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Quantum Mafia Signups

Fayt Zelpher

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Alright, this game of mini mafia is going to be completely different from anything that's ever been played before - nobody will know who is scum and who is town. In fact, you won't even know which one you are!!

This is a mini-mafia game for 11 people. I will allow up to 15 signups and randomly choose 11 out of that group.

There are two scum (an alpha scum and a beta scum), one seer (cop) and 8 townies.

Confused yet? Don't worry.

At the beginning of the game, I will randomly generate 200 role assignments. In some of them, you'll be scum. Sometimes, you'll be town, and occasionally, you'll be seer.

The rules:

At the beginning of each (day and night) phase, a probability chart will be created detailing the chance you are town, scum, and dead. You'll be identified by player number on the chart (Player 1, player 2, etc., which will be given to you in place of a role assignment). Revealing or claiming your player number in any manner is grounds for a modkill - so don't.

Day Phase: Standard rules apply - each phase, all people who have a non-zero chance of being dead (yes, you can be partially dead in this game) will vote to lynch one member (or no-lynch as well). At this time, based on the probability that the person is town or scum, one alignment will be chosen (randomly) and all games in which that player is not that alignment will cease to exist (that is, the quantum state of the game collapses and certain game states are eliminated). At the end of the day, the probability grid will be updated.

Night Phase: First, each person who has a nonzero chance of being scum sends in a kill order that night

In all games in which that person is the alpha scum, the target gets killed.

In all games in which that person is the beta scum AND the alpha scum is already dead, the target gets killed.

All games in which the alpha scum shoots the beta scum are eliminated, because scum is scum.

Otherwise, nothing happens.

Next, all players with a nonzero chance of being a seer can elect to receive one vision that night. After all requests for visions are received, visions will be randomly given out based on the conditional probability that that player is scum given that you are the seer. After that, all incompatible quantum states are eliminated and the probability grid is updated again.

I will be working with I Eat Tables in moderating this game.

Signups are now open. I intend for this to start soon after Spoon's Mini-Mafia round 4 winds down. My expected start date is two weeks from today - Friday, May 28, 2010.

All game phases will last at least 24 hours long. With that said, I will not be enforcing a hard deadline on the starting and stopping of phases. If there's no activity in the thread and there's already a majority to lynch, I won't force you guys to wait until the 24 hours has been reached. On the other hand, given the complexity of the game, I will allow 48 and even 72 hour phases if they are so desired.

People currently signed up to play:

General Spoon









Hikarusa (I don't think he's allowed to post, so yeah)

Sync the Tempest


Okay, so I'm pretty sure this game is going to be ready within the next day or so, but I'll postpone the start of the game until after corruption is finished.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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By the end, someone will be guaranteed Mafia, most likely. Also, when someone dies (completely dead, that is), their role is determined, so they might turn out to be a werewolf, or whatever. Which will make things more certain.

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Also, you showed me that link earlier. I was bringing it up again.

How does the partly dead percentages work? I assume that lynching causes 100% death, and that night kills with no 100% dominant wolf cause partial death in relation to the chance of being the dominant wolf. Are these partial death percentages additive?

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What is the reasoning behind not allowing us to claim our player number? I mean, there IS reasoning behind this, and its not just tacked on, right?

Well, I suppose that it might be okay, but at the same time, it defeats the purpose of trying to figure out who is who. PM'ing, however, is strictly forbidden because even two people collaborating can throw the whole thing off and ruin the balance of the game.

Also, you showed me that link earlier. I was bringing it up again.

How does the partly dead percentages work? I assume that lynching causes 100% death, and that night kills with no 100% dominant wolf cause partial death in relation to the chance of being the dominant wolf. Are these partial death percentages additive?

Lynching = 100% death. (Because that player gets lynched in every game, so that person is guaranteed dead as a result.)

Night kills cause partial death. Basically, the target dies in all the games in which the attacker is the highest ranked scum that's still alive. That person is still alive in the other games and is still allowed to vote because there is a chance that said player is alive. Note that every person with a non-zero chance of being alive gets to make a full vote, despite possibly having a 1% chance of being alive.

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This sounds confusing. If you're neither clearly mafia nor clearly town at any point, what are the conditions for winning? Just surviving?

Each day and each night phase, the number of games reduces down from the starting value of 200 (quantum state collapse). So after three days, you might have, say, an 85% chance of being scum, in which case you probably want to do what you can to help the scum faction win.

So, if it's more likely that you're actually scum than town, help the scum win. If it's more likely that you're town, help the town win.

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This game looks absolutely brilliant. But if you get lynched, you're 100% dead, correct?

EDIT: Oh yeah, Life.

Edited by Life
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