incarnations don't count). The amount of sexy guys in this class is really high, compared to the other classes.

2. Assassins.

3. Allied male cats (yep, only one! :))

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  • 3 weeks later...

Peg. Knights (The gba ones only cuz the rest suck.)

I can't help but disagree with the whole thing about the GBA pegasus knights being the only good ones. Mainly because FESD has Sheeda and the Win Spear :awesome: but because Catria was also pretty good.

Generals kick @$$, especially when they are named Oswin and Gatrie. In Fire Emblem, the best offense is a good defense (because of counterattacking), and Generals have the best defense.

Second favorite class: Warrior. They are strong enough to fight in front, but are versatile due to hand axes and bows. The main reason I like Warriors is because of the Warrior Axe Critical from the GBA games.

Third favorite class: Sage. With Elfire and Thunder, it's like BAZAP! And, they can use healing staves if needed, so even the pre-promoted Sages can be very useful.

Least favorite class:

I don't like Swordmasters at all. I'm not saying they can't be good, I'm just saying that I don't like them.

I respect your opinion, but I fail to see what's so great about a class with only two GOOD members (Oswin and RD Gatrie).

Warriors, IMO, suffered from the same thing that Generals did - a lack of really good units in the class, but to a lesser extent.

Sages...Agreed, but Elfire wasn't worth using in FE7 and FE8.

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Snipers, Heroes, Druids, Wyvern Lords, Nomadic Troopers (Not Rangers), Dancers/Bards/Herons

To a lesser extent, Generals, Valkryies, and Tigers.

My least favorites:

Rogues (FE8 and FE10), Beserkers (I never use them), Cats (FE9 Lethe is an exception)

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1. Pirates/Berserkers

2. Cavs (Not Pallies)

3. Mage/Sage

4. Lyn

5. PKs.

Least Faves:

1. Horsemen

2. Warrior

3. Bishop

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