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Sure, Nickt, don't take advice from someone who's only trying to help you and has been doing custom work for a lot longer.

Makes perfect sense.

FYI, he's right. Everything on the face should be moved up a bit to match where it is on Hector's, and just because the angle is SLIGHTLY off, doesn't make it a bad ref.

But, y'know, instead of turning this into a flame war over stubbornness, you do what you want.

Edited by seph1212
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Wait, what?

Who the hell said I'm trying to start a flame war?

You make it out like I was trying to be mean. :/

So, clearly, wtf?

Also, glenn's face is turned around more, plus it's angled slightly down, plus he's younger and less bulky than Hector.

Also, I will do what I want, I do this for a hobby, for it to be fun, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

I don't care if it's a slight bit wrong, I'm greatly impressed by what I've achieved today considering it's my first complete custom.

I'm going to do what entertains me, if you both don't like that, then take your comments elsewhere.

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I noticed it was wide when i first drew it, I was hoping by adding cheek bone shading and removing the ear it would remedy it a little, but it didn't work as well as I had hoped. I'll work on it in a sec with Canas or Ephy, thanks.

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Half finished Awoi.


I got distracted by the new release from Awoi, awesome band. *q*

Glenn, now a Wyv. Lord.



Soooo awesome....^_^ Awoi and the updates on the others. Hehe.

Do you custom some of your clothes?

Edited by Hatari
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Arc. (I had originally planned him to be a beserker or something, but I'm thinking of chucking some clothes on him, cause I suck at nudes, and I'm also going to redo his hair at some point.)





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I can go through and cnc it if you'd like, but I just want to make sure that I'm not spending my time pointlessly editing, outlining and writing paragraphs if it isn't going to be used.

To be direly honest, I think that with that final product, you'd be causing more harm than good, I know you're already pissy with me(for a reason I can hardly fathom), but I feel this is something that you have to hear, so I'm not going to step on egg shells and I'm just going to come out and say it.

That hair... might look good to you, but it isn't anything like what fire emblem hair should look like, even for a more ribboned and noodely style of fire emblem hair it has many technical flaws. I'm being extremely blunt here because I find it annoying to see these sorts of tutorials go out to people who don't know any better(i.e. Newbies), try not to take this personally as I'm not doing it to annoy you, as I said above I'd be happy to cnc it, as I'm sure many other people would be too, just give us the thumbs up/down so we know whether we'll be wasting our time or not.

I'll give you a brief outline of what I might go into if I do cnc it.

I think you should revise the hair shading and try to get it:

1) as technically flawless as possible

2) closer to fire emblem style, though if you would rather not do this then a small annotation conveying that it isn't quite the fire emblem style, would work fine.

3) palette revision, the contrasts seem a bit off to me, though this might just be the rough shading.

Finally, while I do admit that it is a massive improvement from what it was before, and I completely understand the time and effort put into this, I just think that the bit extra necessary to have it get past that stage would make it one of the most useful tutorials out, it just needs to get to that point first.

p.s. I hope you can understand that I'm not trolling, trying to be malicious, trying to put you down and act arrogant etc, this is just something I felt should be said and as I stated above I'm sure that the extra work in this tutorial will pay off very well.

p.p.s. Sprited Nickt's hair is improved, and it makes more sense, though I think that the amount of outline colour in the "rear" spikes is very dramatic for a non-black hair colour, maybe fill them with the darkest brown so as to not have them stick out so much like sore thumbs.

Edited by Vampire Elf
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Ugh, one second I like it, another second and I hate it, I don't even know anymore.

But it's just a touch up of this one.


Found that in my gallery on FEND, posted Feb 2009.

Considering the actual post was for the one on the left, and the one on the right was for reference, I'm assuming the one on the right was done way earlier, so it's like, a 2 year old sprite.

Figures I might as well touch it up. :/

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Look at his feet (the left guy). The main problem is they are too green, real feet are not that green. Secondarily they are a bit too thin for the body, I'd suggest at least trying to shade them differently. I'd suggest looking in a book about human anatomy because Fire Emblem characters are supposed to look exactly like real people as you can tell by them looking just like people in the games.

The only other minor things I see wrong are the ghost hands, they have a pink outline that real people don't normally have.


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