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Look at his feet (the left guy). The main problem is they are too green, real feet are not that green. Secondarily they are a bit too thin for the body, I'd suggest at least trying to shade them differently. I'd suggest looking in a book about human anatomy because Fire Emblem characters are supposed to look exactly like real people as you can tell by them looking just like people in the games.

The only other minor things I see wrong are the ghost hands, they have a pink outline that real people don't normally have.


Oh gosh darn it then. :c

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the 5th one is LOLwat.

I wanted to make a "change in the cast" joke here but maybe I should make a real comment instead.

Once again anyone who really tries is better at GBAs than I am. I like most of these though the hairstyles really stick out, pun not intended. Is hair gel anachronistic? :lol:

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Look at his feet (the left guy). The main problem is they are too green, real feet are not that green. Secondarily they are a bit too thin for the body, I'd suggest at least trying to shade them differently. I'd suggest looking in a book about human anatomy because Fire Emblem characters are supposed to look exactly like real people as you can tell by them looking just like people in the games.

The only other minor things I see wrong are the ghost hands, they have a pink outline that real people don't normally have.


I'd have to agree completely, magenta ghost hands are just something that can't be abode by in any serious spriting attempt.

Shading the feet is definitely a good order too.


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I'd have to agree completely, magenta ghost hands are just something that can't be abode by in any serious spriting attempt.

Shading the feet is definitely a good order too.


I dunno, I don't generally view it as trolling when I expect the person to get the joke.

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It seems you're just editing stuff for the sake of it, only reason I say this is that none of the technical flaws are fixed, If anything you added to them with the cheekbone :(

I have to agree with this; I like the first one better.

His mouth looks like it is on a different angle from the rest of him which makes it look awkward.

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Lol, you're pissed off at me?

Why, because I don't kiss up to you and listen to every single shit thing you say?

Fuck you. :D

Go be butthurt somewhere else. My gallery, I post MY stuff here, I post whatever I like in my gallery, I don't have to follow your crit, I don't have to go by your style, I don't even have to go by Fire Emblem style, I do things my way, you don't like that? Oh, I'm sorry, why don't you fuck off.

Sick of my bullshit, that's hilarious, are you retarded? -.-

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Y'know, Vamp, as much as I personally appreciate your critique, I gotta agree with Nickt here.

He didn't ask for your critique on the sprite when he posted it; heck, he didn't ask for anything.

So, getting mad at him for not accepting it, when he didn't ask for it, and obviously doesn't want it, is kinda silly, yeah?

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He doesn't have to use critique but if it is given he could at least say thanks or say it is appreciated but won't be used. No one is trying to force Nickt to change the sprites, just trying to help him improve them if he so chooses to.

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My style is not Vamp's.

I know my sprites are not correct to his standards, I couldn't care less about that fact though, my sprites are more unrealistic graphically, it's more of an anime style than a realistic one.

Also, Vamp knows I abhor his critic, the only reason he continues to even bother me with it is cause he's an up-himself obnoxious douche bag. So meh, I don't need to thank him for shit. n_n


Also, just to put it out there, majority of the time I'm left to finding my own errors, critiquing myself. For days, weeks, months. So I apologize if I don't just completely throw myself to the whim of a few spriters who I don't really deem anything more than strangers or people who are retards, I do things my way, like I've said.

Edited by 弐句戸™
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What I said was harsh, and I shoulda addressed it via IM or PM, not in your topic, it's probably the first thing I've done to you that I actually agree paints me as the arrogant jerk you think I am, the point I was trying to make, was that I don't understand how you(not just you either, there are other people who do it too) don't want to make their Sprites as flawless as possible, I understand some peoples motivations are to just have fun doing it, but iono, I guess it's just me, i like to be very good at the things I do.

However, I will defend myself on one thing, I critique in tha hopes that people might look at it, agree with some or all of it or they try to find something else to fix it(whether they do itt to how I or someone suggested(if that's what I did) or in their own way, I know editing flaws out of a sprite isn't always fun but the satisfaction when you look at somethin, post it and the response is unanimous praise IMO make up for the effort spent editing) I guess that's just how I feel and I know everyone doesn't feel that way, I just don't really understand it sometimes(this next example doesn't relate to you Nickt) I don't understand hen someone posts a sprite once, gets a fair bit of cnc and later complains that no one praised it... Anyway I'm rambling... Again I'll reiterate, previous comment probably not appropriate for public forum, I shouldn't have said it, AND I don't cnc to be arrogant, I do it to try and help people improve and in the hopes that people might return the favor so that I can in turn improve my Sprites...

TL:DR :-/ I wall o' text without meaning to :-/

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